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Even aanstippen dat voor deel INT 6 (War in the sun), de taal Engels is en niet Frans (de uitgever is trouwens Vertigo en niet Vertigo Cult, zoals de andere Franse uitgaven).
Het 10-cijferig isbn nummer is 1-56389-490-4.

De covertekst is als volgt:
"The almighty has quit His Heaven, and the Reverend Jesse Custer - with the help of his girlfriend Tulip and his best friend, the Irish vampire Cassidy - aims to find out why. The Lord is hard to track, though, even for someone whose soul has been merged with a near-omnipotent supernatural entity called Genesis. To pick up the trail, Jesse needs to get inside his own head for a one-on-one talk with his guest - and for that, a fistful of peyote taken under the open Arizona sky seems just the ticket.

What's waiting for him in Monument Valley, however, is something much less spiritual: an entire U.S. Army tank regiment, commandeered by the newly elevated Allfather of the Grail, Herr Starr. Determined to harness the power of Genesis for himself, Starr is willing to use everything in the American military arsenal to force Jesse to his will - and neither side is going to walk away from this showdown without taking heavy casualties.

WAR IN THE SUN is the sixth volume in the PREACHER saga, one of the most celebrated comics titles of the late 1990s. Created by writer Garth Ennis and artist Steve Dillon, this modern American epic of life, death, love and redemption is also packed with sex, booze, and bullets - not to mention angels, demons, God, vampires and deviants of all stripes - making for one of the most viscerally appealing tales ever to see four-color print."

En tenslotte, deel 7, "Salvation" is ook in het Engels.
Geplaatst op 02/03/2009 Citeren
Geplaatst op 02/03/2009
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Whew, T.I.A, dat ging snel 8o ;)
Geplaatst op 02/03/2009 Citeren
Geplaatst op 02/03/2009
Avatar T.I.A
Aangepast, bedankt :)
Geplaatst op 02/03/2009 Citeren
Geplaatst op 02/03/2009
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Nu we toch over Preacher bezig zijn :D :

S1 : Dead or Alive is geschreven door Ennis en Fabry (de beide dus).
Het is eigenlijk geen scenario, het zijn Ennis en Fabry die allebei (appart) commentaar geven bij alle verschenen covers.
Ondertitel : Covers by Glenn Fabry.


Tis een detail, ik weet het, maar het (ahum) 'scenario' van dat boek is dus door beide geschreven. 8)
Geplaatst op 03/03/2009 Citeren
Geplaatst op 03/03/2009
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Geplaatst op 03/03/2009 Citeren
Geplaatst op 03/03/2009