Adam Warlock (Marvel)

In de reeks New Mutants Forever

2 Fight... In the Favela
3 To Sacrifice Selene?!
4 Living... a Nightmare!
5 Shall We Rise Again?
INT 1 New Mutants Forever

In de reeks X-Club

4 We Do Science, Part 4

In de reeks The New Mutants

B32 Issue #32
B33 Issue #33
B34 Issue #34
B35 Issue #35
B36 Homing Instinct
B38 Re:Ani-Mator
B39 Contami-Nation
INT B5 A Date with the Devil
INT B6 De-Animator

In de reeks Warlock (Marvel)

1 The Day of the Prophet
2 Count-down for Counter-Earth!
3 The Apollo Eclipse!
6 The Brute!
7 Doom: At the Earth's Core!
8 Confrontation!
9 The Infinity Effect
10 How Strange My Destiny!
11 How Strange My Destiny, Part 2
12 A Trollish Tale!
13 ...Here Dwells the Star Thief!
14 Homecoming!
15 Just a Series of Events!

In de reeks Warlock Chronicles

1 Things Past
2 Rescue
3 Dealing with the Devil!
4 The Dark Mirror
5 Perspective
6 After Math!
7 Guile
8 Reunion

In de reeks Thor

163 Where Dwell the Demons!
164 Lest Mankind Fall!
165 Him!
166 A God Berserk!