John Costanza

Pseudoniemen: Jon Costa, J. Costanza

Reeks + Strip (jaar volgorde) Jaar   
The Avengers Epic Collection 20 The Crossing Line
Batman 230 Take-Over of Paradise! 1971
Batman 231 Blind Rage of the Ten-Eyed Man! 1971
Batman 232 Daughter of the Demon 1971
Batman 234 Half an Evil 1971
Batman 235 Swamp Sinister 1971
Batman 236 Wail of the Ghost Bride! 1971
Batman 237 Night of the Reaper! 1971
Daredevil 81 And Death Is A Woman Called Widow! 1971
Daredevil 82 Now Send The Scorpion! 1971
The Amazing Spider-Man 110 The Birth of... the Gibbon 1972
The Amazing Spider-Man 111 To Stalk a Spider 1972
The Amazing Spider-Man 112 Spidey Cops Out 1972
The Amazing Spider-Man 113 They Call the Doctor... Octopus 1972
The Avengers 106 A Traitor Stalks Among Us 1972
The Cat 1 Beware the Claws of the Cat 1972
Conan the Barbarian 14 A Sword Called Stormbringer! 1972
Conan the Barbarian 17 The Gods of Bal-Sagoth, Part 1 1972
Conan the Barbarian 19 Hawks from the Sea 1972
Conan the Barbarian 20 The Black Hound of Vengeance! 1972
Daredevil 85 Night Flight! 1972
Daredevil 88 Call Him Killgrave! 1972
Daredevil 89 Crisis! 1972
Daredevil 92 On The Eye Of The Talon! 1972
Daredevil 93 A Power Corrupt! 1972
Daredevil 94 He Can Crush The World! 1972
The Defenders (Marvel) 2 The Secret of the Silver Surfer! 1972
Doc Savage A1 Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze! 1972
Doc Savage A2 Master of the Red Death 1972
Fantastic Four 123 This World Enslaved 1972
Fantastic Four 124 The Return of the Monster 1972
Fantastic Four 125 The Monster's Secret 1972
Fantastic Four 126 The Way It Began 1972
The Incredible Hulk 158 Frenzy on a Far-Away World 1972
Shanna, the She-Devil 1 And a Jungle Queen is Born 1972
Spoof (Marvel) 2 Issue #2 1972
Tarzan (DC) 207 Origin of the Ape-Man, Book 1 1972
Thor 196 Within the Realm of Kartag! 1972
Thor 198 ... And Odin Dies! 1972
Thor 200 Beware! If This Be... Ragnarok! 1972
Thor 203 They Walk Like Gods! 1972
Thor 205 A World Gone Mad! 1972
Thor 206 Rebirth! 1972
Warlock (Marvel) 3 The Apollo Eclipse! 1972
The Amazing Spider-Man 119 The Gentleman's Name Is ... Hulk! 1973
The Avengers 108 Check -- And Mate 1973
Conan the Barbarian 26 The Hour of the Griffin! 1973
Daredevil 95 Bullfight On The Bay! 1973
Daredevil 96 The Widow Will Make You Pay! 1973
Daredevil 97 He Who Saves! 1973
The Defenders (Marvel) 6 The Dreams of Death! 1973
Doc Savage A3 Death in Silver 1973
Doc Savage A4 The Hell-Diver 1973
Doc Savage A5 The Monsters 1973
Fantastic Four 133 Thundra at Dawn! 1973
Ghost Rider A1 A Woman Possessed 1973
The Incredible Hulk 159 Two Years Before the Abomination 1973
The Incredible Hulk 160 Nightmare in Niagara Falls 1973
The Incredible Hulk 163 Trackdown 1973
The Incredible Hulk 164 The Phantom From 5,000 Fathoms 1973
The Incredible Hulk 165 The Green-Skinned God 1973
The Incredible Hulk 167 To Destroy the Monster 1973
The Incredible Hulk 169 Calamity in the Clouds 1973
Night Nurse 2 Moment of Truth 1973
Night Nurse 3 Murder Stalks Ward 8 1973
Shanna, the She-Devil 2 The Sahara Connection 1973
Spoof (Marvel) 3 Issue #3 1973
Spoof (Marvel) 4 Issue #4 1973
Spoof (Marvel) 5 Issue #5 1973
Strange Tales 169 Brother Voodoo 1973
Supernatural Thrillers 3 The Valley of the Worm! 1973
tempCVDM 27 The Blood of Bel-Hissar! 1973
tempCVDM 28 Moon of Zembabwei! 1973
tempCVDM 29 Two Against Turan! 1973
tempCVDM 30 The Hand of Nergal 1973
Thor 209 Warriors in the Night! 1973
Thor 210 The Hammer and the Hellfire! 1973
Thor 214 Into the Dark Nebula 1973
Thor 215 The God in the Jewel 1973
Thor 216 Where Chaos Rules! 1973
Thor 217 All Swords against Them! 1973
The Amazing Spider-Man 128 The Vulture Hangs High 1974
The Amazing Spider-Man 129 The Punisher Strikes Twice 1974
The Amazing Spider-Man 130 Betrayed! 1974
Daredevil 108 Cry Beetle! 1974
Daredevil 116 Two Flew Over The Owl's Nest! 1974
The Defenders (Marvel) 13 For Sale: One Planet... Slightly Used! 1974
The Defenders (Marvel) 15 Panic Beneath the Earth! 1974
Doctor Strange A1 Through an Orb Darkly 1974
Giant-Size Spider-Man 1 Ship of Fiends 1974
The Incredible Hulk 179 Re-Enter: The Missing Link 1974
The Incredible Hulk 182 Between Hammer and Anvil 1974
Supernatural Thrillers 7 The Return of the Living Mummy 1974
Thor 220 Behold! The Land of Doom! 1974
Thor 221 Hercules Enraged! 1974
Thor 222 Before the Gates of Hell! 1974
Thor 224 No One Can Stop... The Destroyer! 1974
Thor 225 The Coming of the Firelord! 1974
Thor 227 In Search of... Ego! 1974
Thor 228 Ego: Beginning and End! 1974
Thor 229 Where Darkness Dwells, Dwell I! 1974
Thor 230 The Sky Above... The Pits Below! 1974
The Amazing Spider-Man 148 Jackal, Jackal... Who's Got the Jackal? 1975
The Amazing Spider-Man 151 Skirmish Beneath the Streets 1975
Daredevil 125 Vengeance Is The Copperhead! 1975
The Defenders (Marvel) 20 The Woman She Was...! 1975
The Defenders (Marvel) 21 Enter: The Headmen! 1975
The Defenders (Marvel) 29 Let My Planet Go! 1975
Giant-Size Fantastic Four 4 Madrox the Multiple Man 1975
Giant-Size X-Men 1 Second Genesis 1975
The Incredible Hulk 190 The Man Who Came Down on a Rainbow 1975
The Incredible Hulk 191 The Triumph of theToad 1975
The Incredible Hulk 193 The Doctor's Name Is... Samson 1975
The Incredible Hulk 194 The Day of the Locust 1975
The Invaders 1 The Ring Of The Nebulas! 1975
The Invaders GS1 The coming of The Invaders! 1975
The Invaders 2 The Twilight of the Star-gods 1975
The Invaders 3 Blitzkrieg at Bermuda 1975
Supernatural Thrillers 14 All These Great Pawns 1975
Supernatural Thrillers 15 Armageddon at the Aleph 1975
Thor 231 A Spectre from the Past! 1975
Thor 232 Lo, The Raging Battle! 1975
Thor 234 O, Bitter Victory! 1975
Thor 235 Who Lurks Beyond the Labyrinth! 1975
Thor 237 Ulik Unchained 1975
Thor 238 Night of the Troll! 1975
Thor 239 Time-Quake 1975
Thor 240 When the Gods Make War 1975
Thor 241 The Death-ship Sails the Stars! 1975
Thor 242 When the Servitor Commands! 1975
2001: A Space Odyssey - Marvel Treasury Special 1 2001: A Space Odyssey - Marvel Treasury Special 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 152 Shattered By the Shocker 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 153 The Longest Hundred Yards 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 154 The Sandman Always Strikes Twice 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 157 The Ghost That Haunted Octopus 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 158 Hammerhead is Out 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 161 ...And the Nightcrawler Came Prowling, Prowling 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 162 Let the Punisher Fit the Crime! 1976
The Champions (Marvel) 5 The economy is so bad that ... 1976
Daredevil 130 Look Out Daredevil, Here Comes The Death-Man! 1976
Daredevil 139 A Night In The Life 1976
The Defenders (Marvel) 32 Musical Minds! 1976
The Defenders (Marvel) 35 Bring Back My Body To Me, To Me...! 1976
The Defenders (Marvel) 42 And In This Corner: The New Emissaries of Evil! 1976
The Eternals 2 The Celestials! 1976
The Eternals 3 The Devil in New York! 1976
The Incredible Hulk 196 The Abomination Proclamation 1976
The Incredible Hulk 197 ...And Man-Thing Makes Three 1976
The Incredible Hulk 198 The Shangri-La Syndrome 1976
The Incredible Hulk 201 The Sword and the Sorcerer 1976
The Incredible Hulk 204 Vicious Circle 1976
The Incredible Hulk 205 Do Not Forsake Me 1976
The Incredible Hulk 206 A Man-Brute Berserk 1976
The Inhumans 3 Panic In New York! 1976
The Inhumans 5 Voices From a Galaxy's End 1976
The Invaders 4 U-Man Must Be Stopped! 1976
The Invaders 5 Red Skull in the Sunset! 1976
The Invaders 6 ...And Let The Battle Begin! 1976
The Invaders 7 The blackout murders of Baron Blood! 1976
The Invaders 8 Union Jack Is Back! 1976
The Invaders 9 An Invader No More! 1976
The Invaders 10 The Wrath of the Reaper! 1976
The Invaders 11 Night of the Blue Bullet 1976
Marvel Premiere 29 Lo, the Liberty Legion! 1976
Marvel Premiere 30 Hey, Ma! They're Blitzin' the Bronx! 1976
Marvel Treasury Edition 12 Howard the Duck 1976
Thor 246 The Fury of Firelord! 1976
Thor 250 If Asgard Should Perish...! 1976
The Uncanny X-Men 101 Like a Phoenix, From the Ashes! 1976
The Uncanny X-Men 102 Who Will Stop the Juggernaut? 1976
The Amazing Spider-Man 164 Deadline! 1977
The Amazing Spider-Man 172 The Fiend from the Fire! 1977
The Amazing Spider-Man 173 If You Can't Stand the Heat...! 1977
Daredevil 142 The Concrete Jungle! 1977
Daredevil 143 Hyde, And Go Seek, Sayeth The Cobra! 1977
The Defenders (Marvel) 44 Rage of the Rajah! 1977
The Defenders (Marvel) 47 Night Moves 1977
The Defenders (Marvel) 50 Scorpio Must Die! 1977
Fantastic Four *AN12 Fury in the Stars! 1977
The Incredible Hulk 210 And Call the Doctor... Druid 1977
The Incredible Hulk 212 Crushed By The Constrictor 1977
The Incredible Hulk 213 You Just Don't Quarrel With The Quintronic Man 1977
The Incredible Hulk 214 The Jack of Hearts is Wild 1977
The Incredible Hulk 216 Countdown to Catastrophe 1977
The Incredible Hulk 217 The Circus of Lost Souls 1977
The Incredible Hulk 218 The Rhino Doesn't Stop Here Anymore 1977
The Inhumans 10 Isle of the Asteroid Web! 1977
The Invaders 13 The Golem Walks Again 1977
The Invaders 15 God Save the King 1977
The Invaders 16 The Short, Happy Life of Major Victory 1977
The Invaders 17 The Making of Warrior Woman, 1942! 1977
The Invaders 18 Enter: the Mighty Destroyer 1977
The Invaders 19 War Comes to the Wilhelmstrasse 1977
The Invaders 21 The Battle of Berlin, Part 2 1977
The Invaders 22 The Fire that Died 1977
John Carter Warlord of Mars 2 From The Shadows of Stara-Kan 1977
Marvel Super Special 1 KISS 1977
Ms. Marvel 1 This Woman, This Warrior! 1977
Ms. Marvel 3 The Lady's Not For Killing! 1977
Ms. Marvel 5 Bridge of No Return 1977
Ms. Marvel 6 ...And Grotesk Shall Slay Thee! 1977
Ms. Marvel 8 The Last Sunset...? 1977
Ms. Marvel 9 Call Me Death-Bird! 1977
Ms. Marvel 10 Cry Murder... Cry Modok! 1977
Nova (Marvel) 5 Evil Is the...Earth-Shaker! 1977
Nova (Marvel) 7 War in Space! 1977
Nova (Marvel) 9 Fear In The Funhouse! 1977
Nova (Marvel) 14 Massacre at Truman High! 1977
Nova (Marvel) 15 The Fury Before the Storm 1977
Thor 256 Lurker in the Dark! 1977
Thor 260 The Vicious and the Valiant 1977
Thor 263 Holocaust and Homecoming! 1977
The Uncanny X-Men 103 The Fall of the Tower 1977
What If...? 1 Spider-Man Joined The Fantastic Four? 1977
What If...? 4 The Invaders Had Stayed Together After World War Two? 1977
The Amazing Spider-Man 177 Goblin in the Middle 1978
The Amazing Spider-Man 179 The Goblin's Always Greener...! 1978
The Amazing Spider-Man 182 The Rocket Racer's Back in Town! 1978
The Amazing Spider-Man 184 White Dragon! Red Death! 1978
The Champions (Marvel) 17 The Sentinels Hunt Again! 1978
The Defenders (Marvel) 62 Membership Madness! 1978
The Defenders (Marvel) 63 Deadlier By the Dozen! 1978
The Defenders (Marvel) 64 D-Day! 1978
The Human Fly 9 ...and Daredevil makes Three! 1978
The Incredible Hulk 224 Follow the Leader 1978
The Incredible Hulk 227 The Monster's Analyst 1978
The Invaders 25 The Power and the Panzers 1978
The Invaders 27 Agent Axis, Master of Murder 1978
The Invaders 28 Calling the Kid Commandos 1978
The Invaders 29 Attack of the Teutonic Knight 1978
John Carter Warlord of Mars AN2 The Headman of Mars 1978
John Carter Warlord of Mars 12 City of Skulls 1978
John Carter Warlord of Mars 13 March of the Dead 1978
John Carter Warlord of Mars 15 The History Holocaust 1978
John Carter Warlord of Mars 16 The Master Assassin of Mars, Chapter 1 1978
John Carter Warlord of Mars 17 What Price Victory? 1978
Ms. Marvel 14 Fear Stalks Floor 40 1978
Ms. Marvel 17 Shadow of the Gun! 1978
Nova (Marvel) 21 The Shocking Secret of Nova! 1978
Silver Surfer TPB1 The Silver Surfer 1978
Spider-Woman 5 Nightmare 1978
Spider-Woman 6 End of a Nightmare!! 1978
Spider-Woman 8 The Man Who Could Not Die! 1978
Star Wars (Marvel) 12 Doomworld! 1978
Star Wars (Marvel) 20 Deathgame 1978
Star Wars (Marvel) 21 Shadow of a Dark Lord 1978
The Amazing Spider-Man 191 Wanted for Murder: Spider-Man 1979
The Amazing Spider-Man 193 The Wings of the Fearsome Fly! 1979
The Amazing Spider-Man 194 Never Let the Black Cat Cross Your Path! 1979
The Amazing Spider-Man 195 Nine Lives Has the Black Cat 1979
The Amazing Spider-Man 196 Requiem! 1979
The Defenders (Marvel) 69 The Anything Man! 1979
The Defenders (Marvel) 71 Stranger and Stranger in a Strange Land 1979
Fantastic Four 206 The Death of... The Fantastic Four! 1979
Fantastic Four 207 Might of the Monocle! 1979
Fantastic Four 212 The Battle of the Titans! 1979
Fantastic Four 213 In Final Battle 1979
The Incredible Hulk 232 The Battle Below 1979
The Incredible Hulk 234 Battleground: Berkeley 1979
The Incredible Hulk 235 The Monster and the Machine 1979
The Incredible Hulk 238 Post Hulk...Post Holocaust 1979
The Incredible Hulk 240 ...And Now El Dorado 1979
John Carter Warlord of Mars 20 Battle at the Bottom of the World 1979
John Carter Warlord of Mars 22 Climb to Freedom 1979
John Carter Warlord of Mars 23 The Man Who Makes Murder 1979
Marvel Super Special 11 Warriors of the Shadow Realm, Part the First 1979
Marvel Super Special 12 Warriors of the Shadow Realm, Part the Second: The Darklens Gems 1979
Marvel Super Special 13 Warriors of the Shadow Realm, Part the Third: The Soul Shrine 1979
Marvel Super Special 14 Meteor 1979
Marvel Super Special 15 Star Trek - The Motion Picture 1979
Spider-Woman 11 And Dolly makes three 1979
Spider-Woman 12 The last tale of the Brothers Grimm! 1979
Spider-Woman 13 Suddenly... the Shroud! 1979
Spider-Woman 16 All You Need Is Hate 1979
Spider-Woman 18 Sins of The Flesh 1979
Spider-Woman 20 Tangled Webs 1979
Star Wars (Marvel) *AN1 The Long Hunt 1979
Star Wars (Marvel) 23 Flight Into Fury! 1979
Star Wars (Marvel) 26 Doom Mission! 1979
Star Wars (Marvel) 27 Return of the Hunter 1979
Star Wars (Marvel) 28 What Ever Happened To Jabba The Hut? 1979
Star Wars (Marvel) 29 Dark Encounter 1979
The Uncanny X-Men 119 Twas the Night Before Christmas... 1979
Batman 326 This Way Lies Madness! 1980
Daredevil 164 Exposé 1980
The Defenders (Marvel) 80 Once a Defender 1980
The Defenders (Marvel) 82 Wizard-Death! 1980
The Defenders (Marvel) 83 End of the Tunnel 1980
Fantastic Four 214 ...And Then There Was One... 1980
The Incredible Hulk 244 It Lives 1980
The Incredible Hulk 247 Tarella's World 1980
The Incredible Hulk 250 Monster 1980
She-Hulk 2 Deathrace! 1980
Star Wars (Marvel) 32 The Jawa express 1980
Star Wars (Marvel) 33 Saber Clash! 1980
Star Wars (Marvel) 35 Dark Lord's Gambit 1980
Star Wars (Marvel) 36 Red Queen Rising! 1980
Star Wars (Marvel) 37 In Mortal Combat! 1980
Batman 331 Closed Circuit! 1981
Batman 336 While the Bat's Away ... 1981
Batman 337 Where Walks a Snowman 1981
Batman 338 This Sporting Death 1981
Batman 339 A Sweet Kiss of Poison... 1981
Batman 341 The Ghost of Wayne Mansion 1981
The Brave and the Bold 171 A Cannon For Batman 1981
DC Special Series 27 Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk: The Monster and the Madman 1981
Star Wars (Marvel) 45 Death Probe 1981
Superman 362 Issue #362 1981
Superman 364 Issue #364 1981
Superman 365 Issue #365 1981
Superman 366 Issue #366 1981
Thor 303 The Miracle of Storms 1981
Batman 343 A Dagger So Deadly... 1982
Batman 347 The Shadow of the Batman 1982
Batman vs. The Incredible Hulk 1 The Monster and the Madman 1982
The Fury of Firestorm 1 Day of the Bison 1982
Jonah Hex 56 The Asylum 1982
Jonah Hex 57 The Debt 1982
Jonah Hex 58 The Treasure of Catfish Pond 1982
Superman 368 Issue #368 1982
Superman 370 Issue #370 1982
Superman 371 Issue #371 1982
Superman 373 Issue #373 1982
Superman 374 Issue #374 1982
Superman 375 Issue #375 1982
Swamp Thing A1 What Peace There May be in Silence 1982
Swamp Thing A2 Something to Live For 1982
Swamp Thing A3 A Town Has Turned to Blood 1982
Swamp Thing A4 In the White Room 1982
Swamp Thing A5 The Screams of Hungry Flesh 1982
Swamp Thing A6 Sins on the Water 1982
Swamp Thing A7 I Have Seen the Splintered Timbers of a Hundred Shattered Hulls 1982
Swamp Thing A8 Here's Lookin' At You, Kid 1982
Thor 318 A Kingdom Lost 1982
Unknown Soldier 268 A Farewell To War! 1982
Batman 365 Ruins 1983
Batman 366 The Joker Is Wild! 1983
The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl 4 Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here! 1983
The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl 5 Fear Times Four 1983
Green Arrow 2 A Slight Case of Vertigo..! 1983
Jonah Hex 73 The Wheelchair Bounty Hunter 1983
Ronin 1 Book One 1983
Ronin 2 Book Two 1983
Ronin 3 Book Three 1983
Ronin 4 Book Four 1983
Swamp Thing A9 Prelude to Holocaus 1983
Swamp Thing A10 Number of the Beast 1983
Swamp Thing A11 Heart of Stone, Feet of Clay 1983
Swamp Thing A12 And Yet It Lives 1983
Swamp Thing A13 Lambs to the Slaughter 1983
Swamp Thing A14 Crystal Visions, Shattered Dreams! 1983
Swamp Thing A15 Empire Made of Sand 1983
Swamp Thing A16 Stopover in a Place of Secret Truths 1983
Swamp Thing A17 ...And Things That Go Bump in the Night 1983
Swamp Thing A19 And the Meek Shall Inherit... 1983
Batman 367 The Green Ghosts of Gotham 1984
Batman 374 Pieces of Penguin! 1984
Batman 378 One Hat Madder! 1984
The Fury of Firestorm 19 Golden Boy 1984
The Fury of Firestorm 21 Cold Snap 1984
The Fury of Firestorm 22 The Secret Origin of Firestorm 1984
The Fury of Firestorm 24 Terminal Velocity 1984
The Fury of Firestorm 28 The End Of His Rope 1984
The Fury of Firestorm 30 The Depths of Despair 1984
Ronin 5 Book Five 1984
Ronin 6 Book Six 1984
Superman 400 The Living Legends of Superman 1984
Swamp Thing A AN2 Down Amongst the Dead Men 1984
Swamp Thing A20 Loose Ends 1984
Swamp Thing A21 The Anatomy Lesson 1984
Swamp Thing A22 Swamped 1984
Swamp Thing A23 Another Green World 1984
Swamp Thing A24 Roots 1984
Swamp Thing A25 The Sleep of Reason... 1984
Swamp Thing A26 ...A Time of Running... 1984
Swamp Thing A27 ...By Demons Driven! 1984
Swamp Thing A28 The Burial 1984
Swamp Thing A29 Love and Death 1984
Swamp Thing A30 A Halo of Flies 1984
Swamp Thing A31 The Brimstone Ballet 1984
Batman 385 Day of Doom 1985
Batman 386 Black Mask: Losing Face 1985
Batman 387 Ebon Masquery 1985
Batman 388 The Round-Trip Looking Glass! 1985
Batman 389 Red Skies 1985
Batman 390 Women Dark and Dangerous 1985
Batman and the Outsiders 21 3 Solo Stories 1985
Batman and the Outsiders 23 The Search for Halo 1985
Batman and the Outsiders 24 ...I went to the Animal Fair... 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 The Summoning 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 2 Time and Time Again 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 3 Oblivion Upon Us 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 4 And Thus Shall the World Die! 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 5 Worlds in Limbo 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 6 3 Earths! 3 Deaths! 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 7 Beyond the Silent Night 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 8 A Flash of the Lightning! 1985
Crisis on Infinite Earths 9 War Zone 1985
The Outsiders 2 Nuclear Fear, Part 2: Family Ties! 1985
Red Tornado 4 Ghost in the Machine 1985
Superman 411 The Last Earth-Prime Story 1985
Superman 412 Luthor - Today You Die! 1985
Superman 413 Superman - Your World Is Mine! 1985
Swamp Thing A32 Pog 1985
Swamp Thing A33 Abandoned Houses 1985
Swamp Thing A34 Rite of Spring 1985
Swamp Thing A35 The Nuke-Face Papers, Part 1 1985
Swamp Thing A36 The Nuke-Face Papers, Part 2 1985
Swamp Thing A37 Growth Patterns 1985
Swamp Thing A38 Still Waters 1985
Swamp Thing A39 Fish Story 1985
Swamp Thing A40 The Curse 1985
Swamp Thing A41 Southern Change 1985
Swamp Thing A42 Strange Fruit 1985
Swamp Thing A43 Windfall 1985
Adventures of the Outsiders 36 Agents of Change 1986
Adventures of the Outsiders 40 Nuclear Fear, Part 2: Family Ties! 1986
Batman 391 Death Comes as the End 1986
Batman 392 A Town on the Night 1986
Batman 393 The Dark Rider 1986
Batman 394 At the Heart of Stone 1986
Batman 395 The Film Freak 1986
Batman 396 Box-Office Smash 1986
Batman 397 Binary Brains 1986
Batman 398 About Faces 1986
Batman 400 Resurrection Night! 1986
Batman 401 A Bird in the Hand ... 1986
Batman 402 There's Nothing So Savage .... As a Man Destroying Himself! 1986
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight 1 The Dark Knight Returns 1986
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight 2 The Dark Knight Triumphant 1986
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight 3 Hunt the Dark Knight 1986
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight 4 The Dark Knight Falls 1986
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight INT 1 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns 1986
Booster Gold 9 Time Bridge, Part 2 1986
Booster Gold 11 When Glass Houses Shatter 1986
Classic X-Men 1 First Night 1986
Crisis on Infinite Earths 10 Death At the Dawn of Time! 1986
Crisis on Infinite Earths 11 Aftershock 1986
Crisis on Infinite Earths 12 Final Crisis 1986
DC Comics Presents 97 Phantom Zone - The Final Chapter 1986
Deadman A1 Return... to Forever! 1986
Deadman A2 This Mortal Coil! 1986
Deadman A3 Breaking the Barrier 1986
Deadman A4 Circle of Fire 1986
The Fury of Firestorm 47 Dead Devils Don't Wear Blue 1986
Green Lantern Corps 205 Bad Reputation! 1986
The Outsiders 4 Chasing the Dollar 1986
The Outsiders 8 Ladies Day 1986
Superman 415 Supergirl: Bride of.. X? 1986
Superman 419 The Man Who Murdered Evil! 1986
Superman 422 Dark Moon Rising! 1986
Swamp Thing A44 Bogeymen 1986
Swamp Thing A45 Ghost Dance 1986
Swamp Thing A46 Revelations 1986
Swamp Thing A47 The Parliament Of Trees 1986
Swamp Thing A48 A Murder Of Crows 1986
Swamp Thing A49 The Summoning 1986
Swamp Thing A50 The End 1986
Swamp Thing A51 Home Free 1986
Swamp Thing A52 Natural Consequences 1986
Swamp Thing A53 The Garden Of Earthly Delights 1986
Swamp Thing A54 The Flowers Of Romance 1986
Swamp Thing A55 Earth To Earth 1986
Adventures of the Outsiders 42 Chasing the Dollar 1987
Adventures of the Outsiders 46 Ladies Day 1987
Batman 403 One Batman Too Many! 1987
Batman 409 Just Another Kid on Crime Alley! 1987
Batman 410 Two of a Kind 1987
Batman 413 The Ghost of Masahiko Tahara 1987
Batman 414 Victims! 1987
Batman: Son of the Demon 1 Batman: Son of the Demon 1987
Booster Gold 14 A Future Lost 1987
Booster Gold 18 Showdown 1987
Classic X-Men 9 Like a Phoenix, From the Ashes! 1987
Classic X-Men 10 Who Will Stop the Juggernaut? 1987
Classic X-Men 11 The Fall of the Tower 1987
The Demon A1 Direction from the Darkness 1987
The Demon A3 So Made He in His Likeness 1987
The Demon A4 Begins Our Tale of Woe 1987
Detective Comics 577 Batman: Year Two, Part 3, Chapter 3: Deadly Allies 1987
Firestorm, The Nuclear Man 66 Out of Control 1987
The Outsiders 18 ...Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light! 1987
Ronin INT 1 Ronin 1987
Superman A1 Heart of Stone 1987
Superman A2 The Secret Revealed! 1987
Superman A3 Legends from the Darkside 1987
Superman A4 Bloodsport! 1987
Superman A5 The Mummy Strikes 1987
Superman A6 The Last Five Hundred 1987
Superman A7 Rampage! 1987
Superman A8 Future Shock 1987
Superman A9 To Laugh and Die in Metropolis 1987
Superman A10 The Super Menace of Metropolis 1987
Superman A11 The Name Game 1987
Superman A12 Lost Love 1987
Superman 424 Man O'War! 1987
Superman 425 Going the Gauntlet 1987
Superman 427 Mind Games 1987
Superman 428 Personal Best 1987
Superman Meets the Quik Bunny 1 Superman Meets the Quik Bunny 1987
Swamp Thing A56 My Blue Heaven 1987
Swamp Thing A57 Mysteries In Space 1987
Swamp Thing A59 Reunion 1987
Swamp Thing A62 Wavelength 1987
Swamp Thing A63 Loose Ends (Reprise) 1987
Swamp Thing A64 Return Of The Good Gumbo 1987
Swamp Thing A65 (We Could Be) Diving For Pearls 1987
Swamp Thing A66 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1987
Swamp Thing A67 The Wisdom of Solomon 1987
Wonder Woman A1 The Princess and the Power 1987
Animal Man 1 The Human Zoo 1988
Animal Man 2 Life in the Concrete Jungle 1988
Animal Man 3 The Nature of the Beast 1988
Animal Man 4 When We All Lived in the Forest 1988
Batman 418 Ten Nights of the Beast, Part 2 1988
Batman 419 Ten Nights of the Beast, Part 3 1988
Batman 420 Ten Nights of the Beast, Part 4 1988
Batman 421 Elmore's Lady 1988
Batman 422 Just Deserts 1988
Batman 423 You Shoulda Seen Him ... 1988
Batman 424 The Diplomat's Son 1988
Batman 425 Consequences 1988
Batman 426 A Death in the Family, Book 1 1988
Batman 427 A Death in the Family, Book 2 1988
Batman 428 A Death in the Family, Book 3 1988
Batman INT 2 A Death in the Family 1988
Batman: The Cult 1 Ordeal 1988
Batman: The Cult 2 Capture 1988
Batman: The Cult 3 Escape 1988
Batman: The Cult 4 Combat 1988
Cinder and Ashe 3 Book Three 1988
Cinder and Ashe 4 Book Four 1988
Classic X-Men 25 Twas the Night Before Christmas... 1988
Doctor Fate A1 The Return of Dr. Fate 1988
Doctor Fate A2 Sunset 1988
Green Arrow A1 Hunters' Moon, Part 1 1988
Green Arrow A2 Hunters moon, Part 2 1988
Green Arrow A3 The Champions, Part 1 1988
Green Arrow A4 The Champions, Part 2 1988
Green Arrow A5 Gauntlet, Part 1 1988
Green Arrow A6 Gauntlet, Part 2 1988
Green Arrow A7 Black Canary 1988
Green Arrow A8 The Powderhorn Trail 1988
Green Arrow A9 Here There be Dragons, Part 1 1988
Green Arrow A10 Here There be Dragons, Part 2 1988
Green Arrow A11 Here There be Dragons, Part 3 1988
Green Arrow A12 Here There be Dragons, Part 4 1988
Green Arrow A13 Moving Target, Part 1 1988
Hellblazer (DC/Vertigo) 8 Intensive Care 1988
Hellblazer (DC/Vertigo) 9 Shot to Hell 1988
Peacemaker (DC Comics) 1 A Breach of the Peace! 1988
Peacemaker (DC Comics) 2 The Wages of Tzin 1988
Secret Origins 28 Starring Midnight & Nightshade 1988
Suicide Squad 9 The Final Price 1988
Superman A13 Toys in the Attic 1988
Superman A14 Last Stand! 1988
Superman A15 Wings 1988
Superman A16 He Only Laughs When I Hurt! 1988
Superman A17 Cries in the Night 1988
Superman A19 The Power That Failed! 1988
Superman A20 Doom in the Heartland! 1988
Superman A21 You Can't Go Home Again 1988
Superman A22 The Price 1988
Superman A23 Curse of the Banshee 1988
Superman A24 Power Politics 1988
Superman A25 Head Trips 1988
Superman A26 ...It's Just a Shot Away! 1988
Swamp Thing A68 Reflections in a Golden Eye 1988
Swamp Thing A69 Wild Thing 1988
Swamp Thing A70 The Secret Life of Plants 1988
Swamp Thing A71 Fear of Flying 1988
Swamp Thing A72 Gargles in the Rat Race Choir 1988
Swamp Thing A73 The Fire Next Door 1988
Swamp Thing A74 Center of the Cyclone 1988
Swamp Thing A75 The Thinker 1988
Swamp Thing A76 L'Adoration de la Terre 1988
Swamp Thing A77 Infernal Triangles 1988
Swamp Thing A78 To Sow One's Seed in the Wind 1988
Swamp Thing A79 Waiting for God (Oh! 1988
Swamp Thing A80 The Longest Day 1988
Swamp Thing A81 Widowsweed 1988
Unknown Soldier A1 Looking for Charlie 1988
Animal Man 5 The Coyote Gospel 1989
Animal Man 6 Birds of Prey 1989
Animal Man 7 The Death of the Red Mask 1989
Animal Man 9 Home Improvements 1989
Animal Man 10 Fox on the Run 1989
Animal Man 11 Out of Africa 1989
Animal Man 12 Secret Origins 1989
Animal Man 13 Hour of the Beast 1989
Animal Man 14 Spooks 1989
Animal Man 15 The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 1989
Animal Man 16 The Clockwork Crimes of the Time Commander 1989
Animal Man 17 Consequences 1989
Animal Man 18 At Play in the Fields of the Lord 1989
Batman 397 Binary Brains 1989
Batman 398 About Faces 1989
Batman 410 Two of a Kind 1989
Batman 414 Victims! 1989
Batman 429 A Death in the Family, Book 4 1989
Batman 430 Fatal Wish 1989
Batman 431 The Wall 1989
Batman 432 Dead Letter Office 1989
Batman 433 The Many Deaths of Batman, Chapter 1 1989
Batman 434 The Many Deaths of Batman, Chapter 2 1989
Batman 435 The Many Deaths of Batman, Chapter 3 1989
Batman 436 Batman: Year Three, Part 1: Different Roads 1989
Batman 437 Batman: Year Three, Part 2: Changes Made 1989
Batman 438 Batman: Year Three, Part 3: Turnabout 1989
Batman 439 Batman: Year Three, Part 4: Resolutions 1989
Batman 440 A Lonely Place of Dying, Chapter 1: Suspects 1989
Batman 441 A Lonely Place of Dying, Chapter 3: Parallel Lines! 1989
Batman 442 A Lonely Place of Dying, Chapter 5: Rebirth 1989
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 1 Shaman, Book 1 1989
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 2 Shaman, Book 2 1989
Batman: The Cult INT 1 Batman: The Cult 1989
Batman: The Official Comic Adaptation 1 Batman 1989
Checkmate 12 Knight Launch 1989
Checkmate 14 Neighborhood Watch 1989
Checkmate 21 One Wet and Wild Knight, Part 1 1989
Checkmate 23 Peaceful Knights, Part 1 1989
Christmas with the Super-Heroes 2 Issue #2 1989
Doctor Fate A AN1 Annual 1 1989
Doctor Fate A3 Twilight 1989
Doctor Fate A4 Nightfall 1989
Doctor Fate A5 Midnight 1989
Doctor Fate A6 Sunrise 1989
Doctor Fate A7 Hark! Vat Light through yonder Vindow Breaks? 1989
Doctor Fate A8 Circular Motion 1989
Doctor Fate A9 Food for Thought 1989
Doctor Fate A10 The Death of Innocence, Part 1: Denial 1989
Green Arrow A AN2 Saving Face 1989
Green Arrow A14 Moving Target, Part 2 1989
Green Arrow A15 Seattle & Die, Part 1 1989
Green Arrow A16 Seattle & Die, Part 2 1989
Green Arrow A17 The Horseman, Part 1 1989
Green Arrow A18 The Horseman, Part 2 1989
Green Arrow A19 The Trial of Oliver Queen, Part 1 1989
Green Arrow A20 The Trial of Oliver Queen, Part 2 1989
Green Arrow A21 Blood of the Dragon, Part 1: Uchiokoshi 1989
Green Arrow A22 Blood of the Dragon, Part 2: Hikiwake 1989
Green Arrow A23 Blood of the Dragon, Part 3: Kia 1989
Green Arrow A24 Blood of the Dragon, Part 4: Hanare 1989
Green Arrow A25 Witch Hunt, Part 1 1989
Green Arrow A26 Witch Hunt, Part 2: Ollie of Sherwood 1989
Green Arrow A27 Enter... 1989
The Sandman (Gaiman) 11 Moving In 1989
Superman A19 The Power That Failed! 1989
Superman A27 Of Course, You Know, This Means War! 1989
Superman A28 Superman in Exile 1989
Superman A29 If This Be My Fate 1989
Superman A30 Alone! 1989
Superman A31 As Good As His Word! 1989
Superman A32 Gladiator 1989
Superman A33 Two Destinies! 1989
Superman A34 By Hook or by Crook! 1989
Superman A35 Visions of Grandeur 1989
Superman A36 Laugh... I Thought I'd Die! 1989
Superman A37 Best Friends 1989
Superman A38 Unnatural Disasters 1989
Superman 452 Hell Beyond 1989
Swamp Thing A82 Brothers in Arms, Part One 1989
Swamp Thing A83 Brothers in Arms, Part Two 1989
Swamp Thing A84 Final Payment 1989
Swamp Thing A85 My Name is Nobody 1989
Swamp Thing A86 Heroes of the Revolution 1989
Swamp Thing A87 Fall of the House of Pendragon 1989
Swamp Thing A88 Survival of the Fittest 1989
Swamp Thing A89 Founding Fathers 1989
Swamp Thing A90 Journeys 1989
Animal Man 19 A New Science of Life 1990
Animal Man 20 The Last Enemy 1990
Animal Man 21 Tooth and Claw 1990
Animal Man 22 Time in a Bottle 1990
Animal Man 23 Crisis 1990
Animal Man 24 Purification Day 1990
Animal Man 25 Monkey Puzzles 1990
Animal Man 26 Deus Ex Machina 1990
Animal Man 27 The Coma Kid 1990
Animal Man 28 The Naked Afternoon Snack 1990
Animal Man 29 Born To Be Wild 1990
Animal Man 30 A Nice Day for a Weird Wedding 1990
Batman 425 Consequences 1990
Batman 443 The Coming of Crimesmith 1990
Batman 444 Crimesmith and Punishment 1990
Batman 445 When the Earth Dies!, Chapter 1: Red Square! Bloody Square! 1990
Batman 446 When the Earth Dies, Chapter 2: Underworlds 1990
Batman 447 When the Earth Dies!, Chapter 3: Earth Day! Demon Night! 1990
Batman 448 The Penguin Affair, Part 1: Pawns 1990
Batman 449 The Penguin Affair, Part 3: Winged Vengeance 1990
Batman 450 Wildcard! 1990
Batman 451 Judgements 1990
Batman 452 Dark Knight, Dark City, Part 1 1990
Batman 453 Dark Knight, Dark City, Part 2 1990
Batman 454 Dark Knight, Dark City, Part 3 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 3 Shaman, Book 3 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 4 Shaman, Book 4 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 5 Shaman, Book 5 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 6 Gothic, Part 1 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 7 Gothic, Part 2 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 8 Gothic, Part 3 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 9 Gothic, Part 4 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 10 Gothic, Part 5 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 11 Prey, Part 1 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 12 Prey, Part 2: Dark Sides 1990
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 13 Prey, Part 3: Night Scourge 1990
Checkmate 26 Knight Job 1990
Checkmate 32 Patriotic Knights, Part 2 1990
Detective Comics INT 1 Batman: Year Two 1990
Dragonlance 17 Dragonkill 1990
Dragonlance 19 Season of the Witch! 1990
Dragonlance 20 A Winter's Knight 1990
Dragonlance 21 Issue #21 1990
Dragonlance 22 Landfall 1990
Dragonlance 23 Winging It! 1990
Dragonlance 24 Ring of Evil 1990
Dragonlance 25 Death in the Burning Sea 1990
Green Arrow A AN3 A Walk in the Wind 1990
Green Arrow A28 Siege 1990
Green Arrow A29 Coyote Tears, Part 1 1990
Green Arrow A30 Coyote Tears, Part 2 1990
Green Arrow A31 The Canary is a Bird of Prey, Part 1 1990
Green Arrow A32 The Canary is a Bird of Prey, Part 2 1990
Green Arrow A33 Broken Arrow 1990
Green Arrow A34 The Black Arrow Saga Prologue 1990
Green Arrow A35 The Black Arrow Saga, Part 1 1990
Green Arrow A36 The Black Arrow Saga, Part 2 1990
Green Arrow A37 The Black Arrow Saga, Part 3 : Quarry 1990
The New Titans 70 Clay Pigeons 1990
The Sandman (Gaiman) 12 Playing House 1990
Superman A39 Jimmy Olsen's Excellent Adventure 1990
Superman A40 Terror on the Streets 1990
Superman A41 The Day of the Krypton Man, Part 1: The Nature of the Beast 1990
Superman A42 The Day of the Krypton Man, Part 4: Krypton Man 1990
Superman A43 The Evil Factory 1990
Superman A44 Dark Knight Over Metropolis, Part 1: Green Death in Crime Alley 1990
Superman A45 Native Sons 1990
Superman A46 The World of Tomorrow 1990
Superman A47 Soul Search, Part 2: Lives in the Balance 1990
Superman A49 Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite, Part 1 1990
Superman A50 Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite, Part 4: The Human Factor 1990
Swamp Thing A91 Augurs and Offerings 1990
Swamp Thing A92 La Terre Qui Disparait 1990
Swamp Thing A93 Capturing the Moments of Your Life 1990
Swamp Thing A94 The Mysterious Axman's Jazz 1990
Swamp Thing A95 Toxic Wonderland 1990
Swamp Thing A96 Hell to Pay 1990
Swamp Thing A97 Scattered Houses 1990
Swamp Thing A98 Family Reunion 1990
Swamp Thing A99 Leaves In A Tempest 1990
Swamp Thing A100 Tales of Eden 1990
Swamp Thing A101 Keepsakes 1990
Swamp Thing A102 And All the King's Horses... 1990
Animal Man 31 Rites of Passage 1991
Animal Man 32 Schrodinger's Pizza 1991
Animal Man 33 I Am the Man of Deep Ungodly Powers 1991
Animal Man 34 Requiem for a Bird of Prey 1991
Animal Man 35 Dead Dogs on Ice! 1991
Animal Man 36 The Call of the Wild 1991
Animal Man 37 The Zoo at World's End 1991
Animal Man 38 The Penalizer 1991
Animal Man 39 Master of Wolves 1991
Animal Man 40 Bear Claw Soup 1991
Animal Man 41 The Stone That Cracked Open the Earth Like an Egg 1991
Animal Man 42 Men Without Eyes 1991
Animal Man INT 1 Animal Man 1991
Batman INT 2 A Death in the Family 1991
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 14 Prey, Part 4: The Nightmare 1991
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 15 Prey, Conclusion: The Kill 1991
Checkmate 33 Patriotic Knights, Part 3: Final Fight 1991
Deathstroke, the Terminator 1 Full Cycle, Part 1 1991
Deathstroke, the Terminator 2 Full Cycle, Part 2 1991
Deathstroke, the Terminator 3 Full Cycle, Part 3 1991
Deathstroke, the Terminator 4 Full Cycle, Part 4 1991
Deathstroke, the Terminator 5 Revelations & Resolutions 1991
Dragonlance 26 The Gathering, Part 1 1991
Dragonlance 27 The Gathering, Part 2: Eron's Keep 1991
Dragonlance 30 The Sword of the Kinslayer, Part 1 1991
Dragonlance 31 The Sword of the Kinslayer, Part 2 1991
Dragonlance 32 The Sword of the Kinslayer, Part 3 1991
Dragonlance 33 On Death of Pain 1991
Dragonlance 34 On Death of Pain, Part 2 1991
Giant-Size X-Men 1 Second Genesis 1991
Hawk and Dove A AN2 Creating Unity 1991
Hawk and Dove A25 Divergence 1991
Hawk and Dove A26 Way Back When... 1991
Hawk and Dove A27 Crossed Signals 1991
Hawk and Dove A28 Mad Dogs and Americans 1991
Suicide Squad 56 The Dragon's Hoard, Part 4: Dragon's Teeth 1991
Superman A51 Mister Z! 1991
Superman A52 The Name, Pardners, Is Terra-Man... 1991
Superman A53 Truth, Justice and the American Way 1991
Superman A54 Time and Time Again, Phase 3: The Warsaw Ghetto 1991
Superman A55 Time and Time Again, Phase 6: Camelot 1991
Superman A57 Return of the Krypton Man 1991
Superman A58 Fangs of the Bloodhounds 1991
Superman A59 Superman's Fiancee Lois Lane 1991
Superman A60 Intergang -- No More! 1991
Superman A61 Time and Time Again Again! 1991
Superman A62 Blackout, Part 4: Wedding Daze 1991
Swamp Thing A AN6 Les Perdu 1991
Swamp Thing A103 Exodus 1991
Swamp Thing A104 Matango 1991
Swamp Thing A105 Living Sacrifices 1991
Swamp Thing A106 Dead Tribes and Forgotten Souls 1991
Swamp Thing A107 Stabs of a Life Echoing in a Void 1991
Swamp Thing A108 Siege 1991
Swamp Thing A109 A Descent of Shadows 1991
Swamp Thing A110 Any Deadly Thing 1991
Swamp Thing A111 Zydeco Ya-Ya 1991
Animal Man 43 Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright 1992
Animal Man 44 Who Is That Masked Woman? 1992
Animal Man 45 The Beat of Darkness 1992
Animal Man 46 A Rage of Fathers 1992
Animal Man 47 The Shining Man, Part 1: The Dark Side of God 1992
Animal Man 48 The Meaning of Flesh 1992
Animal Man 49 The Hot Heart of Abstract Reality 1992
Animal Man 50 Journal of a Plague Year 1992
Animal Man 51 Flesh and Blood, Part 1: Roadkill 1992
Animal Man 52 Flesh and Blood, Part 2: Homecoming 1992
Animal Man 53 Flesh and Blood, Part 3: Pondlife 1992
Animal Man 54 Flesh and Blood, Part 4: Despair 1992
Batman 479 Pagan 1992
Batman INT 3 The Many Deaths of Batman 1992
Batman: Catwoman Defiant 1 Batman: Catwoman Defiant 1992
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 27 The Destroyer, Part 2: Solomon 1992
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight INT 2 Gothic 1992
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight INT 3 Prey 1992
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Topps) INT 1 Bram Stoker's Dracula 1992
Clive Barker's Night Breed 15 Night Breed VS. Rawhead Rex - III of IV 1992
Conan: The Ravagers Out of Time 1 Conan: The Ravagers Out of Time 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator AN1 A Thousand Points of Night 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 6 City of Assassins, Part 1: The Offer 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 7 City of Assassins, Part 2: The Rival 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 8 City of Assassins, Part 3: The Allies 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 9 City of Assassins, Part 4: The Resurrection 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 12 Sympathy for the Devil 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 14 Child's Play 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 15 Escape from New York! 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 16 The Death of Slade Wilson 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator 17 Genesis: DNA 1992
Deathstroke, the Terminator INT 1 Full Cycle 1992
Gotham Nights 1 Giants 1992
Gotham Nights 2 Dreams 1992
Gotham Nights 3 Organisms 1992
Gotham Nights 4 Heart of the City 1992
Harbinger 1 Children of the Eighth Day 1992
Marvel Holiday Special 1992 Marvel Holiday Special 1992 1992
Metropol A1 Metropol A.D., Book 1: Like a Babe in Arms 1992
Metropol A2 Metropol A.D., Book 2: The Smell of Rust and Gunpowder 1992
Metropol A3 Metropol A.D., Book 3: At What Price Life? 1992
Metropol 10 Rotting Metal, Rusted Flesh 1992
Metropol 11 Diagram of the Heart Pumping Blood 1992
Metropol 12 Ghosts of Heroes I Once Knew 1992
Nightstalkers 1 Rise of the Midnight Sons, Part 5 1992
Nightstalkers 2 Revenant Season 1992
Superman A63 Shadows from the Past! 1992
Superman A64 Metropolis Mailbag 1992
Superman A65 Panic in the Sky, Part 2: Head Man 1992
Superman A66 Panic in the Sky, Part 6: Our Army at War 1992
Superman A67 Another Panic in the Sky! 1992
Superman A68 Sins of the Father 1992
Superman A69 Killing is Serious Business 1992
Superman A70 Raising the Stakes 1992
Superman A71 The Blaze/Satanus War, Part 4: Evil's Pawn 1992
Superman A72 Rage 1992
Superman A73 Time Ryders 1992
Superman A74 Doomsday, Part 3: Countdown to Doomsday! 1992
Superman A75 Doomsday, Part 7: Doomsday! 1992
Swamp Thing A115 Rum, Necromancy, & the Lash 1992
Swamp Thing A116 The Growing Season 1992
Swamp Thing A117 The Lord of Misrule 1992
Swamp Thing A118 A Child's Garden 1992
Swamp Thing A119 The Bad Man 1992
Swamp Thing A120 Lady Jane 1992
Swamp Thing A121 Laissez Les Bon Temps Rulers 1992
Swamp Thing A122 The Eye of the Needleman 1992
Swamp Thing A123 Punctures 1992
Swamp Thing A124 Husks 1992
Swamp Thing A125 Family Reunion 1992
Swamp Thing A126 The Big Picture 1992
The Web AN1 Annual 1 1992
Action Comics 694 Spilled Blood, Part 2: Survival of the Fittest 1993
Animal Man AN1 Misfit 1993
Animal Man 55 Flesh and Blood, Part 5: Heartbeats 1993
Animal Man 56 Flesh and Blood, Part 6 & 7 1993
Animal Man 57 Wild Bunch 1993
Animal Man 58 Wildside 1993
Animal Man 59 Wild Town 1993
Animal Man 60 Wildlife 1993
Animal Man 61 Tooth and Claw, Part 1: Seasickness 1993
Animal Man 62 Tooth and Claw, Part 2: Flotsam 1993
Animal Man 63 Tooth and Claw, Part 3: Leviathan 1993
Animal Man 66 Communion 1993
Batman: Knightfall 2 Who Rules the Night 1993
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 41 Sunset 1993
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight INT 1 Shaman 1993
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight INT 3 Prey 1993
Black Canary A9 Enter: The Huntress 1993
Black Canary A10 That Which Does Not Kill Me... 1993
The Children's Crusade 1 Issue #1 1993
Clive Barker's Night Breed 23 The one that got away 1993
Conan the Barbarian 275 Cry Kozak! 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 18 A Question of Brotherhood 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 19 Invasion 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 20 Heatwave 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 21 Love and Death 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 22 Fire and Blood 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 23 The Cold Game 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 24 Into the Black Dome 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 25 Escape from the Black Dome 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 26 Gauntlet 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 28 World Tour, Part 2: Versailles 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 29 World Tour, Part 3: Hong Kong 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 30 World Tour, Part 4: China 1993
Deathstroke, the Terminator 31 World Tour, Part 5: India 1993
Detective Comics 660 Knightfall, Part 4: Crocodile Tears 1993
Detective Comics 661 Knightfall, Part 6: City on Fire 1993
Detective Comics 662 Knightfall, Part 8: Burning Questions 1993
Detective Comics 663 Knightfall, Part 10: No Rest for the Wicked 1993
Detective Comics 664 Knightfall, Part 12: Who Rules the Night 1993
Detective Comics 665 Knightfall, Part 16: Lightning Changes 1993
Detective Comics 666 Knightfall, Part 18: The Devil You Know 1993
Detective Comics 667 Knightquest: The Crusade: Wild, Wild East 1993
Detective Comics 668 Knightquest: The Crusade: Runaway 1993
Detective Comics 669 Knightquest: The Crusade: Town Tamer 1993
Enigma 1 The Lizard, the Head, the Enigma 1993
Enigma 2 The Truth 1993
Enigma 3 The Good Boy 1993
Enigma 4 And Then What? 1993
Enigma 5 Lizards and Ghosts 1993
Enigma 6 The End of the World 1993
Enigma 7 Sex in Arizona 1993
Enigma 8 Queer 1993
The Extremist 1 December, Ninteen Ninety-Three 1993
The Extremist 2 June, Ninteen Ninety-Three 1993
The Extremist 3 July, Ninteen Ninety-Three 1993
The Extremist 4 January, Ninteen Ninety-Four 1993
Hokum & Hex 1 Strange Angels 1993
Hokum & Hex 2 A Convocation of Clowns 1993
Hokum & Hex 3 Someone Always Has to Get Hurt 1993
Hokum & Hex 4 Fire and Rust 1993
JSA: The Golden Age 1 The World Was at Peace 1993
JSA: The Golden Age 2 We Had the Bomb 1993
JSA: The Golden Age 3 We Had Prosperity 1993
Nightstalkers 3 Staking Claim 1993
Nightstalkers 4 Dead On Arrival 1993
Nightstalkers 5 Cut to the Bone 1993
Nightstalkers 6 Comes a Pale Rider 1993
Nightstalkers 8 Dead Letter Office 1993
Nightstalkers 9 Crossing the Rubicon 1993
Nightstalkers 10 Midnight Massacre, Part 1: Blood in the Water 1993
Nightstalkers 11 Limbus Fatuorum 1993
Nightstalkers 12 Short Circuit 1993
Nightstalkers 13 Short Circuit, Part 2: Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye 1993
Nightstalkers 14 Siege of Darkness, Part 1: The Storm Before the Storm 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 1 The Tarantula, Act 1 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 2 The Tarantula, Act Two 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 3 The Tarantula, Act Three 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 4 The Tarantula, Final Act 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 5 The Face, Act One 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 6 The Face, Act Two 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 7 The Face, Act Three 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 8 The Face, Final Act 1993
Sandman Mystery Theatre 9 The Brute, Act One 1993
Showcase '93 1 Issue #1 1993
Showcase '93 2 Issue #2 1993
Showcase '93 12 Issue #12 1993
Superman A76 Funeral For a Friend, Part 4: Metropolis Mailbag II 1993
Superman A77 Funeral For a Friend, Part 8: The End 1993
Superman A78 Alive 1993
Superman A79 Prove It 1993
Superman A80 Deadly Alliance 1993
Superman A81 Resurrections 1993
Superman A82 Reign of the Supermen, Part 19.2 1993
Superman A83 On the Edge 1993
Superman A84 Toys 1993
Superman 500 Life After Death! 1993
Superman: Panic in the Sky! 1 Superman: Panic in the Sky! 1993
Superman: The Death of Superman 1 The Death of Superman 1993
Superman: The Return of Superman 1 Superman: The Return of Superman 1993
Superman: World Without a Superman 1 Superman: World Without a Superman 1993
Swamp Thing A127 Project Proteus 1993
Swamp Thing A128 Toxic Shock 1993
Swamp Thing A129 Swamp Fever 1993
Swamp Thing A130 Home Sick 1993
Swamp Thing A131 Folk Remedy 1993
Swamp Thing A132 Home Body 1993
Swamp Thing A133 Daisy Chain 1993
Swamp Thing A134 She's Leaving Houma 1993
Swamp Thing A135 Marital Problems 1993
Swamp Thing A136 Cross-Pollination 1993
Swamp Thing A137 Dead Relatives! 1993
Terminal Point 1 Issue #1 1993
Terminal Point 2 Issue #2 1993
Terminal Point 3 Issue #3 1993
Union 2 Exercise in Futility 1993
Animal Man 67 Mysterious Ways, Part 1 1994
Animal Man 68 Mysterious Ways, Part 2 1994
Animal Man 69 Cold, Cold, Cold... 1994
Animal Man 70 A Strange and Reckless Freedom 1994
Animal Man 71 The Sermon on the Monument 1994
Animal Man 72 Last Supper 1994
Animal Man 73 Children and Animals 1994
Animal Man 74 Better Red Than Dead! 1994
Animal Man 75 Red Plague 1994
Animal Man 76 Quarantine Zone 1994
Animal Man 77 Thicker Than Water 1994
Animal Man 78 Scarlet Fever 1994
Batman INT 4 Ten Nights of the Beast 1994
The Books of Magic A1 Bindings, Book 1: Tearing Down 1994
The Books of Magic A2 Bindings, Book 2: A Book of Leaves 1994
The Books of Magic A3 Bindings, Book 3: Closing Circles 1994
The Books of Magic A6 Sacrifices, Part 1: Instruments 1994
The Books of Magic A7 Sacrifices, Part 2: Victims 1994
The Books of Magic A8 Sacrifices, Part 3: Altars 1994
The Children's Crusade 2 Issue #2 1994
Damage 1 Damage 1994
Damage 2 Afterschool Special 1994
Damage 3 ...The Damage Done 1994
Damage 4 Troll's Day 1994
Damage 5 Blast from the Past 1994
Damage 6 The Burning of Atlanta 1994
Deathstroke, the Hunted 41 Killers 1994
Deathstroke, the Hunted 42 Warriors 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 32 World Tour, Part 6: Paris 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 33 World Tour, Part 7: Dallas 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 34 World Tour, Part 8: Egypt 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 35 To Thine Own Self... 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 36 War Crimes 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 37 Sins of the Father! 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 38 Land of Milk and Blood 1994
Deathstroke, the Terminator 40 Wedding in Red 1994
Detective Comics 670 Knightquest, The Crusade: Cold Cases 1994
Detective Comics 671 Knightquest: The Crusade: The Cutting Room Floor 1994
Detective Comics 672 Knightquest: The Crusade: Smash Cut 1994
Detective Comics 673 Knightquest: The Crusade: Losing the Light 1994
Detective Comics 674 Knightquest: The Crusade: Out-Gunned 1994
Detective Comics 675 Knightquest: The Crusade: Midnight Duel 1994
Detective Comics 676 KnightsEnd, Part 3: Too Many Ninjas 1994
Detective Comics 677 KnightsEnd, Part 9: Flesh and Steel 1994
Detective Comics 678 Yesterdays Gone 1994
Detective Comics 679 Prodigal, Part 3: The Vermin Factor 1994
Detective Comics 680 Prodigal, Part 7: A Twice Told Tale 1994
Doom 2099 14 Fall of the Hammer 4: The Anvil or the Hammer 1994
Dracula versus Zorro 1 Dracula versus Zorro 1994
Green Arrow A0 Cast Upon the Waters 1994
Green Arrow A84 Strange Attractors 1994
Green Arrow A85 Chaos Theory 1994
Green Arrow A86 The Sun Stolen by Midnight 1994
Green Arrow A87 The Man That Care Forgot! 1994
Green Arrow A88 The Hero Descending 1994
Green Arrow A89 Forgotten Paths 1994
Green Arrow A90 He Who Hesitates... 1994
Green Arrow A91 Images 1994
Green Arrow A92 Final Friend 1994
Iron Man 2020 1 Iron Man 2020 1994
JSA: The Golden Age 4 We Had it All 1994
L.E.G.I.O.N. AN5 The Spy Who Fragged Me 1994
Night Thrasher 10 Shell Games 1994
Night Thrasher 11 Slave to the Past 1994
Night Thrasher 12 Slave to the Past, Part 2 1994
Nightstalkers 15 Siege of Darkness, Part 9: Bad Blood 1994
Nightstalkers 16 Strange Tales 1994
Nightstalkers 17 The Bride of Dracula 1994
Nightstalkers 18 All the Threads, Unraveled 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 10 The Brute, Act Two 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 11 The Brute, Act Three 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 12 The Brute, Final Act 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 13 The Vamp, Act One 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 14 The Vamp, Act Two 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 15 The Vamp, Act Three 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 16 The Vamp, Final Act 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 17 The Scorpion, Act One 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 18 The Scorpion, Act Two 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 19 The Scorpion, Act Three 1994
Sandman Mystery Theatre 20 The Scorpion, Final Act 1994
Shadows Fall 1 Absence Makes the Heart 1994
Shadows Fall 2 Toys for the Play of Ghosts 1994
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi INT 1 Knights of the Old Republic 1994
Superman *0 Peer Pressure, Part 2: Awards 1994
Superman A85 Dark Retribution 1994
Superman A86 The Last Sun Devil 1994
Superman A87 Bizarro 1994
Superman A88 Opportunity Lost 1994
Superman A89 Desperation 1994
Superman A90 Battle Ground Metropolis 1994
Superman A91 My Life! 1994
Superman A92 Earth Run 1994
Superman A93 Home! 1994
Superman A94 Shadows of the Past 1994
Superman A95 The Zero Effect 1994
Superman: Time and Time Again 1 Superman: Time and Time Again 1994
Swamp Thing A139 The Mind Fields 1994
War Machine 1 Somthing to Believe In 1994
War Machine 2 Between Deathlok and a Hard Case 1994
War Machine 3 Where the Ends...Justify the Means! 1994
War Machine 4 Right Here, Right Now! 1994
War Machine 5 The Wages of Death! 1994
War Machine 6 Instant Karma's Gonna Get You! 1994
War Machine 7 Cold War 1994
War Machine 8 Friendly Fire 1994
War Machine 9 Once Upon a Time in China 1994
Animal Man 79 Promised Land 1995
Animal Man 85 Anima Mundi, Part One: The Ant Mystic 1995
The Batman Chronicles 2 Issue #2 1995
Batman: Knightfall 3 Knightsend 1995
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 74 Engines, Part 1 1995
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 75 Engines, Part 2 1995
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 35 Troika, Part 2 1995
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 36 Black Canary: In the Name of the Father 1995
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 37 The Joker, Part 1: The King of Comedy 1995
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 38 The Joker, Part 2: Tears of a Clown 1995
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 39 Solomon Grundy: One Night in Slaughter Swamp 1995
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 40 Anarky, Part 1: Prophet of Doom 1995
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 41 Anarky, Part 2: The Anarkist Manifesto 1995
The Books of Magic INT A1 Bindings 1995
Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci 1 Greater Than Light 1995
Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci 2 The Black Room 1995
Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci 3 Clearly in Dreams 1995
Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci 4 Dispero 1995
Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci 5 Limb of Satan 1995
Deathstroke AN4 The Web of Eternal Vows 1995
Deathstroke 48 Third Strike 1995
Deathstroke 49 All the Kings Men 1995
Deathstroke 50 Revelations 1995
Deathstroke 51 The Shape of Fears To Come 1995
Deathstroke 52 Deathstroke/Predators 1995
Deathstroke, the Hunted 43 Bird of Prey 1995
Deathstroke, the Hunted 44 Roses Are Blood Red 1995
Deathstroke, the Hunted 45 The Road to Salvation 1995
Deathstroke, the Hunted 46 Connections 1995
Deathstroke, the Hunted 47 Conversion 1995
Detective Comics 681 Prodigal, Part 11: Knight Without Armor 1995
Detective Comics 682 Troika, Part 3: The Doomsday Clock 1995
Duckman A2 The Mob Frog Saga, Part II 1995
Enigma INT 1 Enigma 1995
Fantastic Four Unlimited 9 The Gods Above... The Bugs Belows! 1995
Fantastic Four Unlimited 10 Sins of the Fathers 1995
Fantastic Four Unlimited 11 The Inhuman Condition 1995
Fantastic Four Unlimited 12 An Age Undreamed of... 1995
Gargoyles 1 Fiends in High Places 1995
Gargoyles 2 Always Darkest Before the Dawn 1995
Gargoyles 3 Issue #3 1995
Gargoyles 4 Blood From a Stone 1995
Gargoyles 5 Medusa Project Revealed! 1995
Gargoyles 6 Venus Rising 1995
Gargoyles 7 The Pack Is Back! 1995
Gargoyles 8 Virtual Nightmare! 1995
Gargoyles 9 The Egg And I 1995
Gargoyles 10 Out of the Past 1995
Gargoyles 11 A Bronx Tale Also Elisa's Lament 1995
Green Arrow A93 Triple Threat 1995
Green Arrow A94 Mall of the Dead 1995
Green Arrow A95 Where Angels Fear to Tread, Part 1: The Truth Hurts 1995
Green Arrow A96 Where Angels Fear to Tread, Part 2: The Ring and the Arrow 1995
Green Arrow A97 Where Angels Fear to Tread, Part 3: Father's Day 1995
Green Arrow A99 Where Angels Fear to Trea, Part 4: In The Lurch 1995
Green Arrow A100 Where Angels Fear to Tread, Part 5: The Trap 1995
Green Arrow A101 Run of the Arrow 1995
Green Arrow A102 Jaguar Moon 1995
Green Arrow A103 Gods and Tourists 1995
The Joker: Devil's Advocate 1 The Joker: Devil's Advocate 1995
JSA: The Golden Age 1 The Golden Age 1995
Lunatik 1 Lunatik 1995
The New Warriors 59 Radicals 1995
The New Warriors 60 The Only Constant 1995
Nightwing 1 The Resignation 1995
Nightwing 2 The Renewal 1995
Nightwing 3 The Oubliette 1995
Nightwing 4 Dead Simple 1995
Ronin INT 1 Ronin 1995
The Sandman (Gaiman) INT 2 The Doll's House 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 25 Night Of The Butcher, Act One 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 26 Night Of The Butcher, Act Two 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 27 Night Of The Butcher, Act Three 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 28 Night Of The Butcher, Final Act 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 29 The Hourman, Act One 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 30 The Hourman, Act Two 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 31 The Hourman, Act Three 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 32 The Hourman, Final Act 1995
Sandman Mystery Theatre 33 The Python, Act One 1995
Shadows Fall 3 Windows for the Dark 1995
Shadows Fall 4 Echoes of Who You Were 1995
Shadows Fall 5 Dreaming Alice 1995
Shadows Fall 6 Alone With Mirrors 1995
Sovereign Seven AN1 The Queen of Outer Space 1995
Spider-Man *SS1 Super Special 1 1995
Superman A96 Mindscape 1995
Superman A97 Shadows 1995
Superman A98 Changes 1995
Superman A99 Burning the Past 1995
Superman A100 The Death of Clark Kent 1995
Superman A102 Trading Places 1995
Superman A103 Pulp Friction 1995
Superman A104 Revenge of Apokolips 1995
Superman A105 Misperceptions 1995
Superman A106 The Trial of Superman, Part 2 1995
Superman: The Man of Tomorrow 3 Fighting Back 1995
Thunderstrike 17 The wages of sin! 1995
War Machine 10 The Last Emperor 1995
War Machine 11 Home for Christmas 1995
War Machine 13 Natural Born Killers! 1995
War Machine 14 Human Rites! 1995
War Machine 15 Time War, Part 1: Wartime! 1995
War Machine 16 Time War, Part 2: Zeitkrieg Triumphant 1995
War Machine 17 Time War, Part 3: ...A Time to Keep 1995
War Machine 18 Long Weekend 1995
War Machine 19 Here Be Dragons 1995
War Machine 20 A Little Muscle 1995
War Machine 21 Brothers in Arms 1995
The Batman Chronicles 4 Issue #4 1996
The Batman Chronicles 5 Issue #5 1996
The Batman Chronicles 6 Issue #6 1996
Batman: Black and White 2 Issue #2 1996
Batman: Black and White 3 Issue #3 1996
Batman: Black and White 4 Issue #4 1996
Batman: Contagion 1 Batman: Contagion 1996
The Books of Magic INT A2 Summonings 1996
Detective Comics 695 Contagion, Part 2: The Gray Area 1996
Detective Comics 696 Contagion, Part 8: Babylon Falls 1996
Green Arrow A104 Bad Blood 1996
Green Arrow A105 Open Season 1996
Green Arrow A106 Enter The Roustabout 1996
Green Arrow A107 Viva Los Dragons! 1996
Green Arrow A108 Metropolis Confidential 1996
Green Arrow A109 Trouble Town 1996
Green Arrow A110 Hard-Traveling Heroes: The Next Generation, Part 2: Desolation Again 1996
Green Arrow A111 Hard-Traveling Heroes: The Next Generation, Part 4: Final Appeal 1996
Green Arrow A112 Queen of the Shadows 1996
Green Arrow A113 The Sundered Souls 1996
Green Arrow A114 The Thousand Year Night 1996
Green Arrow A115 Discovering Japan 1996
The Joker: Devil's Advocate 1 The Joker: Devil's Advocate 1996
Lunatik 2 No reason! 1996
Lunatik 3 Fool's Errand 1996
Mythos: The Final Tour 1 Shut Heaven 1996
Nightwing A1 Child of Justice 1996
Nightwing A2 Gangland Express 1996
Nightwing A3 The Freebooters 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 34 The Python, Act Two 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 35 The Python, Act Three 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 36 The Python, Act Four 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 37 The Mist, Act One 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 38 The Mist, Act Two 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 39 The Mist, Act Three 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 40 The Mist, Final Act 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 41 The Phantom Of The Fair, Act One 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 42 The Phantom Of The Fair, Act Two 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 43 The Phantom Of the Fair, Act Three 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 44 The Phantom Of the Fair, Final Act 1996
Sandman Mystery Theatre 45 The Blackhawk, Act One 1996
Sovereign Seven INT 1 Sovereign Seven 1996
Superman A107 Bottled Up! 1996
Superman A108 No Escape! 1996
Superman A109 The Kill Fee 1996
Superman A110 The Treasure Hunt Caper 1996
Superman A111 Divisions 1996
Superman A112 Superman's Ex-Girlfriend Lois Lane 1996
Superman A113 Secrets 1996
Superman A114 Identity Crisis, Part 4: Worldwide Web 1996
Superman A115 Love Hurts 1996
Superman A116 The Bottle City, Part 3: Sacrifice for a Superman 1996
Superman A117 Sanctuary 1996
Superman A118 From the Heart 1996
Superman: Bizarro's World 1 Superman: Bizarro's World 1996
Swamp Thing A21 The Anatomy Lesson 1996
Swamp Thing A22 Swamped 1996
War Machine 22 The Last Stand 1996
War Machine 23 Wish Upon a Star 1996
War Machine 24 Time Will Tell 1996
War Machine 25 The Kiss Off! 1996
Wolverine A AN1996 The Last Ronin 1996
Adventures in the DC Universe An1 Annual #1 1997
The Batman Chronicles 10 Issue #10 1997
Batman vs. Predator B1 Issue #1 1997
Batman vs. Predator B2 Issue #2 1997
Batman/Spider-Man 1 New Age Dawning 1997
Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty 1 Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty 1997
Batman: Legacy 1 Batman: Legacy 1997
Batman: Masque 1 Batman: Masque 1997
Batman: Mr. Freeze 1 Batman: Mr. Freeze 1997
Batman: Prodigal 1 Prodigal 1997
Conan the Barbarian: The Usurper 1 Issue #1 1997
Faultlines 1 Fresh Meat, Old Lies 1997
Faultlines 2 Sunlit Tribe 1997
Faultlines 3 The Crone's Share 1997
Faultlines 4 Blood Kisses 1997
Faultlines 5 Hunter's Moon 1997
Faultlines 6 Fresh Meat, Old Lies 1997
Green Arrow A116 A Gathering of Wolves 1997
Green Arrow A117 The Death That Walks 1997
Green Arrow A118 Dragon Country 1997
Green Arrow A119 Empty Quest 1997
Green Arrow A120 Menu for Disaster 1997
Green Arrow A121 The Monkey's Fist 1997
Green Arrow A122 Dry Bones 1997
Green Arrow A123 Immersed 1997
Green Arrow A124 Stepfathers and Sons 1997
Green Arrow A125 The Fiery Furnace 1997
Green Arrow A126 All The Colors of Hate 1997
Green Arrow A127 Doubleback 1997
Hellblazer (DC/Vertigo) INT 1 Original Sins 1997
Hellboy Junior SP1 Halloween Special 1997
Hitman INT 1 Hitman 1997
Mythos: The Final Tour 2 Uncut 1997
Mythos: The Final Tour 3 Salvage 1997
Nightwing A0.5 The Breaks 1997
Nightwing A Annual 1 Forever Hold Your Peace 1997
Nightwing A4 Lady Be Deadly 1997
Nightwing A5 Lady's Night 1997
Nightwing A6 The Visitor 1997
Nightwing A7 Rough Justice 1997
Nightwing A8 The Bigger They Are 1997
Nightwing A9 Die Trying 1997
Nightwing A10 The Neighborhood 1997
Nightwing A11 Fear Takes Flight 1997
Nightwing A12 Mutt 1997
Nightwing A13 Shadows Over Bludhaven 1997
Nightwing A14 Dead Meat 1997
Nightwing A15 Warriors Two 1997
Nightwing INT 1 Ties That Bind 1997
The Sandman (Gaiman) 11 Moving In 1997
The Sandman (Gaiman) 12 Playing House 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 46 The Blackhawk, Act Two 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 47 The Blackhawk, Act Three 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 48 The Blackhawk, Final Act 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 49 Return Of The Scarlet Ghost, Act One 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 50 Return Of The Scarlet Ghost, Act Two 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 51 Return Of The Scarlet Ghost, Act Three 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 52 Return Of The Scarlet Ghost, Final Act 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 53 The Crone, Act One 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 54 The Crone, Act Two 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 55 The Crone, Act Three 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 56 The Crone, Final Act 1997
Sandman Mystery Theatre 57 The Cannon, Act One 1997
Silver Surfer TPB1 The Silver Surfer 1997
Superman A119 Sunburned! 1997
Superman A120 To Be a Superman 1997
Superman A121 They Call it Suicide Slum 1997
Superman A122 The Kandor Connection 1997
Superman A123 Superman... Reborn! 1997
Superman A124 A Hard Day's Night! 1997
Superman A125 Retribution 1997
Superman A126 Machinations! 1997
Superman A127 Deception 1997
Superman A128 Genesis Anew 1997
Superman A129 Within Human Reach 1997
Superman A130 The Longest Halloween 1997
Swamp Thing A AN2 Down Amongst the Dead Men 1997
Swamp Thing A23 Another Green World 1997
Swamp Thing A24 Roots 1997
Swamp Thing A25 The Sleep of Reason... 1997
Swamp Thing A26 ...A Time of Running... 1997
Swamp Thing A27 ...By Demons Driven! 1997
Swamp Thing A28 The Burial 1997
Swamp Thing A29 Love and Death 1997
Swamp Thing A30 A Halo of Flies 1997
Swamp Thing A31 The Brimstone Ballet 1997
Swamp Thing A32 Pog 1997
Swamp Thing A33 Abandoned Houses 1997
Uncanny Origins 13 The Origin of Daredevil 1997
Uncanny Origins 14 Fist of Iron, Heart of Fire! 1997
Weird War Tales (Vertigo) 3 Book 3 1997
The Batman Chronicles 11 Issue #11 1998
Batman vs. Predator B3 Issue #3 1998
Batman vs. Predator B4 Issue #4 1998
Batman vs. Predator INT B1 Batman Versus Predator III: Blood Ties 1998
Batman: Black and White A1 Volume 1 1998
Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty 1 Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty 1998
Batman: The Abduction 1 Batman: The Abduction 1998
Blade (Marvel) 1 Blood Allies, Book 1 1998
Blade (Marvel) 2 Blood Allies, Book 2 1998
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 1 Sentinel of Liberty 1998
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 2 Decent Into Madness, Chapter 1: Out of His Element 1998
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 3 Decent Into Madness, Chapter 2: Sins of the Mother 1998
Conan the Barbarian: Scarlet Sword 1 Red Wind Out of Acheron 1998
Conan the Barbarian: The Usurper 3 Issue #3 1998
Conan: Return of Styrm 1 Return of Styrm, Part 1 1998
Conan: Return of Styrm 2 Return of Styrm, Part 2 1998
Conan: Return of Styrm 3 Return of Styrm, Part 3 1998
Conan: River of Blood 1 Issue #1 1998
Conan: River of Blood 2 Issue #2 1998
Conan: River of Blood 3 Issue #3 1998
Conan: The Lord of the Spiders 1 The Webs We Weave 1998
Conan: The Lord of the Spiders 2 Slave of the Lotus 1998
Conan: The Lord of the Spiders 3 To Hell on Eight Legs 1998
Crisis on Infinite Earths INT 1 Crisis on Infinite Earths 1998
Doctor 13 1 Do AIs Dream of Electric Sleep? 1998
Dracula versus Zorro 1 Issue #1 1998
Gangland 3 Issue #3 1998
Green Arrow A128 Capital Crimes 1998
Green Arrow A129 Thieves' World 1998
Green Arrow A130 Death at the Top of the World 1998
Green Arrow A131 Guns and Butter 1998
Green Arrow A132 Like a God, Part 1: The Return of Eddie Fyers? 1998
Green Arrow A133 Lest The Heavens Fall 1998
Green Arrow A134 Brotherhood of the Fist, Part 1: The Stalkers 1998
Green Arrow A135 Brotherhood of the Fist, Part 5: The Borrowed Life 1998
Green Arrow A136 Greener Pastures, Part 1: In the Garden 1998
Green Arrow A137 Full Circle 1998
Green Arrow A1000000 All Down the Years 1998
Hell Eternal 1 Hell Eternal 1998
Marvel Collectible Classics: X-Men 5 Second Genesis 1998
Nightwing A16 Wheels 1998
Nightwing A17 The Stalking Skies 1998
Nightwing A18 The Hunting Moon 1998
Nightwing A19 Cataclysm, Part 2: Shudder 1998
Nightwing A20 Cataclysm, Part 11: The Day After Judgement 1998
Nightwing A21 False Starts 1998
Nightwing A22 Hospital Perilous 1998
Nightwing A23 Brotherhood of the Fist, Part 4: Paper Revelation 1998
Nightwing A24 The Forgotten Dead 1998
Nightwing A25 The Boys 1998
Nightwing A26 Angle of Attack 1998
Nightwing A1000000 The Anachronism 1998
Nightwing INT A1 A Knight in Bludhaven 1998
Nightwing/Huntress 1 Cosa Nostra, Chapter 1: Familia 1998
Nightwing/Huntress 2 Cosa Nostra, Chapter 2: Thicker than Blood 1998
Nightwing/Huntress 3 Cosa Nostra, Chapter 3: Black Sheep 1998
Nightwing/Huntress 4 Cosa Nostra, Chapter 4: Autonomy 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 58 The Cannon, Act Two 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 59 The Cannon, Act Three 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 60 The Cannon, Final Act 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 61 The City, Act One 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 62 The City, Act Two: Staten Island 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 63 The City, Act Three: Queens 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 64 The City, Final Act: Brooklyn 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 66 The Goblin, Act Two 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 67 The Goblin, Act Three 1998
Sandman Mystery Theatre 68 The Goblin, Final Act 1998
Superman A131 Checkmate 1998
Superman A132 Double Play 1998
Superman A133 To Summon the Guard! 1998
Superman A134 Dual Purpose! 1998
Superman A136 Superman 2999 1998
Superman A137 The Mutation War 1998
Superman A138 Dominus 1998
Superman A139 A Matter of Time 1998
Superman: The Wedding Album INT 1 Superman: The Wedding & Beyond 1998
Swamp Thing A34 Rite of Spring 1998
Swamp Thing A35 The Nuke-Face Papers, Part 1 1998
Swamp Thing A36 The Nuke-Face Papers, Part 2 1998
Swamp Thing A37 Growth Patterns 1998
Swamp Thing A38 Still Waters 1998
Swamp Thing A39 Fish Story 1998
Swamp Thing A40 The Curse 1998
Swamp Thing A41 Southern Change 1998
Swamp Thing A42 Strange Fruit 1998
Swamp Thing A43 Windfall 1998
Tomahawk (Yeates) 1 Tomahawk 1998
Batman 565 Mosaic, Part 1 1999
Batman 566 The Visitor 1999
Batman 568 Fruit of the Earth, Part 2 1999
Batman 570 The Code, Part 1: Breakin' the Law 1999
Batman 571 Goin' Downtown, Part 1: The Vault 1999
The Batman Chronicles 17 Issue #17 1999
Batman: Anarky 1 Batman: Anarky 1999
Batman: D.O.A. 1 Batman: D.O.A. 1999
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 117 No Man's Land: Bread and Circuses, Part 1 1999
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 123 No Man's Land: Underground Railroad: Part 1 1999
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 85 Bread and Circuses: Conclusion 1999
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 86 Home Sweet Home 1999
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 88 Fruit of the Earth, Part 1 1999
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 91 Underground Railroad, Part 2 1999
Batman: Shadow of the Bat 92 Stormy Weather 1999
Birds of Prey 3 Hounded 1999
Blade (Marvel) 3 Blood Allies, Book 3 1999
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 5 Old Soldier 1999
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 6 Iron will 1999
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 7 When free men shall stand! 1999
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 8 Flashpoint 1999
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 9 Back in Black 1999
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 10 The Janus Chamber 1999
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 11 Hello? Hello? Send Some New Linoleum 1999
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago 1 Issue #1 1999
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago 2 Issue #2 1999
Conan the Barbarian: Death Covered in Gold 1 Golden Shadows 1999
Conan the Barbarian: Death Covered in Gold 2 Brothers of the Worm 1999
Conan the Barbarian: Death Covered in Gold 3 Down Among the Dread 1999
Conan the Barbarian: Scarlet Sword 2 A Curse in Crimson 1999
Conan the Barbarian: Scarlet Sword 3 Blood and Steel 1999
Domination Factor: Avengers 1 The Praxis Agenda 1999
Domination Factor: Avengers 2 Strange Tales 1999
Domination Factor: Fantastic Four 1 Arrival 1999
Domination Factor: Fantastic Four 2 Flashback Times Four 1999
Hellboy Junior 1 Issue #1 1999
Hellboy Junior 2 Issue #2 1999
Legends of the DCU: Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 The Untold Story 1999
Midnight Days 1 Midnight Days 1999
Nightwing S1 Nightwing Secret Files 1999
Nightwing A27 Live Not On Evil, Part 1 1999
Nightwing A28 Live Not On Evil, Part 28 1999
Nightwing A29 Back to Back to Back 1999
Nightwing A30 Just Passing Through 1999
Nightwing A31 Bad Night in Bludhaven 1999
Nightwing A32 Double Dare 1999
Nightwing A33 Acts of Violence 1999
Nightwing A34 Sister Act 1999
Nightwing A35 Escape to Blackgate, Part 1: The Belly of the Beast 1999
Nightwing A36 Escape to Blackgate, Part 2: Nothing But Time 1999
Nightwing A37 Escape to Blackgate, Part 3: Escape from Blackgate 1999
Nightwing A38 Ballistic Romance, Part 1: Face to Face 1999
Nightwing INT A2 Rough Justice 1999
Proposition Player 1 A New Player or the Truth About Cat and Dog Owners! 1999
Robin (DC Comics) A65 A Blessed Event 1999
The Sandman (Gaiman) INT 2 The Doll's House 1999
Sandman Mystery Theatre 69 The Hero, Act One 1999
Sandman Mystery Theatre 70 The Hero, Final Act 1999
Scene of The Crime 1 A Little Piece of Goodnight, Part 1 1999
Scene of The Crime 2 A Little Piece of Goodnight, Part 2 1999
Scene of The Crime 3 A Little Piece of Goodnight, Part 3 1999
Scene of The Crime 4 A Little Piece of Goodnight, Part 4 1999
Superman A141 Introducing Outburst! 1999
Superman A142 Clark Kent No More 1999
Superman A143 Shattered Illusions 1999
Superman A144 Up in Smoke 1999
Superman A145 Public Hearing 1999
Superman A146 Rough Day at the Office 1999
Superman A148 Champions 1999
Superman A150 Earth's Final Hour 1999
Vertigo: Winter's Edge 2 Issue #2 1999
Warlock (Douglock) 1 Cipher 1999
Warlock (Douglock) 2 Monsters 1999
Warlock (Douglock) 3 Into the Fire 1999
Warlock (Douglock) 4 Control 1999
Batgirl 1 You Can Take Off the Blindfolds Now 2000
Batgirl 2 I Hope to God You Never Have to Read This 2000
Batgirl 3 Hard to Remember Now... How Tonight Started Out 2000
Batgirl 4 She Was Perfect 2000
Batgirl 5 The Righteous and the Profane... 2000
Batgirl 6 You're Trying to Take Her Away from Me 2000
Batgirl 8 Okay, so she's fast 2000
Batgirl 9 He doesn't have to say a word... 2000
Batman 573 Shellgame, Part 1: Gambits 2000
Batman 575 O'er the Land of the Free 2000
Batman 576 In the Dark Places 2000
Batman 577 Mike and Allie 2000
Batman 578 He Who Lurks 2000
Batman 579 Orca, Part 1: A Matter of Principle 2000
Batman 580 Orca, Part 2: Going Under 2000
Batman 581 Orca, Part 3: Diver Down 2000
Batman 582 Fearless, Part 1 2000
Batman 583 Fearless, Part 2 2000
Batman 584 The Dark Knight Project 2000
The Batman Chronicles 19 Issue #19 2000
The Batman of Arkham 1 The Batman of Arkham 2000
Batman: Knightfall 2 Who Rules the Night 2000
Batman: Knightfall 3 Knightsend 2000
Batman: No Man's Land INT 3 Volume 3 2000
Batman: No Man's Land INT 4 Volume 4 2000
Brave Old World 1 Abort, Retry, Reboot? (Winter) 2000
Brave Old World 2 Manual Override (Spring) 2000
Brave Old World 3 Bugfix (Summer) 2000
Brave Old World 4 Permanent Fatal Errors (Fall) 2000
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 20 Double Cross 2000
Conan: Flame and the Fiend 1 Familiar Fire 2000
Conan: Flame and the Fiend 2 Skeleton Wings over Turan 2000
Conan: Flame and the Fiend 3 Hour of the Demons 2000
Crisis on Infinite Earths 1 The Summoning 2000
Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller INT 1 Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller, Vol. 1 2000
Deadenders 1 Stealing the Sun, Part 1 2000
Deadenders 2 Stealing the Sun, Part 2 2000
Deadenders 3 Stealing the Sun, Part 3 2000
Deadenders 4 Stealing the Sun, Part 4 2000
Deadenders 5 Suspended Between Now and Then, Part 1 2000
Deadenders 6 Suspended Between Now and Then, Part 2 2000
Deadenders 7 Suspended Between Now and Then, Part 3 2000
Deadenders 8 My Secret Affair 2000
Deadenders 9 More Fun in the New World 2000
Deadenders 10 On a Clear Day You Can See Forever 2000
Deadenders INT 1 Stealing the Sun 2000
Domination Factor: Avengers 3 Seeds of Change 2000
Domination Factor: Avengers 4 The Domination Factor 2000
Domination Factor: Fantastic Four 3 When Shatters Reality!! 2000
Domination Factor: Fantastic Four 4 Yesterday's Tomorrows 2000
Essential Conan 1 Conan vol.1 2000
Gangland INT 1 Gangland 2000
Nightwing S2 Nightwing 80-Page Giant: Hella 2000
Nightwing A39 Ballistic Romance, Part 2: By Force of Arms 2000
Nightwing A40 The Devil Dies at Dawn 2000
Nightwing A41 Hero of the City 2000
Nightwing A42 Tonights the Nite 2000
Nightwing A43 Improper Angels 2000
Nightwing A44 The Stalkers 2000
Nightwing A45 The Hunt for Oracle, Part 1: To the Slaughter 2000
Nightwing A46 The Hunt for Oracle, Part 3: The Dying Hours 2000
Nightwing A47 The Quarry 2000
Nightwing A48 The Sylph, Part 1: Slender Thread 2000
Nightwing A49 The Sylph, Part 2: Dangled 2000
Nightwing A50 Big Guns 2000
Proposition Player 2 High Stakes Game or The Man Who Could Bulshit His Way Out of Trouble, Twice (But Not Thrice) 2000
Proposition Player 3 An Open Seat or The Five Down Below 2000
Proposition Player 4 House Rules or The Inevitable Fate of Sidekicks 2000
Proposition Player 5 Full House or No Way to Treat a Lady 2000
Proposition Player 6 Stacking the Deck or A Clean Well-Lit Place 2000
Scene of The Crime INT 1 A Little Piece of Goodnight 2000
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 1 Son of Homer 2000
Superman for the animals 1 "Dear Superman..." 2000
Swamp Thing B1 In Lieu of Flowers 2000
Swamp Thing B2 A Tree Falls in the Forest 2000
Swamp Thing B3 Kill Your Darlings 2000
Swamp Thing B4 The Pride 2000
Swamp Thing B5 Bringing Down the House 2000
Swamp Thing B6 Destiny Manifest 2000
Swamp Thing B7 Arcane 2000
Swamp Thing B8 Beneath a Crown of Laurel 2000
Swamp Thing A21 The Anatomy Lesson 2000
Swamp Thing INT A3 The Curse 2000
Transmetropolitan: I Hate it Here 1 Transmetropolitan: I Hate it Here 2000
Vertigo: Winter's Edge 3 Issue #3 2000
Weird War Tales Special 1 Weird War Tales Special 2000
Animal Man INT 1 Animal Man 2001
Archie & Friends 46 Issue #46 2001
Archie & Friends 48 Issue #48 2001
Archie & Friends 51 Issue #51 2001
Archie & Friends 52 Issue #52 2001
Batgirl 10 Nothing's changed 2001
Batgirl 12 Mute Witness 2001
Batgirl 13 I was behind her, to her left 2001
Batgirl 14 Good morning, Rachel 2001
Batgirl 15 She looked into his eyes... 2001
Batgirl 16 Outside! 2001
Batgirl 17 Perfect 2001
Batgirl 18 Killer 2001
Batgirl 19 Is there... anything you want to say, Billy? 2001
Batgirl 20 Predators. Prey. 2001
Batgirl 21 Friend? 2001
Batgirl INT 1 Silent Running 2001
Batgirl INT 2 A Knight Alone 2001
Batgirl INT 4 Fists of Fury 2001
Batman 585 Measure for Measure 2001
Batman 586 Penguin Dreams 2001
Batman 588 Close Before Striking, Act 1 2001
Batman 589 Close Before Striking, Act 2 2001
Batman 590 Close Before Striking, Act 3 2001
Batman 591 Shot Through the Heart, Part 1 2001
Batman 592 Shot Through the Heart, Part 2 2001
Batman 593 Sanctuary, Part 1 2001
Batman 594 Sanctuary, Part 2 2001
Batman 595 Out of the Past 2001
Batman 596 City on Fire 2001
Batman Beyond A19 Royal mayhem 2001
Batman Beyond A20 New Jokerz 'n' old friendz 2001
Batman Beyond A21 In blackest day 2001
Batman Beyond A22 In blackest day, part 2 2001
Batman Beyond A23 Family day 2001
Batman Beyond A24 Terry's mom dates a splicer 2001
Batman: League of Batmen 1 Issue #1 2001
Batman: League of Batmen 2 Issue #2 2001
Batman: No Man's Land INT 5 Volume 5 2001
Buffy the Vampire Slayer INT 7 Food Chain 2001
Deadenders 11 The Good News of the Cataclysm 2001
Deadenders 12 At This Point in Time 2001
Deadenders 13 Only for Seconds 2001
Deadenders 14 Smashing Time, Part 1 2001
Deadenders 15 Smashing Time, Part 2 2001
Deadenders 16 Smashing Time, Part 3 2001
Nightwing A51 Tad 2001
Nightwing A52 Modern Romance 2001
Nightwing A54 In the Middle of the Cold, Cold Night 2001
Nightwing INT A4 A Darker Shade of Justice 2001
The Sandman Presents: The Corinthian 1 Death in Venice, Act 1 2001
Simpsons Comics 56 The Yes-Man Who Would Be King 2001
Simpsons Comics 61 The Paper Chase 2001
Simpsons Comics 65 Viva Bart 2001
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 3 Troublemaker 2001
Starman INT A6 To Reach The Stars 2001
Swamp Thing B9 In the Air, on Land and Sea... 2001
Swamp Thing B10 Silk Cut 2001
Swamp Thing B11 Red Harvest, Part One: The Virgin Thorn 2001
Swamp Thing B12 Stockholm Syndrome 2001
Swamp Thing B13 Red Harvest, Part Three: Carrying Capacity 2001
Swamp Thing B14 Fall 2001
Swamp Thing B15 Burning Bushido 2001
Swamp Thing B16 Woman in Green 2001
Swamp Thing B17 Topiary 2001
Swamp Thing B18 Last of the Loose Ends 2001
Swamp Thing B19 Rootless 2001
Swamp Thing B20 Saga 2001
Swamp Thing INT A4 A Murder of Crows 2001
Weird Western Tales 3 Issue #3 2001
Weird Western Tales 4 Issue #4 2001
9-11 Artists respond 2 Volume 2 2002
The Amazing Spider-Man 129 The Punisher Strikes Twice 2002
Animal Man INT 2 Origin of the Species 2002
Archie & Friends 53 Issue #53 2002
Archie & Friends 54 Issue #54 2002
Archie & Friends 55 Issue #55 2002
Archie & Friends 56 Issue #56 2002
Bart Simpson 1 Zoon van Homer 2002
Batgirl 22 Batman? 2002
Batgirl 23 Little Talk 2002
Batgirl 24 Bruce Wayne: Murderer?, Part 2: Batgirl 2002
Batgirl 25 I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds 2002
Batgirl 26 Sure She's Okay? 2002
Batgirl 27 Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, Part 5 2002
Batgirl 28 Batgirl 2002
Batgirl 29 Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, Part 13 2002
Batgirl 30 Legion of the Lost 2002
Batgirl 31 The Catafracts 2002
Batgirl 32 Morituri 2002
Batgirl 33 Father's Day 2002
Batgirl Secret Files and Origins 1 Issue #1 2002
Batman 597 Crooked Miles 2002
Batman 598 Santa Klaus is Coming to Town! 2002
Batman 599 Bruce Wayne: Murderer?, Part 7: From the Inside-Out 2002
Batman 600 600th Issue! 2002
Batman 601 Turning the Town Red, Part 1 2002
Batman 602 Turning the Town Red, Part 2 2002
Batman 603 The Turning Point 2002
Batman 604 Reasons 2002
Batman 605 Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, Part 18 2002
Batman 606 Death-Wish for Two, Part 1 2002
Batman 607 Death-Wish for Two, Conclusion 2002
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight INT 1 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns 2002
Batman: Bruce Wayne Murderer 1 Batman: Bruce Wayne: Murderer? 2002
Batman: Bruce Wayne: Fugitive 1 Volume 1 2002
Daredevil 164 Exposé 2002
Fight for tomorrow 1 Issue #1 2002
Fight for tomorrow 2 Issue #2 2002
Grip: The Strange World of Men 1 Grip of Fear 2002
Grip: The Strange World of Men 2 Gripping Fear and Romance 2002
Grip: The Strange World of Men 3 Gripping Romantic Western Mystery 2002
Grip: The Strange World of Men 4 Mysterious Grip of Laughs 2002
Grip: The Strange World of Men 5 Gripping Romantic Western Mystery 2002
Hunter: The Age of Magic 16 The Kiss of Death 2002
Midnight, Mass. 4 The Four Sisters 2002
Midnight, Mass. 5 The Dark Mother's Midwives 2002
Midnight, Mass. 6 The Daughters of Kali 2002
Midnight, Mass. 7 The Dust of Martyrs 2002
The Sandman Presents: The Corinthian 2 Death in Venice, Act 2 2002
The Sandman Presents: The Corinthian 3 Death in Venice, Act 3 2002
The Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad 1 The Daughters of Garm or Far Too Much About Pie 2002
The Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad 2 The Long Crawl or The Trouble With Riddle Games 2002
The Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad 3 Necromancer or What Ever Made You Think Ghosts Carry Money? 2002
The Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad 4 Soul Food or So Much for Clever Hidden Plans 2002
Simpsons Comics 67 Growing Pains! 2002
Simpsons Comics 70 Greek to Me 2002
Simpsons Comics 74 Laughter is the Worst Medicine 2002
Simpsons Comics 76 Bard Boiled 2002
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 5 Menace to Society 2002
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 9 Rabble Rouser 2002
Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... 1 Doomworld 2002
Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... 2 Dark Encounters 2002
Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... 3 Resurrection of Evil 2002
Swamp Thing INT A5 Earth To Earth 2002
American Century 24 Even Cowgirls Get the Jews 2003
American Century 25 Bite the Big Apple 2003
American Century 26 A Match Made in Heaven 2003
American Century 27 Secret Origins 2003
Animal Man INT 3 Deus Ex Machina 2003
Barnum! 1 In Secret Service to the USA 2003
Bart Simpson 3 Duivel op aarde 2003
Batgirl 34 Lesson One 2003
Batgirl 35 Blank Slate 2003
Batgirl 36 To Filthy, Filthy Lucre, Gentlemen... 2003
Batgirl 37 Thicker Than Water 2003
Batgirl 38 Testline 2003
Batgirl 39 Black Wind 2003
Batgirl 40 Little Bat 2003
Batgirl 41 Body Language 2003
Batgirl 42 Death In a Battle 2003
Batgirl 43 Seeds of Blood 2003
Batgirl 44 Harvest of Death 2003
Batgirl INT 3 Death Wish 2003
Batman: Bruce Wayne: Fugitive 2 Volume 2 2003
Batman: Bruce Wayne: Fugitive 3 Volume 3 2003
Birds of Prey INT 2 Old Friends, New Enemies 2003
The Chronicles of Conan 3 The Monster of the Monoliths 2003
Fight for tomorrow 3 Issue #3 2003
Fight for tomorrow 4 Issue #4 2003
Fight for tomorrow 5 Issue #5 2003
Fight for tomorrow 6 Issue #6 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 17 Human Behavior 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 18 The Garden 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 19 Janosh-El 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 20 Underwater 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 21 Undo 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 22 The Art of Magic 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 23 The Art of Love 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 24 Waking Albion 2003
Hunter: The Age of Magic 25 All is Full of Love 2003
Looney Tunes A100 Issue #100 2003
Midnight, Mass. 8 Secrets 2003
Nightwing INT A5 The Hunt For Oracle 2003
Proposition Player INT 1 Proposition Player 2003
Red 1 Issue 1 2003
Red 2 Issue 2 2003
Simpsons Comics 79 Homer for the Holidays 2003
Simpsons Comics 81 Lisa Simpson's Book Club 2003
Simpsons Comics 83 The Homer Effect 2003
Simpsons Comics 88 License to Kilt 2003
Simpsons Comics 89 Lisa in the Middle 2003
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 14 The Yellow Kid 2003
Swamp Thing INT A6 Reunion 2003
The Amazing Spider-Man 129 The Punisher Strikes Twice 2004
Barnum! 1 In Secret Service to the USA 2004
Batman/Catwoman: Trail of the Gun 1 Part 1 2004
Batman/Catwoman: Trail of the Gun 2 Part 2 2004
Batman: Gotham Knights 47 Veritas Liberat, Part 1: King of the Mountain 2004
Daredevil 81 And Death Is a Woman Called Widow! 2004
Hellboy Junior INT1 Hellboy Junior 2004
My Faith in Frankie 1 Issue #1 2004
My Faith in Frankie 2 Issue #2 2004
My Faith in Frankie 3 Issue #3 2004
My Faith in Frankie 4 Issue #4 2004
My Faith in Frankie INT 1 My Faith in Frankie 2004
Nightwing INT A6 Big Guns 2004
Nightwing/Huntress INT 1 Nightwing/Huntress 2004
Red 3 Issue 3 2004
Sandman Mystery Theatre INT 1 The Tarantula 2004
Sandman Mystery Theatre INT 2 The Face and The Brute 2004
Simpsons Comics 90 Homer's America 2004
Simpsons Comics 92 The Burger Kings of Comedy 2004
Simpsons Comics 96 A Talef 2 Pen Pals 2004
Simpsons Comics 99 Marge Simpson Living 2004
Simpsons Comics 101 Sofa So Good 2004
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 19 Little Devil 2004
Swamp Thing INT A7 Regenesis 2004
Transmetropolitan INT 0 Tales of Human Waste 2004
The Uncanny X-Men 101 Like a Phoenix, From the Ashes! 2004
Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci INT 1 Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci 2005
The Chronicles of Conan 8 Brothers of the Blade 2005
The Chronicles of Conan 9 Riders of the River-Dragons 2005
Crisis on Infinite Earths INT *1 Crisis on Infinite Earths 2005
Essential Spider-Woman 1 Spider-Woman vol.1 2005
Essential X-Men 1 X-Men vol.1 2005
JSA: The Golden Age 1 JSA: The Golden Age 2005
Nightwing INT A7 On the Razor's Edge 2005
Sandman Mystery Theatre INT 3 The Vamp 2005
Simpsons Comics 104 The Duffman Cometh! 2005
Simpsons Comics 106 Simpsons the Musical 2005
Simpsons Comics 108 Big House Homer 2005
Simpsons Comics 110 Bad News Bearer 2005
Simpsons Comics 113 Little Orphan Bart 2005
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 22 Scourge of Homer 2005
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 23 Best in the West 2005
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 25 Prince of Pranks 2005
Swamp Thing INT A8 Spontaneous Generation 2005
Treehouse of Horror 11 Issue #11 2005
Batman: Son of the Demon 1 Batman: Son of the Demon 2006
The Chronicles of Conan 10 When Giants Walk the Earth 2006
Essential Avengers 5 Avengers vol.5 2006
Essential Marvel Team-Up 1 Marvel Team-Up vol.1 2006
Essential Nova 1 Nova vol.1 2006
Essential She-Hulk 1 She-Hulk vol.1 2006
Eternals Omnibus 1 Eternals Omnibus 2006
Giant-Size Ms. Marvel 1 Giant-Size Ms. Marvel 2006
The Invaders GS2 A drive in the country 2006
Sandman Mystery Theatre INT 4 The Scorpion 2006
Simpsons Comics 116 Mall or Nothing 2006
Simpsons Comics 119 The Flunky 2006
Simpsons Comics 124 'Til Ned Do Us Part 2006
Simpsons Comics 125 The Hills Have Hicks 2006
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 32 Leader of the Pack 2006
Superman: The Return of Superman 1 Superman: The Return of Superman 2006
Superman: World Without a Superman 1 Superman: World Without a Superman 2006
Swamp Thing INT A9 Infernal Triangles 2006
Women of Marvel 1 Volume 1 2006
Animal Man INT 1 Animal Man 2007
Animal Man INT 2 Origin of the Species 2007
Animal Man INT 3 Deus Ex Machina 2007
Batman: Black and White A1 Volume 1 2007
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight INT 2 Gothic 2007
The Chronicles of Conan 11 The Dance of the Skull 2007
The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus 1 The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus 2007
Essential Ms. Marvel 1 Ms. Marvel vol.1 2007
The Invincible Iron Man INT D4 Director of S.H.I.E.L.D 2007
The Sandman (Gaiman) INT 2 The Doll's House 2007
Sandman Mystery Theatre INT 5 Dr. Death and The Night of the Butcher 2007
Simpsons Comics 127 Simpson Family Robinson Crusoe 2007
Simpsons Comics 129 You'd Better Sloth Around 2007
Simpsons Comics 132 A Brand New Burns, Part One! 2007
Simpsons Comics 133 A Brand New Burns, Part Two! 2007
Simpsons Comics 135 The Bald Man and the Sea 2007
Simpsons Comics 137 H: The Last Fat Man 2007
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 34 Sigmund Fraud 2007
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 39 Standup Guy 2007
The Chronicles of Conan 15 The Corridor of Mullah-Kajar 2008
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson 1 Volume 1 2008
Essential Avengers 6 Avengers vol.6 2008
Eternals by Jack Kirby 1 Volume 1 2008
Fight for tomorrow INT 1 Fight for tomorrow 2008
Giant-Size Avengers/Invaders 1 Endgame! 2008
Ronin INT 1 Ronin 2008
Sandman Mystery Theatre INT 6 The Hourman And The Python 2008
Simpsons Comics 140 Mow Money 2008
Simpsons Comics 143 Not Duff Enough 2008
Simpsons Comics 145 Worst Competition Ever! 2008
Simpsons Comics 148 Hans Across America 2008
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 42 Sibling Rival 2008
Batman: Arkham Asylum Special 1 Batman: Arkham Asylum Special 2009
Batman: False Faces 1 Batman: False Faces 2009
Batman: The Cult INT 1 Batman: The Cult 2009
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? 1 Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? 2009
Marvel Apes 0 Issue #0 2009
Red INT 1 Red 2009
The Sandman (Delcourt/Panini) 2 La maison de poupée 2009
Secret Invasion: War Machine 1 Weapon of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2009
Simpsons Comics 153 On the Bubble 2009
Simpsons Comics 157 Marge's Extreme Make-Under 2009
Simpsons Comics 161 Mighty MMORPG Player Ragers 2009
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 46 Rock Star 2009
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 51 Behind the Scenes 2009
Swamp Thing A21 The Anatomy Lesson 2009
The Chronicles of Kull 2 The Hell Beneath Atlantis, and Other Stories 2010
DC Comics Presents: Batman A1 Issue #1 2010
The Extremist INT 1 The Extremist 2010
Iron Man: Requiem 1 Iron Man: Requiem 2010
Simpsons Comics 166 Tour De Springfield 2010
Simpsons Comics 168 Myth Information 2010
Simpsons Comics 171 To the Bookmobile! 2010
Simpsons Comics 172 X-Mas Marks the Spot! 2010
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 53 Prank Pitchman 2010
Star Wars Omnibus 13 A Long Time Ago..., Volume 1 2010
Star Wars Omnibus 14 A Long Time Ago..., Volume 2 2010
Starman INT A A4 The Starman Omnibus, Volume 4 2010
Zorro: Matanzas 1 Issue #1 2010
Zorro: Matanzas 2 Terrible Incident in a Place of Skulls 2010
Zorro: Matanzas 3 Slaughter Corral 2010
Zorro: Matanzas 4 Disturbing Resolutions 2010
Zorro: Matanzas INT 1 Matanzas 2010
Batman INT A1 A Death in the Family 2011
Batman: A Death in the Family 1 Batman: A Death in the Family 2011
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 1 Shaman, Book 1 2011
DC Comics Presents: Batman A2 Issue #2 2011
DC Comics Presents: Batman A3 Issue #3 2011
DC Comics Presents: Batman Beyond 1 DC Comics Presents: Batman Beyond 2011
DC Retroactive: Green Lantern - The '70s 1 DC Retroactive: Green Lantern - The '70s 2011
DC Retroactive: Justice League of America - The '80s 1 Siege 2011
DC Retroactive: Wonder Woman - The '90s 1 Wonder Girls 2011
The Flash INT A OM1 The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns, Volume One 2011
Hellraiser Masterpieces 2 Issue #2 2011
The New Teen Titans Omnibus 1 Volume One 2011
Simpsons Comics 175 It Came from the '70s 2011
Simpsons Comics 178 The Thingama-Bob from Outer Space 2011
Simpsons Comics 181 Better Off Ned 2011
Spider-Island: Emergence of Evil - Jackal & Hobgoblin 1 Issue #1 2011
Swamp Thing INT A4 Book Four 2011
Swamp Thing INT A5 Book Five 2011
Swamp Thing INT A6 Book Six 2011
Tales of the Batman - Gene Colan 1 Volume 1 2011
Batman: Birth of the Demon A1 Birth of the Demon 2012
Batman: Knightfall A1 Knightfall 2012
Batman: Knightfall A2 Knightquest 2012
Batman: Knightfall A3 Knightsend 2012
Batman: No Man's Land INT A3 Volume 3 2012
Batman: No Man's Land INT A4 Volume 4 2012
Defenders: Tournament of Heroes 1 Membership Madness! 2012
The Flash INT A OM2 The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns, Volume Two 2012
Hellraiser Masterpieces 6 Issue #6 2012
Hellraiser Masterpieces 7 Issue #7 2012
Hulk: Heart of the Atom 1 Hulk: Heart of the Atom 2012
Infernal Man-Thing 2 Issue #2 2012
Midnight Days 1 Midnight Days 2012
The New Teen Titans Omnibus 2 Volume Two 2012
Scene of The Crime INT 1 Scene of the Crime 2012
Simpsons Comics 187 The Dot Com Before the Storm 2012
Simpsons Comics 196 Wilde At Heart! 2012
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 71 Formula for Disaster 2012
Simpsons Comics Presents Bart Simpson 75 New Girl in Town 2012
Swamp Thing INT A1 Book One 2012
Swamp Thing INT A2 Book Two 2012
Animal Man INT A1 The Animal Man Omnibus 2013
The Avengers Epic Collection 9 The Final Threat 2013
Black Bolt: Something Inhuman This Way Comes 1 And to All a Good Night 2013
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson INT 1 Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson Omnibus 2013
The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus 1 The Death and Return of Superman Omnibus 2013
Doom 2099 INT 1 The Complete Collection by Warren Ellis 2013
Essential Captain America 7 Captain America vol.7 2013
Essential Marvel Team-Up 4 Marvel Team-Up vol.4 2013
Essential Thor 7 Thor vol.7 2013
The Extremist INT 1 The Extremist 2013
Green Arrow INT A1 Hunters Moon 2013
Iron Man 2020 INT 1 Iron Man 2020 2013
Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man 15 Volume 15 2013
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers 13 Volume 13 2013
Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor 12 Volume 12 2013
The Sandman (Gaiman) INT B1 Omnibus Volume I 2013
Les Simpson (Jungle) S4 Font la nouba! 2013
Les Simpson (Jungle) 22 Sur la route! 2013
Simpsons Comics 203 The Rise and Fall of D'Oh 2013
Simpsons Illustrated 8 Issue #8 2013
Swamp Thing INT A3 Book Three 2013
Swamp Thing INT A4 Book Four 2013
Swamp Thing INT A5 Book Five 2013
Wolverine: First Cuts 1 First Cuts 2013
The Amazing Spider-Man: Firsts 1 The Amazing Spider-Man: Firsts 2014
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight 1 The Dark Knight Returns 2014
Batman: Bruce Wayne Murderer 1 Batman: Bruce Wayne Murderer 2014
Captain America Epic Collection 9 Dawn's Early Light 2014
Cinder and Ashe INT 1 Cinder & Ashe 2014
The Demon INT A1 The Demon: From the Darkness 2014
Fantastic Four/Inhumans: Atlantis Rising 1 Atlantis Rising 2014
Green Arrow INT A2 Here There be Dragons 2014
The Invaders INT COM1 The Complete Collection, Vol. 1 2014
The Invaders INT COM2 The Complete Collection, Volume 2 2014
Marvel Masterworks: Captain America 7 Volume 7 2014
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel 5 Volume 5 2014
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil 8 Volume 8 2014
Marvel Masterworks: The Amazing Spider-Man 16 Volume 16 2014
Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four 16 Volume 16 2014
Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor 13 Volume 13 2014
Moon Knight Epic Collection 1 Bad Moon Rising 2014
Nova Classic 3 Volume 3 2014
Ronin INT 1 Ronin 2014
Les Simpson (Jungle) 23 A go-go 2014
Les Simpson (Jungle) 24 En parade 2014
Les Simpson (Jungle) 25 Supernova 2014
Simpsons Illustrated 9 Issue #9 2014
Simpsons Illustrated 11 Issue #11 2014
Star-Lord: Tears for Heaven 1 Issue #1 2014
Superman: The Death of Superman 1 The Death of Superman 2014
Swamp Thing INT A6 Book Six 2014
Thor Epic Collection 11 A Kingdom Lost 2014
X-Men: The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix 1 X-Men: The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix 2014
Batman: Dark Knight, Dark City 1 Batman: Dark Knight, Dark City 2015
Batman: Second Chances 1 Batman: Second Chances 2015
Deathstroke, the Terminator INT A1 Assassins 2015
Deathstroke, the Terminator INT A2 Sympathy for the Devil 2015
Green Arrow INT A3 The Trial of Oliver Queen 2015
Grip: The Strange World of Men INT 1 Grip: The Strange World of Men 2015
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil 9 Volume 9 2015
Night Nurse INT 1 Night Nurse 2015
Les Simpson (Jungle) 26 Confidentiel 2015
Les Simpson (Jungle) 27 Renversant 2015
Les Simpson (Jungle) 28 Déchainés 2015
Simpsons Illustrated 17 Issue #17 2015
Simpsons Illustrated 20 Issue #20 2015
Star Wars: The original Marvel Years Omnibus 1 Volume 1 2015
Star Wars: The original Marvel Years Omnibus 2 Volume 2 2015
Bart Simpson (Jungle) 12 Bart Simpson à la rescousse 2016
Batman - De terugkeer van de Dark Knight INT 1 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns 2016
Batman by Ed Brubaker 1 Volume 1 2016
Batman by Ed Brubaker 2 Volume 2 2016
Batman: Contagion INT 1A Batman: Contagion 2016
Captain America Epic Collection 22 Man Without a Country 2016
The Chronicles of Conan 32 The Second Coming of Shuma-Gorath 2016
Green Arrow INT A5 The Black Arrow 2016
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 20 Le Punisher 2016
Sandman Mystery Theatre INT A1 Book One 2016
Les Simpson (Jungle) 30 En fusion 2016
Simpsons Illustrated 23 Issue #23 2016
Star Wars: The original Marvel Years 1 Volume 1 2016
Superman: Panic in the Sky! 1 Superman: Panic in the Sky! 2016
Bart Simpson (Jungle) 13 En plein dans le mille! 2017
Bart Simpson (Jungle) 14 Bart Simpson en tête de course 2017
Batman by Brian K. Vaughan 1 Batman by Brian K. Vaughan 2017
Batman: Legacy A1 Volume 1 2017
The New Teen Titans Omnibus 1 Volume One 2017
Les Simpson (Jungle) 33 Festin de minuit 2017
Star Wars: The original Marvel Years 2 Volume 2 2017
Batman: Knightfall - 25th Anniversary Edition 1 Volume 1 2018
Batman: Knightfall - 25th Anniversary Edition 2 Volume 2 2018
Batman: Knightquest - The Crusade 1 Volume 1 2018
Batman: Knightquest - The Crusade 2 Volume 2 2018
Batman: Legacy A2 Volume 2 2018
Batman: Prelude to Knightfall 1 Batman: Prelude to Knightfall 2018
Batman: The Caped Crusader 1 Volume 1 2018
Ronin INT 1 Ronin 2018
The Sandman (Gaiman) INT 2 The Doll's House 2018
Les Simpson (Jungle) 36 Sans complexes! 2018
Les Simpson (Jungle) 37 Ding dingue! 2018
The Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus 4 Volume 4 2019
Bart Simpson (Jungle) 17 Trop la frime! 2019
Bart Simpson (Jungle) 18 Coup fourré 2019
Batman: Shadow of the Bat INT A4 Volume 4 2019
Batman: The Caped Crusader 2 The Origin of Robin 2019
Batman: The Caped Crusader 3 The Penguin Affair 2019
Batman: Troika 1 Batman: Troika 2019
Crisis on Infinite Earths 8 A Flash of the Lightning! 2019
DC Comics - La légende de Batman 50 Le fils prodigue, 1ère partie 2019
DC Comics - La légende de Batman 51 Le fils prodigue, 2ème partie 2019
Fantastic Four: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection 1 Volume 1 2019
Les Simpson (Jungle) 39 Fast food & furious 2019
Les Simpson (Jungle) 40 Knockout 2019
Transmetropolitan INT C2 Book Two 2019
Iron Man Epic Collection 17 War Machine 2020
The Sandman (Gaiman) INT C1 The Deluxe Edition - Book 1 2020
Star Wars Legends: Forever Crimson - Epic Collection 1 Volume 1 2020
The Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus 5 Volume 5 2021
Bart Simpson (Jungle) 20 MDR 2021
Captain America: Heroes Return - The Complete Collection 1 Volume 1 2021
Enigma INT 1 Enigma 2021
Iron Man Epic Collection 20 In the Hands of Evil 2021
Captain America Epic Collection 4 Hero or Hoax 2022
Daredevil Epic Collection 5 Going Out West 2022
Fantastic Four Epic Collection 8 Annihilus Revealed 2022
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection 7 And Now... The Wolverine 2022
Iron Man Epic Collection 5 Battle Royal 2022
Iron Man Epic Collection 18 The Return of Tony Stark 2022
Captain America Epic Collection 5 The Secret Empire 2023
Captain America Epic Collection 20 Fighting Chance 2023
Daredevil Epic Collection 6 Watch out for Bullseye 2023
Fantastic Four Epic Collection 9 The Crusader Syndrome 2023
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection 8 The Curing of Dr. Banner 2023
Iron Man Epic Collection 6 The War of the Super Villains 2023
Iron Man Epic Collection 21 The Crossing 2023
Moon Knight Epic Collection 7 Death Watch 2023
X-Men Epic Collection 4 It's Always Darkest Before Dawn 2023
Batman 428 A Death in the Family, Book 3 2024
Captain America Epic Collection 6 The Man Who Sold the United States 2024