Jyala Haydenn

In de reeks Star Wars: Bounty Hunters (Marvel)

24 Raid on the Vermillion, Part 1
25 Raid on the Vermillion, Part 2
26 Raid on the Vermillion, Part 3
27 Havoc at the Accretion Disco, Part 1
30 Bedlam on Bestine, Part 2
31 Bedlam on Bestine, Part 3
34 In the Crosshairs of Inferno Squad, Part 2
35 Target: Fett
40 The Path of the Righteous, Part 4
41 The Path of the Righteous, Part 5
INT 5 The Raid on the Vermillion
INT 6 Bedlam on Bestine
INT 7 Dark Droids