Mark Millar

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Kick-Ass (Nona Arte) 286 / 7.95
Kick-Ass (Icon) 668 / 7.69
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 2273 / 7.10
Judge Dredd (Arboris) 2547 / 6.93
All-Star Future Shocks
The Amazing Spider-Man: Firsts
American Jesus
American Jesus: Revelation
American Jesus: The New Messiah
The Authority (Panini)
The Authority (Semic)
The Authority
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude
The Chosen One: The American Jesus Trilogy
Chrononauts (Panini - Frankrijk)
Chrononauts: Futureshock
Civil War
Civil War: Een Marvel evenement
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros
DC Retroactive: The Flash - The '90s
Ed Hannigan: Covered
Fantastic Four
Hit-Girl (Fusion Comics)
Hit-Girl (Icon)
Hit-Girl (Image)
Jenny Sparks: The Secret History of the Authority
Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files
Judge Dredd: The Restricted Files
Jupiter's Circle
Jupiter's Legacy
Jupiter's Legacy 2
Jupiter's Legacy Requiem
Kick-Ass (Image)
Kick-Ass (Panini - Frankrijk)
Kick-Ass - The New Girl (Fusion Comics)
Kick-Ass 2 (Panini - Frankrijk)
Kick-Ass: The Dave Lizewski Years
King of Spies
The Magic Order 2
The Magic Order 3
The Magic Order
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette)
Marvel Knights Spider-Man
Marvel Zombies (Panini comics)
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days
Marvel Zombies: The Complete Collection
Marvel Zomnibus
Ministry of Space
Nemesis (Icon)
Prodigy: The Icarus Society
Reborn (Image)
Red Razors
Renaissance Collectie
The Saviour
The Secret Service
The Shadowmen
Sharkey the Bounty Hunter
Skrull Kill Krew
Space Bandits
Spider-Man (Dark Dragon)
Supercrooks (Panini)
Superior (Icon)
Superior (Panini)
Superman Adventures
Superman for the animals
Superman: Red Son
Superman: Rode zoon
Swamp Thing
True Believers: Civil War No. 1
True Believers: Old Man Logan
Ultimate Avengers
Ultimate Avengers (Dark Dragon)
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four (Marvel France)
Ultimate Fantastic Four (Z-Press)
Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate Vision
Ultimate War
Ultimate X-Men
The Ultimates
Ultimatum: March on Ultimatum
Vampirella Masters Series
Wanted (Top Cow)
War Heroes (Image)
Wolverine: Old Man Logan (Dark Dragon)
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size
Wolverine: The Adamantium Collection