Marte Gracia

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
The Avengers 1943 / 7.23
Humo presenteert (Marvel) 2720 / 6.77
Age of Apocalypse
Age of Ultron
All New Savage She-Hulk
All-New Captain America
All-New Wolverine
All-New X-Men
All-New X-Men (Standaard)
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man: Infested
Amazing X-Men
Astonishing X-men
Avengers A.I.
Avengers vs. X-Men
Avenging Spider-Man
Captain America
Captain America (Standaard)
Captain America by Ed Brubaker Omnibus
Captain Marvel
Castle: Richard Castle's Storm Season
Chris Claremont Anniversary Special
Daken vs. X-23
Daken: Dark Wolverine
Dark Reign: The List - Avengers
Dark Wolverine
Dawn of X
Deadpool by Daniel Way: Complete Collection
Deadpool Classic
Deadpool Team-up
Deadpool: Suicide Kings
Doctor Strange
Extermination (Marvel)
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four by Dan Slott
Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider / Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha
Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men: The Black Vortex Omega
Guardians of the Galaxy/All-New X-Men: The Trial of Jean Grey
Guardians Team-Up
House of X
House of X / Powers of X (Dark Dragon)
House of X / Powers of X (Marvel)
Howard The Duck
Hunt for Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda
The Incredible Hercules
The Incredible Hulk
Inhuman (Marvel)
The Invincible Iron Man
Iron Man (Panini Frankrijk)
The List
Loki: Agent of Asgard
Marvel Adventures: Iron Man
Marvel Adventures: Super Heroes
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette)
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette)
Marvel Now! Omnibus
Marvel Now! Point One
Marvel Universe Iron Man Comic Reader
Mrs. Deadpool and The Howling Commandos
The New Avengers
The New Mutants
New X-Men: Academy X
New X-Men: Childhood's End - The Complete Collection
New X-Men: The Quest for Magik - The Complete Collection
Nova (Marvel)
Old Man Logan
Planet-size X-Men
Point One
Powers of X
Reign of X
Return of the Living Deadpool
Scarlet Spider
Star Wars (2 - Dark Dragon Books)
Star Wars (Marvel)
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters (Marvel)
Star Wars: The High Republic
Star-Lord and Kitty Pride
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man
Thanos Rising
Trials of X
Ultimate Avengers
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates
Ultimate Comics: Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics: X-Men
Uncanny Avengers
Uncanny X-Force
The Uncanny X-Men
Way of X
Wolverine & the X-Men
Wolverine: Japan's Most Wanted
Wolverine: Origins
Wolverine: Road to Hell
X of Swords
X of Swords: Creation
X of Swords: Destruction
X of Swords: Stasis
X-Men (Marvel)
X-Men Giant-Size
X-Men: Age of X
X-Men: Battle of the Atom
X-Men: Hellfire Gala
X-Men: Hellfire Gala - Fall of X
X-Men: Legacy
X-Men: The Adamantium Collection
X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation
X-Men: To Serve and Protect
X-Treme X-Men