Sherilyn Van Valkenburgh

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
The Sandman (Gaiman) 52 / 8.37
Fables (Vliegende Hollander) 574 / 7.75
Fables 883 / 7.59
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 2273 / 7.10
American Century
The Batman Chronicles
Batman special (Baldakijn/Junior Press)
Batman versus Predator (Wetta)
Batman vs. Predator
Batman: Anarky
Batman: Brotherhood of the Bat
Batman: Shadow of the Bat
Birds of Prey
Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey
Blood: A Tale
The Books of Magic
Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold
Fables (Franse uitgaven)
Fables (Lion)
Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser
Garth Ennis présente Hellblazer
The Girl Who Would Be Death
Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown
Hunter: The Age of Magic
Marvel Comics Presents
Midnight, Mass: Here There Be Monsters
Mythos: The Final Tour
The Names of Magic
The Sandman Presents: The Corinthian
Superman: The Kansas Sighting
Superman: Under a Yellow Sun
Vertigo: First Offenses
Vertigo: Winter's Edge
Weird Western Tales
Wolverine by Larry Hama & Marc Silvestri
Wolverine Epic Collection
Wolverine: Inner Fury
Wolverine: Rahne of Terra