8.21/10 #1967
11 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking

Dit is een bundeling. De inhoud komt uit volgende strips:



New York City... otherwise known as no man?s land in the middle of a second American civil war. Rookie photojournalist Matty Roth is on the ground, the sole voice for the residents who struggle to get by, living in the most dangerous war zone on the planet.

In 'Friendly Fire', Roth reluctantly lands an interview for Liberty News wiyh an enlisted U.S. soldier who?s found guilty of a massacre within the DMZ. Who gave the orders? How far up the chain of command does it go? Who is really to blame? The more Matty digs, the more dirt he finds. What follows is a look at how the DMZ came to be, from the perspective of a kid who came from the Midwest and walked right into a nightmare.

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