Marv Wolfman

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Batman/Catwoman INT 1 Batman/Catwoman 9.00
Macabre strippocket 1 Macabre 8.50
Superman en Spider-man 1 Misdadig complot! 8.50
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus 1 Volume 1 8.33
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 1 Weet je nog wel, oudje? 8.23
The Amazing Spider-Man 149 Even If I Live, I Die! 8.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 150 Spider-Man... Or Spider-Clone? 8.00
Batman special (Baldakijn/Junior Press) 7 Jaar drie. Gescheiden wegen 8.00
The Curse of Dracula 1 Issue #1 8.00
The Curse of Dracula 2 Issue #2 8.00
Infinite Crisis Omnibus 1 Infinite Crisis Omnibus 8.00
The Tomb of Dracula 25 Night of the Blood Stalker 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men 95 Warhunt! 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men 96 Night of the Demon! 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men 97 My Brother, My Enemy! 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men 98 Merry Christmas, X-Men... 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men 99 Deathstar, Rising! 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men 100 Greater Love Hath No X-Man 8.00
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (Curtis) 2 No. 2 8.00
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (Curtis) 3 No. 3 8.00
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (Curtis) 4 No. 4 8.00
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (Curtis) 5 No. 5 8.00
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction (Curtis) 6 No. 6 8.00
Groot uur griezelen 1 Groot uur griezelen 7.75
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 14 Toen was er nog maar één! 7.50
The New Avengers INT *OM1 Omnibus Volume 1 7.50
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 15 Blastaar de kernontsteker 7.35
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 12 Op zoek naar Galactus 7.33
Het graf van Dracula 1 De komst van Doctor Sun + Doodsklokken 7.33
Crisis on Infinite Earths INT *1 Crisis on Infinite Earths 7.20
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 13 De komst van Terrax 7.20
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 5 Invasie! 7.17
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 18 Geen kind meer! 7.10
9-11 Artists respond 2 Volume 2 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus 5 Volume 5 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 155 Whodunit! 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 157 The Ghost That Haunted Octopus 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 158 Hammerhead is Out 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 159 Arm-In-Arm-In-Arm-In-Arm-In-Arm-In-Arm with Doctor Octopus 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 194 Never Let the Black Cat Cross Your Path! 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 195 Nine Lives Has the Black Cat 7.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 196 Requiem! 7.00
Batman INT A1 A Death in the Family 7.00
The Champions (Marvel) 1 The world still needs ... The Champions! 7.00
The Champions (Marvel) 2 Whom the gods would join ... 7.00
The Champions (Marvel) 3 Assault on Olympus 7.00
The Champions (Marvel) 4 Murder at Malibu! 7.00
The Champions (Marvel) 5 The economy is so bad that ... 7.00
The Champions (Marvel) 6 Mad dogs and businessmen 7.00
The Champions (Marvel) 7 The Man Who Created The Black Widow 7.00
Daredevil 128 Death Stalks The Stairway To The Stars! 7.00
Daredevil 134 There's Trouble In N.Y.C.! 7.00
Daredevil 138 Where Is Karen Page? 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 28 My Mother, The Badoon! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 29 Let My Planet Go! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 30 Gold Diggers of Fear! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 31 Nighthawk's Brain! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 32 Musical Minds! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 33 Webbed Hands, Warm Heart! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 34 I Think We're All Bozos In This Book! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 35 Bring Back My Body To Me, To Me...! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 36 A Garden of Earthly Demise! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 37 Evil in Bloom! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 38 Exile to Oblivion! 7.00
Fantastic Four *AN12 Fury in the Stars! 7.00
Fantastic Four *AN13 Fantastic Four Annual 13 7.00
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 8 Welkom thuis 7.00
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 10 Als een wereld sterft 7.00
Het graf van Dracula 2 De dood zal ons verenigen + Schimmen in de nacht 7.00
Het graf van Dracula 4 Waar schuilt de chimaera + En de maan spuwt verderf! 7.00
Het graf van Dracula 5 Als de waanzin hoogtij viert + Mij is de wrake zegt de vampier 7.00
Het graf van Dracula 6 Uit het nachtboek van een vampier + Als het bloed spreekt 7.00
Het graf van Dracula 7 Prins der waanzin 7.00
Het graf van Dracula 8 Een val voor een vampier 7.00
Iron Fist 1 A Duel of Iron 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 14 Tonight Is the Night Helium Dies 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 15 The History Holocaust 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars AN1 When Walk the Ancient Dead 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars AN2 The Headman of Mars 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars AN3 Amazons of Mars 7.00
Marvel Comics Presents 38 Issue #38 7.00
Marvel Comics Presents 43 Issue #43 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 2 Terra in de nacht + Brother Blood 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 3 Terra komt bij de Titans (:Nachtmerries + Inferno) 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 4 Thunder en Lightening + Wie heeft Trident vermoord? 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 5 Het probleem heet Terminator (: Ieder einde is een begin + Gijzeling) 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 6 Terugslag! + Kan het licht even uit? 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 8 Zijpaden + Bloodbad 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 9 Het lot van Brother Blood (:Bloeddoop + De ogen van Tara Markov) 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 10 Het judas kontrakt (:Bedrog + De komst van een Titan) 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 11 Finale + Weerzien 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 12 De new Teen Titans (:zonder titel + Krachtmeting) 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 13 Eindstrijd + De Recombatants + Epiloog 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 14 Dr. Light is terug (:Het licht dat faalde + We are gathered here today) 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 15 Het geheim van Jerricho (:tot de dood ons scheidt + Verwarring rond Jerricho) 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 16 Jerricho's verhaal + De vleugels van een (engel) duivel 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 19 De terugkeer van Cyborg + Het einde van de Fearsome Five 7.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 20 En Trigon beveelt... Hel op aarde 7.00
The New Teen Titans Omnibus 1 Volume One 7.00
Nova (Marvel) 1 Nova 7.00
Nova (Marvel) 12 Who Is the Man Called Photon? 7.00
Son of Satan 1 The Homecoming! 7.00
Son of Satan 2 The Possession! 7.00
Son of Satan 3 Demon's Head 7.00
Son of Satan 4 Cloud of Witness! 7.00
Son of Satan 5 Assassin's Mind 7.00
De spectaculaire Spiderman 3 Spider, spider in de pan! 7.00
Spider-Woman 1 ... A Future Uncertain! 7.00
Spider-Woman 2 A Sword in Hand! 7.00
Spider-Woman 4 Hell is the Hangman! 7.00
Spider-Woman 5 Nightmare 7.00
Spider-Woman 6 End of a Nightmare!! 7.00
Spider-Woman 7 July 4, 1978 7.00
Spider-Woman 8 The Man Who Could Not Die! 7.00
Spider-Woman 9 Eye Of The Needle 7.00
Spiderwoman (Junior Press) 1 Het gevaar van broeder Grimm 7.00
Spiderwoman (Junior Press) 2 De nachtmerrie 7.00
Spiderwoman (Junior Press) 3 Wie vermoordde Jonathan Drew? 7.00
Spiderwoman (Junior Press) A1 Overgeleverd aan de Enforcer 7.00
Superman & Batman special (Baldakijn) 2 Er hangt een donkere wolk boven Amerika 7.00
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 9 Verslagen door een kind 6.95
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 4 Wie is die hypnotiseur?! 6.90
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 6 De strijd der giganten! 6.90
Essential Punisher 1 Punisher vol. 1 6.80
Fantastic Four (Juniorpress) 11 Toorts en Spiderman! 6.70
Batman: A Death in the Family 1 Batman: A Death in the Family 6.50
Crisis on Infinite Earths INT 1 Crisis on Infinite Earths 6.50
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 1 Noem ze... de Runaways 6.50
The Amazing Spider-Man 156 On a Clear Day You Can See ... The Mirage 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 181 Flashback 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 184 White Dragon! Red Death! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 185 Spider, Spider, Burning Bright! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 186 Chaos Is... the Chameleon! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 187 The Power of Electro! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 189 Mayhem By Moonlight! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 190 In Search of the Man-Wolf! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 191 Wanted for Murder: Spider-Man 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 193 The Wings of the Fearsome Fly! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 197 The Kingpin's Midnight Massacre! 6.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 198 Mysterio is Deadlier by the Dozen! 6.00
Aurora Comic Scenes Instruction Booklet 183-140 Tonto 6.00
Aurora Comic Scenes Instruction Booklet 185-140 Superman 6.00
Aurora Comic Scenes Instruction Booklet 186-140 Superboy 6.00
Aurora Comic Scenes Instruction Booklet 188-140 The Lone Ranger 6.00
Aurora Comic Scenes Instruction Booklet 193-140 Robin The Teen Wonder 6.00
Black Goliath 1 Black Goliath 6.00
Black Goliath 2 White Fire, Atomic Death! 6.00
Black Goliath 3 Dance to the Murder! 6.00
Black Goliath 4 Enter Stilt Man... Exit Black Goliath! 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 The Summoning 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 2 Time and Time Again 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 3 Oblivion Upon Us 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 4 And Thus Shall the World Die! 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 5 Worlds in Limbo 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 6 3 Earths! 3 Deaths! 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 7 Beyond the Silent Night 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 8 A Flash of the Lightning! 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 9 War Zone 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 10 Death At the Dawn of Time! 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 11 Aftershock 6.00
Crisis on Infinite Earths 12 Final Crisis 6.00
Daredevil 124 In The Coils Of The Copperhead! 6.00
Daredevil 125 Vengeance Is The Copperhead! 6.00
Daredevil 126 Flight Of The Torpedo! 6.00
Daredevil 127 You Killed That Man Torpedo, And Now You're Going To Pay! 6.00
Daredevil 129 Man-Bull In A China-Town! 6.00
Daredevil 130 Look Out Daredevil, Here Comes The Death-Man! 6.00
Daredevil 131 Watch Out For Bullseye, He Never Misses! 6.00
Daredevil 132 Bullseye Rules Supreme! 6.00
Daredevil 133 Mind-Wave And His Fearsome Think Tank! 6.00
Daredevil 135 What's Happening? 6.00
Daredevil 136 A Hanging For A Hero! 6.00
Daredevil 137 The Murder Maze Strikes Twice! 6.00
Daredevil 139 A Night In The Life 6.00
Daredevil 140 Death Times Two! 6.00
Daredevil 141 Target: Death! 6.00
Daredevil 142 The Concrete Jungle! 6.00
Daredevil 143 Hyde, And Go Seek, Sayeth The Cobra! 6.00
Detective Comics B1027 Issue #1027 6.00
Doc Savage B1 The Doom On Thunder Isle 6.00
Doc Savage B2 Hell-Reapers At the Heart of Paradise 6.00
Essential Marvel Horror 2 Marvel Horror vol.2 6.00
Essential Marvel Team-Up 4 Marvel Team-Up vol.4 6.00
Essential Nova 1 Nova vol.1 6.00
Essential Spider-Woman 1 Spider-Woman vol.1 6.00
Essential Thor 7 Thor vol.7 6.00
The Inhumans 5 Voices From a Galaxy's End 6.00
The Inhumans 6 A King of Ruins 6.00
The Inhumans 7 A Trip To the Doom! 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 1 The Air-Pirates of Mars, Chapter 1 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 2 From The Shadows of Stara-Kan 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 3 Requiem for a Warlord 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 4 Raiding Party 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 5 ...And One Shall Die 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 6 Hell In Helium 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 7 Dejah Thoris Lives 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 8 Flesh May Wither...and Stone May Crumble 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 9 Armageddon...At Last 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 10 Confrontation 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 11 The Story of Dejah Thoris 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 12 City of Skulls 6.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 13 March of the Dead 6.00
Journey Into Mystery B521 The Long Cold Kill, Chapter 2 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 39 Issue #39 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 40 Issue #40 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 41 Issue #41 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 42 Issue #42 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 44 Issue #44 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 45 Issue #45 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 46 Issue #46 6.00
Marvel Comics Presents 47 Issue #47 6.00
Marvel Super Special 15 Star Trek - The Motion Picture 6.00
Moon Knight Epic Collection 1 Bad Moon Rising 6.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 7 Wie is Donna Troy (:Psimon zegt + Wie is Donna Troy) 6.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 17 Onrecht + zonder titel 6.00
New Teen Titans (Baldakijn) 18 De laatste dagen van de Cyborg 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 2 First Night of the Condor 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 3 The Deadly Diamondhead is Ready to Strike! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 4 Nova Against the Mighty Thor! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 5 Evil Is the...Earth-Shaker! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 6 And So...the Sphinx 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 7 War in Space! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 8 When Megaman Comes Calling - Don't Answer! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 9 Fear In The Funhouse! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 10 Four Against the Sphinx! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 11 Nova No More! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 13 Watch Out World, The Sandman is Back! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 14 Massacre at Truman High! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 15 The Fury Before the Storm 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 16 Death Is... the Yellow Claw! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 17 Tidal Wave! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 18 The Final Showdown! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 19 Blackout Means Business, and His Business Is Murder! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 20 At Last... the Inner Circle! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 21 The Shocking Secret of Nova! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 22 The Coming of The Comet! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 23 From the Dregs of Defeat! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 24 The New Champions! 6.00
Nova (Marvel) 25 Invasion of the Body Changers! 6.00
De spectaculaire Spiderman 4 De dreiging van Electro! 6.00
De spectaculaire Spiderman 5 De climax van een menselijk drama! 6.00
Superman (Baldakijn) 2 Onvoltooid verleden tijd / Genoeg wereld en tijd 6.00
Superman (Baldakijn) 6 Vandal Savage, fase 1 6.00
Superman (Baldakijn) 7 In deze twee handen ligt... macht! 6.00
Superman (Baldakijn) 5 Euphor, de meedogenloze weldoener 5.50
The Amazing Spider-Man 182 The Rocket Racer's Back in Town! 5.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 183 And Where the Big Wheel Stops, Nobody Knows! 5.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 188 The Jigsaw Is Up! 5.00
The Amazing Spider-Man 203 Bewitched, Bothered, and Be-Dazzled! 5.00
Superman (Baldakijn) 3 De éénwording van Superman / De Verwisseling 5.00
Superman (Baldakijn) 20 De man die president wilde worden! 5.00
Het graf van Dracula 3 De ochtenstond... heeft moord in de mond + De nacht van de vampier 4.00
10th Muse (Semic) 1 Volume 1
10th Muse (Semic) 2 Volume 2
10th Muse (Semic) 3 Volume 3
10th Muse (Semic) 4 Volume 4
10th Muse (Semic) 5 Volume 5
Action Comics B1000 Issue #1000
America at War: The Best of DC War Comics 1 America at War: The Best of DC War Comics
Batman 328 Double Jeopardy
Batman 329 Twice Dies the Batman!
Batman 330 Target!
Batman 331 Closed Circuit!
Batman 332 Fallout!
Batman 333 The China Syndrome!
Batman 334 Chapter Three Infinity Island!
Batman 335 Ashes To Ashes!
Batman 436 Batman: Year Three, Part 1: Different Roads
Batman 437 Batman: Year Three, Part 2: Changes Made
Batman 438 Batman: Year Three, Part 3: Turnabout
Batman 439 Batman: Year Three, Part 4: Resolutions
Batman 440 A Lonely Place of Dying, Chapter 1: Suspects
Batman 441 A Lonely Place of Dying, Chapter 3: Parallel Lines!
Batman 442 A Lonely Place of Dying, Chapter 5: Rebirth
Batman 443 The Coming of Crimesmith
Batman 444 Crimesmith and Punishment
Batman 445 When the Earth Dies!, Chapter 1: Red Square! Bloody Square!
Batman 446 When the Earth Dies, Chapter 2: Underworlds
Batman 447 When the Earth Dies!, Chapter 3: Earth Day! Demon Night!
Batman 448 The Penguin Affair, Part 1: Pawns
Batman 450 Wildcard!
Batman 451 Judgements
Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams 2 Volume 2
Batman: The Caped Crusader 2 The Origin of Robin
Batman: The Caped Crusader 3 The Penguin Affair
Batman: Un deuil dans la famille 1 Batman: Un deuil dans la famille
Captain America Epic Collection 6 The Man Who Sold the United States
Cherry's jubilee 3 Issue #3
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 1 Issue #1
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 2 Issue #2
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 3 Issue #3
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 4 Issue #4
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 5 Issue #5
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 6 Issue #6
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 7 Issue #7
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 8 Issue #8
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 9 Issue #9
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 10 Issue #10
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 11 Issue #11
Cobra (VIZ Comics) 12 Issue #12
Comics parade 5 Vigilant - Memories
Comics parade INT 3 Album N°3
The Curse of Dracula 3 Issue #3
The Curse of Dracula INT 1 The Curse of Dracula
Daredevil Epic Collection 6 Watch out for Bullseye
DC Comics - La légende de Batman 60 Les morts et les vivants
DC Retroactive: Superman - The '80s 1 New Day, Final Destiny
DC Universe Online: Legends 1 Legendary
DC Universe Online: Legends 3 Betrayal
DC Universe Online: Legends 5 Three Minutes
DC Universe Online: Legends 7 Issue #7
DC Universe Online: Legends 9 Anarchy at Arkham
DC Universe Online: Legends 10 Facts
DC Universe Online: Legends 11 Lost
DC Universe Online: Legends 13 Enemies
DC Universe Online: Legends 15 Crossing the Line
DC Universe Online: Legends 18 War Zone
DC Universe Online: Legends 19 Betrayal
DC Universe Online: Legends 20 Turn About
DC Universe Online: Legends 21 Shades
DC Universe Online: Legends 22 The War Begins
DC Universe Online: Legends 23 Victory!
DC Universe Online: Legends 24 Collateral Damage
DC Universe Online: Legends 25 Battle!
DC Universe Online: Legends 26 End of a Hero!
DC Universe Online: Legends INT 1 Volume 1
Deathstroke 48 Third Strike
Deathstroke 49 All the Kings Men
Deathstroke 50 Revelations
Deathstroke 51 The Shape of Fears To Come
Deathstroke 52 Deathstroke/Predators
Deathstroke 55 Night of the Karrion, Part 1: Born Again!
Deathstroke 56 Night of the Karrion, Part 2: Vigilance
Deathstroke 57 Night of the Karrion, Part 3: Check and Mate!
Deathstroke 58 Bad Blood
Deathstroke 59 Siege of the Hellriders!
Deathstroke 60 A Mercenary's Fate!
Deathstroke AN4 The Web of Eternal Vows
Deathstroke, the Hunted 0 Prologue
Deathstroke, the Hunted 41 Killers
Deathstroke, the Hunted 42 Warriors
Deathstroke, the Hunted 43 Bird of Prey
Deathstroke, the Hunted 44 Roses Are Blood Red
Deathstroke, the Hunted 45 The Road to Salvation
Deathstroke, the Hunted 46 Connections
Deathstroke, the Hunted 47 Conversion
Deathstroke, the Terminator 1 Full Cycle, Part 1
Deathstroke, the Terminator 2 Full Cycle, Part 2
Deathstroke, the Terminator 3 Full Cycle, Part 3
Deathstroke, the Terminator 4 Full Cycle, Part 4
Deathstroke, the Terminator 5 Revelations & Resolutions
Deathstroke, the Terminator 6 City of Assassins, Part 1: The Offer
Deathstroke, the Terminator 7 City of Assassins, Part 2: The Rival
Deathstroke, the Terminator 8 City of Assassins, Part 3: The Allies
Deathstroke, the Terminator 9 City of Assassins, Part 4: The Resurrection
Deathstroke, the Terminator 10 The Loneliest Number, Part 1: Needs and Necessities
Deathstroke, the Terminator 11 The Loneliest Number, Part 2: Crimes and Commitments
Deathstroke, the Terminator 13 The Powers That Be
Deathstroke, the Terminator 14 Child's Play
Deathstroke, the Terminator 15 Escape from New York!
Deathstroke, the Terminator 16 The Death of Slade Wilson
Deathstroke, the Terminator 17 Genesis: DNA
Deathstroke, the Terminator 18 A Question of Brotherhood
Deathstroke, the Terminator 19 Invasion
Deathstroke, the Terminator 20 Heatwave
Deathstroke, the Terminator 21 Love and Death
Deathstroke, the Terminator 26 Gauntlet
Deathstroke, the Terminator 27 World Tour, Part 1: England
Deathstroke, the Terminator 28 World Tour, Part 2: Versailles
Deathstroke, the Terminator 29 World Tour, Part 3: Hong Kong
Deathstroke, the Terminator 30 World Tour, Part 4: China
Deathstroke, the Terminator 31 World Tour, Part 5: India
Deathstroke, the Terminator 32 World Tour, Part 6: Paris
Deathstroke, the Terminator 33 World Tour, Part 7: Dallas
Deathstroke, the Terminator 34 World Tour, Part 8: Egypt
Deathstroke, the Terminator 35 To Thine Own Self...
Deathstroke, the Terminator 36 War Crimes
Deathstroke, the Terminator 37 Sins of the Father!
Deathstroke, the Terminator 38 Land of Milk and Blood
Deathstroke, the Terminator 39 The Death Doctor
Deathstroke, the Terminator INT 1 Full Cycle
Deathstroke, the Terminator INT A1 Assassins
Deathstroke, the Terminator INT A2 Sympathy for the Devil
Deathstroke, the Terminator AN1 A Thousand Points of Night
Deathstroke, the Terminator AN3 Journey's End
Eternals by Jack Kirby 1 Volume 1
Eternals Omnibus 1 Eternals Omnibus
The Eternals 1 The Day of the Gods
The Eternals 2 The Celestials!
Fantastic Four 204 The Andromeda Attack!
Fantastic Four 205 When Worlds Die!
Fantastic Four 206 The Death of... The Fantastic Four!
Fantastic Four 207 Might of the Monocle!
Fantastic Four 208 The Power of the Sphinx
Fantastic Four 209 Trapped in the Sargasso of Space!
Fantastic Four 210 In Search of Galactus
Fantastic Four 211 If This Be Terrax...
Fantastic Four 212 The Battle of the Titans!
Fantastic Four 213 In Final Battle
Fantastic Four 214 ...And Then There Was One...
Fantastic Four INT 2 In Search Of Galactus
Fantastic Four (Panini Comics) 1 La chute de Fatalis
Fantastic Four Epic Collection 9 The Crusader Syndrome
Le fils de Satan 19 Dr Strange - L'impitoyable Xander
Le fils de Satan INT 10 Recueil 3296
Giant-Size Spider-Woman 1 Giant-Size Spider-Woman
God of War (Wildstorm) 1 Issue #1
God of War (Wildstorm) 2 Issue #2
God of War (Wildstorm) 3 Issue #3
God of War (Wildstorm) 4 Issue #4
God of War (Wildstorm) 5 Issue #5
God of War (Wildstorm) 6 Issue #6
God of War (Wildstorm) INT 1 God of War
Green Lantern/Plastic Man: Weapons of Mass Deception 1 Weapons of Mass Deception
Iron Man Epic Collection 6 The War of the Super Villains
John Carter of Mars: Weird Worlds 1 John Carter of Mars: Weird Worlds
John Carter Warlord of Mars INT 1 John Carter of Mars: Warlord of Mars
Legends of the DCU: Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 The Untold Story
Man and Superman 100-Page Super Spectacular 1 Man and Superman 100-Page Super Spectacular
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 110 Les origines de Marvels: Les années 70
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 12 Fantastic Four
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 29 Blade
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 47 Nova
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel 3 Volume 3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel 4 Volume 4
Marvel Masterworks: Doctor Strange 6 Volume 6
Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man 15 Volume 15
Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man 16 Volume 16
Master of Kung Fu 42 Clock of Shattered Time
The New Teen Titans Omnibus 2 Volume Two
The New Teen Titans Omnibus 3 Volume Three
New Teen Titans: Games 1 New Teen Titans: Games
The New Titans 70 Clay Pigeons
Night Force B1 250 Minutes, Chapter 1: The Gatherers
Night Force B2 250 Minutes, Chapter 2: The Shadows
Night Force B3 250 Minutes, Chapter 3: The Nurses
Night Force B4 250 Minutes, Chapter 4: The Dying
Night Force B5 250 Minutes, Chapter 5: The Dormants
Night Force B6 250 Minutes, Chapter 6: The (R)Evolution
Night Force B7 250 Minutes, Chapter 7: Born Again
Nightwing A125 Targets, Part 1
Nightwing A126 Targets, Part 2
Nightwing A127 Targets, Part 3
Nightwing A128 Targets, Part 4
Nightwing A129 Bride and Groom, Part 1: The Courtship
Nightwing A130 Bride and Groom, Part 2: The Proposal
Nightwing A131 Bride and Groom, Part 3: The Engagement
Nightwing A132 Bride and Groom, Part 4: Till Death Do Us Part
Nightwing A133 321 Days, Part 1
Nightwing A134 321 Days, Part 2: The Best Friend
Nightwing A135 321 Days, Part 3: The Gang
Nightwing A136 321 Days, Part 4: The Plan
Nightwing A137 321 Days, Conclusion: The Assault
Nightwing INT A12 Love and War
Nightwing INT A13 The Lost Year
Nova Classic 3 Volume 3
The Rawhide Kid (Cornell/Atlas/Marvel) 131 Issue #131
The Rawhide Kid (Cornell/Atlas/Marvel) 132 Issue #132
The Rawhide Kid (Cornell/Atlas/Marvel) 133 Issue #133
The Rawhide Kid (Cornell/Atlas/Marvel) 134 Issue #134
Secret Origins B5 Issue #5
Showcase '94 11 Starfire - Black Condor - Man-Bat
The Spirit (DC Comics) A4 Frostbite, Part 1
Spoof (Marvel) 2 Issue #2
Spoof (Marvel) 3 Issue #3
Spoof (Marvel) 4 Issue #4
Spoof (Marvel) 5 Issue #5
Strange (LUG) 128 Numéro 128
Strange (LUG) 129 Numéro 129
Strange (LUG) 130 Numéro 130
Strange (LUG) 131 Numéro 131
Strange (LUG) 136 Numéro 136
Supergirl (National Periodical/DC) 1 Trail of the Madman!
Supergirl (National Periodical/DC) 2 Death of a City!
Superman 248 Issue #248
Superman 352 Issue #352
Superman 422 Dark Moon Rising!
Superman 424 Man O'War!
Superman 425 Going the Gauntlet
Superman 426 From the Dregs
Superman 427 Mind Games
Superman 428 Personal Best
Superman 429 Old Ties
Superman 430 Homeward Bound!
Superman 431 They Call Him.. Doctor Stratos
Superman 432 Gangwar, Part 1: From the Streets, to the Streets!
Superman 433 Gangwar, Part 2: A Tragedy in Five Acts
Superman 434 Gangwar, Part 3: Shambles
Superman 435 The Circle Turns
Superman 591 Infestation, Part 2
Superman A169 Infestation, Part 1
Superman (Baldakijn) 8 De Herrijzenis
Superman (Baldakijn) 9 Met de dood van een held!
Superman (Baldakijn) 10 De man van staal
Superman (Baldakijn) 19 De dag dat ze Superman opbliezen... / Superman: Vriend of vijand?
Superman (Baldakijn) 22 Terug naar het begin
Superman (Baldakijn) 23 Als Superman niet bestond...
Superman (Baldakijn) INT 7 Omnibus Nr. 7
Superman (Classics) 72 Aanval door het leger van morgen / Stemmen uit het verleden / De schatrijke erfgename
Superman special (Baldakijn) 3 Oorlog in Metropolis / Spitsroeden lopen / De redder
Superman special (Baldakijn) 4 Hersenspelletjes / De tweestrijd / Oude bekenden
Superman special (Baldakijn) 6 De tweestrijd / Ze noemen hem... Doctor Stratos / Bendeoorlog - Deel 1: Retourtje naar de misdaad!
Superman special (Baldakijn) 7 Een drama in vijf delen / Puinruimen / De gesloten cirkel
Superman special (Baldakijn) INT 7 Omnibus 7
Superman: The Man of Steel 112 Infestation, Part 3
Tales of the Batman - Don Newton 1 Volume 1
Terreur de Dracula 1 Le prince da la mort
Treehouse of Horror 11 Issue #11
Warlock (Marvel) 10 How Strange My Destiny!
Warlock (Marvel) 11 How Strange My Destiny, Part 2
Warlock (Marvel) 14 Homecoming!
Warlock by Jim Starlin: The Complete Collection 1 The Complete Collection
X-Men Epic Collection 4 It's Always Darkest Before Dawn