Negative Man/Larry Trainor

In de reeks Doom Patrol

D1 We Who Are About to Die...
D2 Black is (Theoretically) Black
D3 Earth Science
D4 Dead Reckoning
D5 Back in Black
D6 Negative Incentive
INT D1 We Who Are About to Die

In de reeks JSA: The Golden Age

1 The Golden Age
4 We Had it All

In de reeks JLA: Another Nail

2 Issue #2
3 Issue #3
INT 1 Another Nail

In de reeks Secret Six

A3 Six Degrees of Devastation, Part 3: The Darkest House
A4 Six Degrees of Devastation, Part 4: Spiders on the Wind
B30 Suicide Roulette, Part 1: Like a Star on the Horizon
INT B6 The Darkest House

In de reeks Checkmate

A22 La Vie en Sang, Part 2

In de reeks DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros

85 Deadshot & Les Secret Six: Six degrés de dévastation

In de reeks Superman/Batman (Dark Dragon Books)

5 Nezha de duivel, deel 1
6 Nezha de duivel, deel 2

In de reeks Batman/Superman: World's Finest

1 The Devil Nezha, Chapter 1: Doomed
2 The Devil Nezha, Chapter 2: The Devil Himself
3 The Devil Nezha, Chapter 3: House of Ji
4 The Devil Nezha, Chapter 4: The Devil's Secret
5 The Devil Nezha, Chapter 5: Sacrifice Play
6 The Flying Grayson
15 Elementary, Chapter 3: Ultramorpho
INT 1 The Devil Nezha
INT 2 Strange Visitor
INT 3 Elementary