Joey Cavalieri

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 2273 / 7.10
2099 Unlimited
All-Star Western
Animal Man
Atari Force
Batman and Robin
The Batman of Arkham
Batman/Catwoman: Follow the Money
Batman/Catwoman: Trail of the Gun
Batman/Doc Savage Special
Batman/Poison Ivy: Cast Shadows
Batman: Creature of the Night
Batman: Dark Detective
Batman: Night of the Owls
Batman: Nine Lives
Batman: Odyssey
Batman: The Dark Knight Detective
Batman: The Order of Beasts
Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell
Blood of the Demon
Booster Gold
Booster Gold: Futures End
The Brave and the Bold
The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl
DC Universe
DC Universe Holiday Special
DC Universe: Legacies
Demon Knights
Doc Savage
Donald Duck presenteert: Ducktales
Doom 2099
Ducktales (IDW)
Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer
Elseworld's Finest: Supergirl & Batgirl
Empire (Kitson)
Excalibur (Marvel)
Fantastic Four 2099
Felicia Hardy: The Black Cat
First Wave
The Flash
The Flash: Rebirth
Flashpoint (Elseworlds)
Flashpoint: Frankenstein & The Creatures of the Unknown
Flashpoint: Green Arrow Industries
Flashpoint: Grodd of War
Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost
Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
The Fury of Firestorm
G.I. Combat
Green Arrow
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern/Plastic Man: Weapons of Mass Deception
Hulk 2099
Jack Cross
JLA: Liberty and Justice
JSA: All Stars
The Judas Coin
Justice (DC Comics)
Legion of Super-Heroes
Marvel Comics Presents
Men of War
Mister Terrific
The Monolith
Moon Knight Epic Collection
My Greatest Adventure
The New 52: Futures End
Nightmaster: Monsters of Rock
Our Army at War
Our Fighting Forces
Power Girl
The Punisher 2099
Ragman: Suit of Souls
Ravage 2099
Salvation Run
Simon Dark
Spider-Man 2099
Spiderman avonturen
The Spirit (DC Comics)
Star-Spangled War Stories
Suicide Squad
Superman & Batman special (Baldakijn)
Superman (Baldakijn)
Superman Adventures
Superman Meets the Quik Bunny
Superman vs Predator
Superman: Blood of My Ancestors
Superman: For All Seasons
Superman: Peace on Earth
Superman: Secret Identity
Superman: The Kansas Sighting
Superman: The Wedding Album
Swamp Thing
Threshold Presents: The Hunted
The War That Time Forgot
The Web
Weird War Tales (DC Comics One-Shot)
Weird Worlds
World's Finest Comics
X-Men 2099
X-Men 2099: Oasis