1 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking
Scenario Tom Hart
Tekeningen Tom Hart
Inkting Tom Hart
Cover Tom Hart
Lettering Tom Hart
Voorwoord Dylan Horrocks


"[Hart's] funny looking people... convey a level of character and emotion that more intricate and detailed figures will never achieve... There's nothing better than a story well told, and there's nobody better at telling a story than Tom Hart." - The Comics Journal

"Tom Hart is one of the few cartoonists whose work I actively seek. There's a depth of feeling in his Hutch Owen stories that places them among the best comic book work I've read." - Joe Sacco, creator of Palestine and Safe Area Gorazde

In these snotty and smart, enraged and hilarious stories, Tom Hart's popular rebel and vagrant, Hutch Owen, rages at the multinational, megamerging, testing and marketing corporate forces that control our lives. The streets and alleyways that are his bedroom and study are now invisible beneath a coat of crude and insulting ads! His may be the only dissenting voice left!

Feel the power! Catch the wave! Slam a stack! Join the splurge!!

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