Andy Owens

Reeks (alfabetisch) Functie(s)   
The Amazing Spider-Man: Firsts Inkting
Angel & Faith Inkting, Inkting cover
Angel & Faith Season 10 Inkting
Angel (Dark Horse) Inkting, Inkting cover
B.P.R.D.: The Dead Remembered Inkting
Batgirl Inkting, Inkting cover
Batgirl Secret Files and Origins Inkting
Batman Inkting
Batman and Robin Inkting
Batman by Ed Brubaker Inkting
Batman Confidential Inkting
Batman: Bruce Wayne - The Road Home Inkting
Batman: Bruce Wayne Murderer Inkting
Batman: Bruce Wayne: Fugitive Inkting
Batman: False Faces Inkting cover
Batman: War Games Inkting
Birds of Prey Inkting
Brightest Day Inkting
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Ra's al Ghul Inkting
Buffy contre les vampires (Saison 8 inédite) Inkting
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Inkting, Inkting cover
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Riley Inkting, Inkting cover
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 10 Inkting
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 12 Inkting
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 Inkting
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight Inkting, Inkting cover
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow & Tara - Wilderness Inkting cover
Captain Marvel Inkting
Castle: A Calm Before Storm Inkting
Conan the Avenger Inkting
Conan the Barbarian: The Mask of Acheron Inkting
The Darkness Compendium Inkting
The Darkness Inkting
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros Inkting
DC Comics Presents: Batman Inkting
DC Retroactive: Green Lantern - The '80s Inkting
Detective Comics Inkting
Dollhouse (Richards) Inkting
The Flash Tekeningen
Gambit Inkting
Ghost (Dark Horse) Inkting
Ghost (Glénat) Inkting
Giant-Size Atom Inkting
The Great Ten Inkting
Green Arrow Inkting, Inkting cover
Green Lantern Inkting
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors Inkting
Justice League Inkting
Justice League - Rebirth (Lion) Inkting
Justice League of America Inkting
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Inkting, Inkting cover
Lady Pendragon (Image) Inkting
Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen Inkting
Lara Croft et le talisman des glaces Inkting
Magneto: Dark Seduction Inkting
MySpace Dark Horse Presents Inkting
Mysticons Tekeningen
Nightwing Inkting, Inkting cover
The Outsiders Inkting
The Punisher Inkting
Robin (DC Comics) Inkting
Spike (Dark Horse) Inkting
Spike: Into the Light Inkting
Star Wars (Dark Horse) Inkting, Inkting cover
Star Wars Omnibus Inkting
Static Shock Inkting
Suicide Squad Inkting
Superboy Inkting
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up Inkting
Superman Inkting, Inkting cover
Superman/Batman Inkting
Superman: The 10-Cent Adventure Inkting, Inkting cover
Swamp Thing Inkting
Tomb Raider (Dark Dragon Books) Inkting
Tomb Raider (Dark Horse) Inkting
Ultimate War Inkting
Ultimate X-Men Inkting
The Uncanny Inhumans Inkting
The Uncanny X-Men Inkting
Venom Inkting
The Web Inkting
Wolverine Inkting
Wolverine (Junior Press) Inkting
Wolverine Epic Collection Inkting
Wonder Woman Inkting
Wonder Woman - L'odyssée Inkting
X Inkting