9 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking

Dit is een bundeling. De inhoud komt uit volgende strips:

Scenario Brian Wood
Tekeningen Riccardo Burchielli Nikki Cook Kristian Donaldson
Inkting Nikki Cook
Kleuren Jeromy Cox
Cover Brian Wood
Lettering Jared K. Fletcher


NEW YORK CITY ... a no man´s land in the second American civil war and the place that rookie photojournalist Matty Roth calls home. Originally a journalist reporting on the daily life of civilians struggling to get by in a war zone, Matty has found himself increasingly being pulled into the complex politics of the city.

In WAR POWERS, the populist hero Parco Delgado - with Matty´s help - has assumed the office of City Governor. His first order of business is to cancel all existing deals and contracts and expel all peacekeepers, troops, NGO´s and observers.

The DMZ is now a sovereign nation.

But despite riding into office on a huge wave of popular support, Parco finds himself lacking the necressary money and political strenght to run the city way he promised. Matty is enlisted to carry all the power he could possibly need - and perhaps more than he´s earned.

Faced with this prospect, will Matty continue to blindly support his buddy Parco? Or is it finally time for Matty to start calling some of the shots himself?

Also in this volume is teh two-part THE ISLAND, focusing on a group of very well-armed, very bored troops Stationed on Staten Island who chose to write their own rules of engagement, and the story ZEE, DMZ, witch highlights a moment of tenderness in a city filled with violence.

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