Neil Uyetake

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
24 (IDW)
24: Cold Warriors
30 Days of Night
30 Days of Night: 30 Days 'til Death
30 Days of Night: Night, Again
30 Days of Night: Red Snow
Action Man
Angel (IDW)
Angel: Illyria: Haunted
Back to the Future: Biff to the Future
Barack Obama
Beyond the Wall
Borderlands: Tannis & the Vault
Borderlands: The Fall of Fyrestone
Cold War
Danger Girl/G.I. Joe
Danger Girl: Mayday
Danger Girl: Renegade
Danger Girl: Revolver
Danger Girl: Trinity
Dark Sun
Darkness Visible
Dead, She Said
Death Ship: The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Desperadoes: Buffalo Dreams
Doc Macabre
Doctor Who
Doctor Who: A Fairytale Life
Dorothy of Oz Prequel
Dungeons & Dragons (IDW)
Dungeons & Dragons: Cutter
Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms
Dungeons & Dragons: Frost Giant's Fury
Dungeons & Dragons: Legends of Baldur's Gate
Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt: Neverwinter Tales
Edge of Doom
Fallen Angel (IDW)
Fallen Angel: Return of the Son
G.I. Joe (IDW)
G.I. Joe Cobra: Cobra Civil War
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero
G.I. Joe: Cobra
G.I. Joe: Cobra Files
G.I. Joe: Hearts & Minds
G.I. Joe: Origins
G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes
G.I. Joe: Special Missions (IDW Publishing)
Ghostbusters 101
Ghostbusters 20/20
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary Collection
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Answer The Call
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Extreme
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: The Real Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters Annual
Ghostbusters Funko Universe
Ghostbusters Funko Universe
Ghostbusters International
Ghostbusters Omnibus
Ghostbusters: 100 Page Spooktacular
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call
Ghostbusters: Crossing Over
Ghostbusters: Deviations
Ghostbusters: Deviations
Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression
Ghostbusters: Get Real
Ghostbusters: Haunted Holidays
Ghostbusters: The Other Side
Ghostbusters: What In Samhain Just Happened?!
Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters
The Great and Secret Show
Jericho Season 4
Kill Shakespeare
Killing the Cobra
Mars Attacks The Real Ghostbusters
Mars Attacks: The Transformers
Millennium (IDW)
Motel Hell
The Murder of King Tut
My Little Pony Micro-Series
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The New Ghostbusters
Next Men
Next Men: Aftermath
Orphan Black
Orphan Black: Deviations
Orphan Black: Helsinki
Pantheon (Chiklis)
Rocketeer Adventures
Satellite Falling
Scarface: Devil in Disguise
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
Silent Hill: Downpour - Anne's Story
Silent Hill: Past Life
Sir Apropos of Nothing
Smoke and Mirrors
Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow
Spike (IDW)
Spike: The Devil You Know
Star Trek (IDW)
Star Trek: 100 Page Winter Spectacular 2012
Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge
Star Trek: Countdown
Star Trek: Discovery - Aftermath
Star Trek: Flesh and Stone
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison's The City on the Edge of Forever, The Original Teleplay
Star Trek: Khan Ruling in Hell
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (IDW)
Star Wars Adventures (IDW)
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures
String Divers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters
That Hellbound Train
The Transformers
Transformers: All Hail Megatron
Transformers: Devastation
Transformers: Escalation
Transformers: Focus On Decepticons
Transformers: Megatron Origin
The Transformers: Spotlight
True Blood
True Blood: French Quarter
True Blood: Tainted Love
We Will Bury You
Welcome to Hoxford
Witch & Wizard: Battle for Shadowland
Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse
Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse - Calamari Rising
Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse - Segue to Destruction
The X-Files Classics
The X-Files: Season 10
Zombies! Eclipse of the Undead