Eduardo Baretto

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Batman 224 / 8.02
Batman (Baldakijn) 1347 / 7.44
Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus
Aliens/Predator: The Deadliest of Species
Batman: Cataclysm
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (Urban Comics)
Batman: Master of the Future
Batman: No Man's Land
Batman: Shadow of the Bat
Civil War: Front Line
DC Retroactive: Superman - The '70s
The Escapists
Essential Marvel Team-Up
Gotham by Gaslight
Gotham Nights
The Jack of Hearts
Les maîtres de l'évasion
The Outsiders
Robin II (DC Comics)
Storming Paradise
Superman (Baldakijn)
Swamp Thing