Bryan Hitch

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
The Walking Dead 69 / 8.30
Batman 224 / 8.02
Detective Comics 563 / 7.76
Kick-Ass (Icon) 668 / 7.69
Transmetropolitan 1414 / 7.41
The Avengers 1943 / 7.23
Action Comics
Age of Apocalypse
Age of Ultron
The Amazing Spider-Man
America's got Powers
The Authority (Panini)
The Authority (Semic)
The Authority
Avengers: X-Sanction
The Batman's Grave (Dark Dragon)
The Batman's Grave
Batman/Superman: World's Finest
Captain America by Ed Brubaker Omnibus
Captain America: Man Out of Time
Captain America: Reborn
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude
Captain Britain and MI13
Chaos War
DC Comics - La légende de Batman
DC Comics: Generations
Doctor Who Classics: The Seventh Doctor
Earth 2
Enter the Heroic Age
Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel
Excalibur (Marvel)
Excalibur Visionaries: Warren Ellis
Fantastic Force
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection
FCBD 2014 Valiant Universe Handbook
Formic Wars: Burning Earth
Geiger 80-Page Giant
Generation X Epic Collection
Grant Morrison's Doctor Who
Green Arrow
Green Lantern
The Incredible Hulk
Jenny Sparks: The Secret History of the Authority
Jupiter's Legacy
Justice League
Justice League - Rebirth (Lion)
Justice League: Rebirth
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette)
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette)
Marvel Comics Presents
The Mighty Avengers
Miracleman (Marvel)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
The Multiversity
New Avengers Finale
The New Avengers
New Suicide Squad
Official Handbook of the Ultimate Marvel Universe: The Ultimates & X-Men 2005
Point One
The Punisher
Rai (Valiant)
Real Heroes
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign
Secret Weapons
The Sentry (Marvel Comics)
She-Hulk Epic Collection
Showcase '93
Space Bandits
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters
Stormwatch (Image)
Supercrooks (Panini)
Superman '78
Superman Action Comics (Lion)
Superman and the Authority
Superman Unchained
Superman: Heroes
Superman: Villains
The Thing: Freakshow
The Tomb of Dracula Presents: Throne of Blood
Transmetropolitan (Franse uitgaven)
True Believers: Age Of Ultron
Ultimate Avengers (Dark Dragon)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates
Ultimate Doom
Ultimate Fallout
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four (Marvel France)
Ultimate Fantastic Four (Z-Press)
Ultimate Iron Man
Ultimate Secrets
The Ultimates
The Uncanny X-Men
Vengeance of the Moon Knight
The Wild Storm
Wolverine: Origins
Wolverine: The Best There Is
X-Factor Epic Collection
X-Force: Ain't No Dog
X-Men Adventures
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse One-Shot
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Twilight
X-Men: Prime
X-Men: Road to Onslaught
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic
X-Men: The Complete Onslaught Epic
X-O Manowar (Valiant)
X-O Manowar Deluxe Edition