Jim Rugg

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Fables 883 / 7.59
Adventure Time
American Virgin
The Auteur: Sister Bambi
Black Dynamite (IDW Publishing)
Bravest Warriors
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers (Dynamite)
Death of Wolverine: Companion
Eight Billion Genies
Fables (Franse uitgaven)
Fables (Lion)
G.I. Joe: Special Missions (IDW Publishing)
God Hates Astronauts
Grrl Scouts: Stone Ghost
The Guild
Hack/Slash: Resurrection
I, Zombie
Judge Dredd (IDW Publishing)
Mind MGMT: Bootleg
The New York Five
The New York Four (Urban)
One Model Nation
Prophet (Image/Extreme/Awesome)
The Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel to Be Kin
What If? Age of Ultron
Wolverine & the X-Men