72 Issue #72
376 Issue #376
394 Issue #394
411 The Last Earth-Prime Story
428 Personal Best
434 Gangwar, Part 3: Shambles
457 Echoes
466 The Limits of Power!
470 Soul Search, Part 3: ...Like a Woman Scorned!
477 Time and Time Again!, Phase 4: Death Rekindled
478 Moon Rocked
480 Dying Breed
522 City of Hope
584 Bachelor Party
617 Rather, Rinse, Repeat
618 Four on the Floor, Break Stuff
A36 Laugh... I Thought I'd Die!
A47 Soul Search, Part 2: Lives in the Balance
A49 Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite, Part 1
A50 Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite, Part 4: The Human Factor
A54 Time and Time Again, Phase 3: The Warsaw Ghetto
A55 Time and Time Again, Phase 6: Camelot
A71 The Blaze/Satanus War, Part 4: Evil's Pawn
A111 Divisions
A130 The Longest Halloween