Alan A. Grant

Pseudoniemen: F. M. Candor, F. Martin Candor, R. Clark, Alvin Gaunt, A. Grant, A. A. Grant, Alan Grant, Alice Grant, Grant Grover, T.B. Grover, I. Holland, K. Law, Keith Law, Craig Lipp, Staccato, Stavros, The Beast

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Batman 224 / 8.02
Detective Comics 563 / 7.76
Batman (Baldakijn) 1347 / 7.44
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 2273 / 7.10
Judge Dredd (Arboris) 2547 / 6.93
All-Star Future Shocks
The Authority / Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
Batman 80-Page Giant
Batman Adventures
Batman Adventures (Duitse uitgaven)
The Batman Chronicles
Batman International
The Batman Judge Dredd Collection
The Batman of Arkham
Batman special (Baldakijn/Junior Press)
Batman/Demon: A Tragedy
The Batman/Judge Dredd Files
Batman/Phantom Stranger
Batman/Spawn: The Classic Collection
Batman/Spawn: War Devil
Batman: Anarky
Batman: Arkham Asylum - Tales of Madness
Batman: Cataclysm
Batman: Contagion
Batman: Four of a Kind
Batman: Gotham Knights
Batman: Knightfall
Batman: Knightfall - 25th Anniversary Edition
Batman: Knightquest - The Crusade
Batman: Knightquest - The Search
Batman: Legacy
Batman: Mitefall
Batman: Prodigal
Batman: Road to No Man's Land
Batman: Scottish Connection
Batman: Shadow of the Bat
Batman: The Abduction
Batman: The Caped Crusader
Batman: The Dark Knight Detective
Batman: Troika
Bisley's Scrapbook
Black Hawk
Bob, the Galactic Bum
The Bogie Man: Chinatoon
Brodie's Law
Brodie's Law (Cross Cult)
Campus (Dendros)
Catwoman (DC)
Clive Barker's Night Breed
The Complete Ace Trucking Co.
DC Comics - La légende de Batman
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros
DC Retroactive: Batman - The '90s
The Demon
Doctor Who Classics
Dredd by Bisley
Green Arrow
De Hulk
Images of Shadowhawk
Judge Anderson
Judge Anderson: PSI Files
Judge Dredd & Batman
Judge Dredd - L'intégrale (Soleil)
Judge Dredd Definitive Editions
Judge Dredd Pockets
Judge Dredd's Crime File
Judge Dredd's Hardcase Papers
Judge Dredd's Mega-City Vice
Judge Dredd: Artist collections
Judge Dredd: Cry of the Werewolf
Judge Dredd: Day of Chaos - Fallout
Judge Dredd: Destiny's Angels
Judge Dredd: Heavy Metal Dredd
Judge Dredd: Nobody Apes The Law!
Judge Dredd: Rough Justice
Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files
Judge Dredd: The Complete P.J. Maybe
Judge Dredd: The Restricted Files
The Last American
Lobo Goes to Hollywood
Lobo's Back
Lobo's Big Babe Spring Break Special
Lobo: A Contract on Gawd
Lobo: Blazing Chain of Love
Lobo: Chained
Lobo: Death and Taxes
Lobo: I Quit
Lobo: Infanticide
Lobo: Portrait of a Victim
Lobo: Unamerican Gladiators
Mazeworld (Rebellion)
Mazeworld (RoaRrr)
Monster (Heinzl)
Negative Burn
Nightwing: Alfred's Return
Pue la mort!
Punisher: Blood on the Moors
Robin (DC Comics)
Robin - Bundelingen (DC Comics)
Robo-Hunter: The Droid Files
Showcase '93
Showcase '94
Silver Surfer
Strontium Dog: Search/Destroy Agency Files
Strontium Dog: The Early Cases
Strontium Dog: The Final Solution
Tales of the Batman - Tim Sale
Tank Girl: Apocalypse!
Tank Girl: Hairy Heroes
Tattered Banners
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