Colin Wilson

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Blueberry (Nederlands) 298 / 7.93
Blueberry (Sherpa) 462 / 7.82
Wonderball 753 / 7.64
XIII Mystery 973 / 7.55
De jonge jaren van Blueberry 1188 / 7.48
Blueberry (Duitse uitgaven) 1370 / 7.43
Uur U 1505 / 7.38
Nevada (Wilson) 1676 / 7.32
In de schaduw van de zon 2259 / 7.10
Thunderhawks 2335 / 7.07
Jour J 2421 / 7.02
Headshot 2468 / 6.98
Stripspotters 2543 / 6.93
Battler Britton
Bionic commando
Blueberry (Deense uitgaven)
Blueberry (Italiaanse uitgaven)
Blueberry (Noorse uitgaven)
Blueberry (Spaanse uitgaven)
Blueberrys unge år (Deense uitgaven)
Blueberrys unge år (Noorse uitgaven)
Bullet to the Head
Circus - Maandblad 1983
Gears of War
La giovinezza di Blueberry
Ila Ratham
L' immanquable
Jean-Michel Charlier
Judge Dredd's Mega-City Vice
Judge Dredd: Doomsday for Dredd
Judge Dredd: Doomsday for Mega-City One
Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files
Die Jugend von Blueberry
La juventud de Blueberry
Los Angeles (Wilson)
The Losers
Mladi Blueberry
Moebius (Graphitti Designs)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Paw, paw, paw - Dedicaces and illustrations
Point Blank
Poručnik Bluberi
Rocketeer Adventures
Rogue Trooper
Rogue Trooper (IDW)
Rogue Trooper (Titan)
Rogue Trooper: Tales of Nu-Earth
The Sleeper Omnibus
Star Wars - Invasion
Star Wars - Rebellion (Delcourt)
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette)
Star Wars Legends: Legacy - Epic Collection
Star Wars Legends: The Rebellion - Epic Collection
Star Wars Omnibus
Star Wars: Invasion
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Legacy
Star Wars: Rebellion
Tex (Clair de lune)
Tex Willer (Classics Hum!)