Life on Another Planet

2 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking
Scenario Will Eisner
Tekeningen Will Eisner
Editor Jens Peder Agger


The time is now. For the first time a radio signal has reached Earth from another planet ten light years away. Will mankind put aside its differences in the effort to establish contact? Or will the road to outer space be littered with dead bodies and dead dreams?

"A harrowing portrait of ruthlessness and corruption...
There is a disquieting, almost excessive directness about Eisner's work here. Major artists in a variety of disciplines tend to dismiss a certain finesse, the youthful concern for polished surfaces, as they grow older... Seeking a bolder, more forthright of their basic power as artists, they address themselves in an unashamedly naked way to the themes which reverberate throughout their earlier work. Eisner seems to have entered such a phase. ...What's striking about the visual storytelling is the extraordinary economy of vvisual means Eisner use to advance from one image to the next"
-Dale Luciano in The Comics Journal

Signal From Space is the collected edition of the serialized story "Life On Another Planet", originally published in Will Eisner's Spirit Magazine. This edition contains revised artwork by Eisner and appears in color for the first time.

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Verscheen eerder in deeltjes in 'The Spirit Magazine' #19-26

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