Danny Miki

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Batman 224 / 8.02
Detective Comics 563 / 7.76
The Avengers 1943 / 7.23
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 2273 / 7.10
Action Comics
All Star Batman
All-New X-Men
All-Star Batman - Rebirth (Lion)
The Amazing Spider-Man
The American Way: Those Above and Those Below
Angela/Glory: Rage of Angels
Aria: Heavenly Creatures
Avengelyne: Swimsuit Edition
Avengers Assemble
The Avengers Disassembled
Avenging Spider-Man
AVX: Consequences
Batman - DC Universum Herboren
The Batman Chronicles
Batman Saga
Batman Zero Year Director's Cut
Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album
Batman: Shadow of the Bat
Batman: The Devastator
Batman: Urban Legends
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel
Cable and X-Force
Captain America: Reborn
Castle: Richard Castle's Deadly Storm
Chaos War: Ares
Dark Days: The Forge
The Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade
The Darkness (Junior Press)
The Darkness Compendium
The Darkness
The Darkness/Batman
Darkness: Anniversary Collection
DC Comics - La légende de Batman
DC Comics - Le meilleur des super-héros
Drain (Image)
Eternals (Gaiman)
The Eternals
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America
Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman
Fathom (Junior Press)
Fear Itself: The Fearless
Formic Wars: Silent Strike
Future State: Gotham
Generation Hope
Ghost Rider
Guardians of the Galaxy
House of M (Dark Dragon Books)
Hulk by Jeph Loeb
The Human Target (DC Black Label)
Image Special
The Incredible Hercules
Incredible Hulk & the Human Torch: From the Marvel Vault
The Incredible Hulk
Incredible Hulks: World War Hulks
The Invincible Iron Man
Iron Man: Legacy
The Joker: Endgame
The Magdalena Omnibus
The Magdalena
The Magdalena: Origins
The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette)
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette)
Marvel Knights Double-Shot
Marvel Now! Omnibus
The Mighty Avengers
Miracleman (Marvel)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
The New Avengers (Nona Arte)
New Avengers Finale
The New Avengers
New Mutants Saga
New X-Men (Panini)
New X-Men: Academy X
New X-Men: The Quest for Magik - The Complete Collection
Nova (Marvel)
Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead
Prophet (Image/Extreme/Awesome)
The Pulse
The Punisher (Marvel Knights)
Punisher by Garth Ennis Omnibus
Punisher HC Collections (Marvel Knights)
Red Hood/Arsenal
Rising Stars
Robin (DC Comics)
Savage Wolverine
Secret Avengers
Silver Surfer
Sisters of Mercy (Maximum Press)
Sisters of Mercy: Paradise Lost
Spawn (Junior Press)
Spawn Bible
Spawn Origins
Spawn the undead (Junior Press)
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure
Spider-Man: Get Kraven
Spider-Man: House of M
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier
Superman for Tomorrow
Superman: For Tomorrow
Superman: Lois and Clark
Superman: Pour demain
Superman: President Luthor
Superman: Son of Kal-El
Superman: Year One
Thor Giant-Size Finale
Thor: God of Thunder
Tomb Raider (Junior Press)
The Tomb Raider Compendium
Tomb Raider: The Series
Ultimate Avengers
Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra
Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four (Marvel France)
Ultimate Fantastic Four (Z-Press)
Ultimate Iron Man
Ultimate Six
Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus
Ultimate X-Men
Ultimatum: X-Men/Fantastic Four
Uncanny X-Force
The Uncanny X-Men
The Witchblade Collected Edition
Wolverine & the X-Men
Wolverine: Origins
Wolverine: The Return of Weapon X
Wolverine: Weapon X
World War Hulk
X Necrosha
X-Men (JuniorPress)
X-Men (Marvel)
X-Men: Emperor Vulcan
X-Men: Legacy
X-Men: Messiah Complex
X-Men: Reloaded
X-Men: To Serve and Protect
X-Men: X-Corps
X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land
Youngblood: Strikefile