Annie Thornton

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
X-Men (Marvel) INT *A6 Planet X 8.75
X-Men (Marvel) INT *A5 Assault on Weapon Plus 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men INT 4 The Draco 7.00
Exiles INT 5 Unnatural Instincts 6.75
X-Treme X-Men INT 6 Intifada 6.00
Emma Frost 2 Higher Learning, Part 2
Emma Frost 4 Higher Learning, Part 4
Emma Frost 5 Higher Learning, Part 5
Emma Frost INT 1 Higher Learning
Exiles 30 Unnatural Instincts, Part 3
Exiles 31 Avengers Forever, Part 1
Exiles 32 Avengers Forever, Part 2
Exiles 33 A Second Farewell, Part 1
Exiles 34 A Second Farewell, Part 2
Exiles 35 Fantastic Voyage, Part 1
Exiles 36 Fantastic Voyage, Part 2
The New Mutants A7 The Ties that Bind (Part 1): Higher Learning
The Uncanny X-Men 429 The Draco, Part 1 of 6
The Uncanny X-Men 430 The Draco, Part 2 of 6
The Uncanny X-Men 431 The Draco, Part 3 of 6
The Uncanny X-Men 432 The Draco, Part 4 of 6
X-Men (Marvel) 144 The Flesh
X-Men (Marvel) 145 The Devil
X-Men (Marvel) 146 X-Men Emergency!
X-Men (Marvel) 147 Magneto Superior
X-Men (Marvel) 148 Survivor Type
X-Men (Marvel) INT *B3 New X-Men, Volume 3
X-Men (Marvel) INT *C1 New X-Men Omnibus
X-Men (Marvel) INT *E3 New X-Men Ultimate Collection, Book 3
X-Treme X-Men 29 God Loves, Man Kills II, Part 5: Deliverance!
X-Treme X-Men 30 God Loves, Man Kills II, Part 6: Pale Rider
X-Treme X-Men 31 Intifada, Part 1: This is the Way the World Ends
X-Treme X-Men 32 Intifada, Part 2: W.M.D. (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
X-Treme X-Men INT 5 God Loves, Man Kills