Fearless Fosdick

1 stemmen Enkel strips met minimaal 10 stemmen krijgen een rangschikking
Scenario Al Capp
Tekeningen Al Capp
Cover Ray Fehrenbach
Editor Dave Schreiber
Voorwoord Max Allan Collins


Meet Fearless Fosdick - the ideel of Li'l Abner and every other red-blooded American boy. He's tough, he's violent, he's not too bright, and thanks to Al Capp, he bears more than a passing resemblance to Chester Gould's Dick Tracy. Inside, you'll find five of Fosdick's greatest cases: the Case of the Poisoned Beans, the Atom Bum, Anyface, Sidney the Crooked Parrot, and the Case of the Chippendale Chair. You'll also read present Dick Tracy writer Max Allan Collins' tribute to the greatest detective of them all - Fearless Fosdick.

"Interest in Dick Tracy has been rekindled by the successful...film adaptation of the strip...This rekindling of interest has, happily, spilled over into Fosdick...This volume is the result, and I am gleeful about it as Li'l Abner meeting the mail train delivering the latest Fosdick comic book. You will be, too."
--from the Foreword by Max Allan Cillins

Opmerking inhoud

- Introducing: Anyface!
- The Case of the Poisoned Beans
- Sidney the Crooked Parrot
- The Case of the Atom Bum
- The Case of the Chippendale Chair

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