Steve Englehart

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
De verbijsterende Hulk special 28 Een vaste baan is een waardevol iets! 8.35
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) 25 In duel met Diablo 8.20
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) 24 Diablo en zijn afschuwelijke elementals: Tweemaal dubbel 8.05
The Avengers 106 A Traitor Stalks Among Us 8.00
The Avengers 108 Check -- And Mate 8.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 1 I Slay by the Stars 8.00
Doctor Strange A1 Through an Orb Darkly 8.00
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) 26 Nog één ding 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 159 Two Years Before the Abomination 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 160 Nightmare in Niagara Falls 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 161 Beyond the Border Lurks Death 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 162 Spawn of the Flesh-Eater 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 163 Trackdown 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 164 The Phantom From 5,000 Fathoms 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 165 The Green-Skinned God 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 166 The Destroyer From the Dynamo 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 167 To Destroy the Monster 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 168 The Hate of the Harpy 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 169 Calamity in the Clouds 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 170 Death From on High 8.00
The Incredible Hulk 171 Revenge 8.00
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) 27 De tunnels van Molman 7.70
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) 28 Het begin en... het eind: De naam 7.50
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) 29 De negatieve zone 7.45
Fantastic Four special (JuniorPress) 30 Tussen twee muren 7.35
The Avengers Epic Collection 17 Judgment Day 7.00
Avengers West Coast - Epic Collection 1 How the West Was Won 7.00
Avengers West Coast - Epic Collection 3 Tales to Astonish 7.00
Avengers West Coast - Epic Collection 4 Vision Quest 7.00
Batman: Dark Detective INT 1 Batman: Dark Detective 7.00
Captain America Epic Collection 4 Hero or Hoax 7.00
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen 3 The Boston Bomber 7.00
Daredevil Epic Collection 12 It Comes With the Claws 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 2 The Secret of the Silver Surfer! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 3 Four Against the Gods 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 4 The New Defender! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 5 World Without End? 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 6 The Dreams of Death! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 7 War Below the Waves! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 8 ... If Atlantis Should Fall! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 9 Divide... and Conquer 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 10 Breakthrough! 7.00
The Defenders (Marvel) 11 A Dark and Stormy Knight 7.00
Detective Comics INT 3 Batman: Strange Apparitions 7.00
Essential Avengers 5 Avengers vol.5 7.00
Essential Avengers 6 Avengers vol.6 7.00
Fantastic Four Epic Collection 18 The More Things Change... 7.00
Shang-Chi (Classics) 1 Levende wapens in het strijdperk! 7.00
Shang-Chi (Classics) 2 Ze noemen hem Black Jack! 7.00
Shang-Chi (Classics) 3 Het macabere moerasmonster 7.00
Superman (Classics) 108 Solomon Grundy sterft zestig doden / Superman slaags met microgolfman 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A1 Lovers 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A2 Brothers 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A3 Ancestors 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A4 Mutant Romance Tales 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A5 The Others Call It...All Hallows Eve 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A6 No Strings Attached! 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A7 Batteries Not Included 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A8 Sweet Sister 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A9 Off-Line 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A10 Spring Fever 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A11 A Taxing Time 7.00
The Vision and The Scarlet Witch A12 Double Sized Climax 7.00
Avengers: Celestial Quest 3 What Goes Around... 6.00
Daredevil 237 Context! 6.00
Doc Savage A1 Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze! 6.00
Doc Savage A2 Master of the Red Death 6.00
Doc Savage A3 Death in Silver 6.00
Doc Savage A4 The Hell-Diver 6.00
Essential Defenders 1 Defenders vol.1 6.00
Essential Thor 7 Thor vol.7 6.00
Fantastic Four Epic Collection 17 All in the Family 6.00
Journey Into Mystery A1 Dig Me No Grave! 6.00
Justice 2 Land of the Other Shadows 6.00
Justice 3 Out by Exit 14 6.00
Justice 4 Shangri-L.A. 6.00
Justice 5 Dad 6.00
Justice 7 A Mirror, Darkly 6.00
The Savage Sword of Conan 2 Issue #2 6.00
Warrior Nun Areala: Scorpio Rose 3 Spiders in the Brainstem 6.00
Warrior Nun Areala: Scorpio Rose 4 The Pope 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A1 Teammates! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A2 Sons! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A3 Singleton! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A4 Master Pandemonium! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A5 Ins and Outs 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A6 Quest for Cats! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A7 U, Robot! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A8 A Bird in the Hand! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A9 Hot Pursuit 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A10 The Search for the Thing! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A11 Pride of the Regiment 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A12 The Attraction Between Two Bodies 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A13 The Unified Field Theory 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A14 Tigra, Tigra, Burning Bright 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A15 The Lady... or the Tigra 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A16 The Dive 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A17 Outta Time! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A18 Time Was... 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A19 The Times of Their Lives! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A20 In the Meantime, In Between-Time... 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A21 A Time For Every Purpose Under Heaven! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A22 The Time of Sands! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A23 Showtime! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A24 Before We Were so Rudely Interrupted! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A25 The Greatest Show on Earth! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A26 What is Scorpio 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A27 Star Struck! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A28 Star/Double-Crossed! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A29 Dead run! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A31 The Friday Night Frights! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A32 Buried Monsters 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A33 Tales to Astonish, Part One: The Man in the Anthill! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A34 Tales to Astonish, Part Two: Prisoners of the Slave-World! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A35 Tales to Astonish, Part Three: The Voice of Doom 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A36 Tales to Astonish, Part Four: Return of the Ant-Man 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A37 Avengers Disassemble! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A39 Upset! 6.00
The West Coast Avengers A AN1 One of Our Own! 5.00
The West Coast Avengers A AN2 Death & Texas! 5.00
Atlantis Attacks 1 Atlantis Attacks
Avengers Defenders War 1 Avengers Defenders War
The Avengers Epic Collection 9 The Final Threat
The Avengers AN15 Betrayal!
Avengers: Celestial Quest 1 I Die Unknown!
Avengers: Celestial Quest 2 Madonna Reborn!
Avengers: Celestial Quest 4 War!
Avengers: Celestial Quest 5 Love!
Avengers: Celestial Quest 6 The Chase!
Avengers: Celestial Quest 7 Doom!
Avengers: Celestial Quest 8 Death Itself!
Avengers: West Coast Avengers - Sins of the Past 1 Sins of the Past
Batman 311 Dr. Phosphorus Is Back!
The Batman Chronicles 19 Issue #19
Batman: Dark Detective 1 Some Enchanted Evening
Batman: Dark Detective 2 You May See a Stranger
Batman: Dark Detective 3 Two Faces Have I
Batman: Dark Detective 4 Thriller
Batman: Dark Detective 5 Everybody Dance Now
Batman: Dark Detective 6 House
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 109 Primal Riddle, Part 1: Nasty, Brutish and Short!
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 110 Primal Riddle, Part 2: Perhaps Only Riddle That We Shrink From Giving Up!
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 111 Primal Riddle, Part 3: A Dumpster of Cherees
Captain America INT A1 Captain America and the Falcon: Secret Empire
Captain America INT A2 Captain America and the Falcon: Nomad
Captain America Epic Collection 5 The Secret Empire
Captain America Epic Collection 6 The Man Who Sold the United States
Captain America: Peggy Carter, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1 Captain America: Peggy Carter, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Captain Marvel: The Death of Captain Marvel 1 Death of Captain Marvel
The Chronicles of Kull 2 The Hell Beneath Atlantis, and Other Stories
The Chronicles of Kull 3 Screams in the Dark, and Other Stories
Daredevil Epic Collection 5 Going Out West
DC Comics - La légende de Batman 14 Étranges apparitions
Deadshot: Beginnings 1 Deadshot: Beginnings
Detective Comics 474 The Deadshot Ricochet
Fantastic Four Epic Collection 9 The Crusader Syndrome
Fantastic Four Epic Collection 19 The Dream is Dead
Fantastic Four: Big Town 1 Issue #1
Fantastic Four: Big Town 2 Issue #2
Fantastic Four: Big Town 3 Issue #3
Fantastic Four: Big Town 4 Issue #4
Le fils de Satan 16 L'enfer de Docteur Strange
Le fils de Satan INT 8 Recueil 3256
Green Lantern A200 Five Billion Years
Green Lantern Corps 201 Setting Up Shop
Green Lantern Corps 202 Turf
Green Lantern Corps 203 The Diabolical Dr Ub'x
Green Lantern Corps 204 Young and Innocent
Green Lantern Corps 205 Bad Reputation!
Green Lantern Corps 206 In Deep!
Green Lantern Corps 207 Simple Minds!
Green Lantern Corps 208 Red Lantern
Green Lantern Corps 209 Red Alert!
Green Lantern Corps 210 See Red!
Green Lantern Corps 211 Pink Elephants
Green Lantern Corps 212 Fun Couples!
Green Lantern Corps 213 For Want of a Male...!
Green Lantern Corps 214 I Think, Therefore...
Green Lantern Corps 215 ...I Am!
Green Lantern Corps 216 Secret Identities!
Green Lantern Corps 217 Inside Summer Skies
Green Lantern Corps 218 Inside Some Other Skies!
Green Lantern Corps 219 Inside Somatic Psyches
Green Lantern Corps 220 Sacred Identities!
Green Lantern Corps 221 Diversions!
Green Lantern Corps 222 The Last Testament of Sinestro!
Green Lantern Corps 223 The Last Testament of The Green Lantern Corps!
Incredible Hulk: Beauty and the Behemoth 1 Incredible Hulk: Beauty and the Behemoth
Madame Xanadu (Matt Wagner) 1 Dance for Two Demons
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 65 Captain America & Le Faucon: L'empire secret
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 77 Vie et mort de Captain Marvel - Deuxième partie
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 94 Docteur Strange: Une réalité à part
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 104 Les Défenseurs: Le jour des Défenseurs
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 112 Avengers Defenders War
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 31 Le Fauve
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 44 Star-Lord
Marvel Masterworks: Captain America 7 Volume 7
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel 3 Volume 3
Marvel Masterworks: Captain Marvel 4 Volume 4
Marvel Masterworks: Doctor Strange 5 Volume 5
Marvel Masterworks: Doctor Strange 6 Volume 6
Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers 13 Volume 13
Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders 1 Volume 1
Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders 2 Volume 2
Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men 7 Volume 7
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions INT 1 Contest of Champions
Marvel Visionaries: Hulk 3 Peter David, Volume 3
Mister Miracle 19 It's All in the Mine
Mister Miracle 20 Eclipse
Mister Miracle 21 Command Performance!
Mister Miracle 22 Midnight of the Gods
Star*Reach 7 Issue #7
Star*Reach INT 1 Greatest Hits
Star-Lord: The Hollow Crown 1 Issue #1
Strange (LUG) 78 Numéro 78
Superman (Classics) INT 4c Omnibus nr. 4
Superman pocket (Classics) 2 Nummer 2
Wally Wood's T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 1 Issue #1
Wally Wood's T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 2 Issue #2
Warrior Nun Areala: Scorpio Rose 1 Scorpio Rose
Warrior Nun Areala: Scorpio Rose 2 Shadows in the Night
Women of Marvel 2 Volume 2
X-Men Epic Collection 4 It's Always Darkest Before Dawn
X-Men: Inferno 2 X-Men: Inferno Crossovers
X-Men: The Fall of the Mutants Omnibus 1 X-Men: The Fall of the Mutants Omnibus
X-O Manowar (Valiant) 1 Retribution, Part 1: Into the Fire
X-O Manowar (Valiant) 2 Retribution, Part 2: Into the Fire
X-O Manowar (Valiant) 3 The Most Powerful Man In the World
X-O Manowar (Valiant) 4 King's Crossing