J. D. Mettler

Pseudoniemen: JD Mettler

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 2273 / 7.10
Angel & Faith
The Authority / Lobo: Spring Break Massacre
The Authority
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9
Conan Omnibus
Ex Machina
Ex Machina (Panini)
Ex Machina (Urban Comics)
Ex Machina: Inside the Machine
F.E.A.R. 3
JSA: The Liberty Files
JSA: The Unholy Three
Rocketeer Adventures
The Royals: Masters of War
Star Trek: Discovery - Aftermath
Star Trek: Discovery - The Light of Kahless
Tom Strong
Tom Strong Compendium
War Heroes (Image)
The X-Files/30 Days of Night
X-Men (Marvel)