Last Gasp

Reeks / Strip Rang / Score
Pinokkio (Winshluss) 1 Pinokkio 54 / 8.78
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 1 De bom 394 / 8.48
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 2 De levende doden 749 / 8.30
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 3 Een nieuw bestaan 1001 / 8.33
Kuifje 4 De Blauwe Lotus 1887 / 7.69
Kuifje 3 De sigaren van de farao 2935 / 7.55
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 5 Oorlog zonder einde 4160 / 7.80
Kuifje 2 Kuifje in Amerika 11019 / 6.86
Kuifje 1 Kuifje in Congo 11631 / 6.73
Kuifje 0 De avonturen van Kuifje in de Sovjet-Unie 12153 / 6.49
Best Buy Comics 1 Best Buy Comics 10.00
Big Ass Comics 1 Big Ass Comics 10.00
Hitsige motorsnollen 1 2 kontjes op heet asfalt & andere avonturen 10.00
Despair 1 Plunge Into the Depths of Despair 9.00
Mystic Funnies 2 No.2 9.00
Barefoot Gen A3 Life After the Bomb 9.00
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 7 Tot stof vergaan 8.63
De kunst van Hergé, schepper van Kuifje 2 Schepper van Kuifje 2: 1937-1948 7.88
Hup 4 No. 4 7.40
Hup 3 No. 3 7.30
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 6 Niets dan de waarheid 7.20
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 8 Kooplui des doods 7.13
De droom van Cecile 1 De droom van Cecile 7.00
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 9 Grenzen doorbreken 6.50
Gen Barrevoets in Hiroshima 10 Nooit opgeven 6.33
Erotica (Bodé) 1 Erotica 5.00
Big Ass Comics 2 Big Ass Comics No.2
Fantagor 1 Number One
Fantagor 3 Volume three
Fantagor 4 Volume Four
The Further Fattening Adventures of Pudge, Girl Blimp 1 Issue #1
Good Girls INT 1 Goodnight, Irene
Grim Wit 1 Issue #1
Hup 1 No. 1
Hup 2 No. 2
It Aint Me Babe 1 It Aint Me Babe
The Lowbrow Art of Robert Williams 1 The Lowbrow Art of Robert Williams
My Troubles with Women 1 My Troubles with Women
Tales from the Leather Nun 1 Tales from the Leather Nun
Weirdo 1 Issue 1
Weirdo 2 Male Backlash Issue
Weirdo 3 There's No Hope
Weirdo 4 Issue 4
Weirdo 5 Unsung Heroes in the history of Humor
Weirdo 6 Are we not men? No! We are Toys in Babeland!
Weirdo 7 A Fine-art Piece of Business
Weirdo 8 Issue 8
Weirdo 9 Issue 9
Weirdo 10 Wild Tales of Crazed Youth
Weirdo 11 Issue 11
Weirdo 12 Special Loser Issue
Weirdo 13 Issue #13
Weirdo 14 America Wallows in its Own Filth!!
Weirdo 15 Is Reagan Crazy or just plain Stupid?
Weirdo 16 Issue #16
Weirdo 17 Wait! Stop! Don't Look! This is Not a Nice Magazine!
Weirdo 18 Issue #18
Weirdo 19 Issue #19
Weirdo 20 Issue #20
Weirdo 21 Issue #21
Weirdo 22 Dori Memorial Issue
Weirdo 23 Issue #23
Weirdo 24 Issue #24
Weirdo 25 Losers, Losers & more Losers
Weirdo 26 Issue #26
Weirdo 27 Issue #27
Weirdo 28 Verre d'Eau - Special International Issue
Wimmen's Comix 1 Number 1
Wimmen's Comix 2 Number 2
Wimmen's Comix 3 Number 3
Wimmen's Comix 4 Number 4
Wimmen's Comix 5 Number 5
Wimmen's Comix 6 Number 6
Wimmen's Comix 7 Number 7
Wimmen's Comix 8 Number 8
Wimmen's Comix 9 Number 9
Wimmen's Comix 10 Number 10
Zap Comix 4 Issue #4
Zap Comix 5 Special Business Executive Issue
Zap Comix 6 Issue #6
Zap Comix 7 Issue #7
Zap Comix 9 Tenth Anniversary Issue!
Zap Comix 11 'Dare to Moon the Devil' issue
Zap Comix 12 Issue 12
Zap Comix 14 Issue 14
Zap Comix 15 Issue 15