Brian K. Vaughan

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Pride of Baghdad 1 Pride of Baghdad 82 / 8.82
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 1 Y le dernier homme 367 / 8.32
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 4 Stop / Encore 504 / 8.60
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 2 Un petit coin de paradis 566 / 8.26
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 7 Le scoop 569 / 8.55
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 10 Trajets d'Y 731 / 8.69
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 5 Alliance contre nature 1051 / 8.25
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 6 Entre filles 1097 / 8.21
Saga INT 1 Volume One 1141 / 8.11
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 3 Un petit pas 1147 / 8.04
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 8 Monnaie de singe 1164 / 8.24
Saga INT 2 Volume Two 1210 / 8.25
Y: Le dernier homme (Semic/Panini) 9 Terre mère 1286 / 8.26
Scalped INT A1 Book One 9.80
Y: Le dernier homme (Urban Comics) 1 Volume 1 9.37
Saga 1 Chapter One 9.25
Y: Le dernier homme (Urban Comics) 5 Volume V 9.20
Y: Le dernier homme (Urban Comics) 2 Volume 2 9.07
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight 6 No Future for You, Part 1 9.00
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight 7 No Future for You, Part 2 9.00
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight 8 No Future for You, Part 3 9.00
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight 9 No Future for You, Part 4 9.00
Saga INT *1 Book 1 9.00
Y: Le dernier homme (Urban Comics) 3 Volume 3 9.00
Y: Le dernier homme (Urban Comics) 4 Volume 4 8.80
Y: The Last Man 60 Final issue 8.75
Ex Machina 2 State of Emergency, Chapter One 8.50
Ex Machina 3 State of Emergency, Chapter Two 8.50
Ex Machina 4 State of Emergency, Chapter Three 8.50
Ex Machina 5 State of Emergency, Conclusion 8.50
Ex Machina 6 Tag, Chapter One 8.50
Ex Machina 7 Tag, Chapter Two 8.50
Ex Machina 8 Tag, Chapter Three 8.50
Ex Machina 9 Tag, Chapter Four 8.50
Ex Machina 10 Tag, Conclusion 8.50
Ex Machina 11 Fortune Favors 8.50
Ex Machina 12 Fact vs. Fiction, Chapter One 8.50
Ex Machina 13 Fact vs. Fiction, Chapter Two 8.50
Ex Machina 14 Fact vs. Fiction, Conclusion 8.50
Ex Machina 15 Off the Grid, Part One 8.50
Ex Machina 16 Off the Grid, Part Two 8.50
Ex Machina 17 March to War, Chapter One 8.50
Ex Machina 18 March to War, Chapter Two 8.50
Ex Machina 19 March to War, Chapter Three 8.50
Ex Machina 20 March to War, Conclusion 8.50
Ex Machina 21 Smoke Smoke, Chapter One 8.50
Ex Machina 22 Smoke Smoke, Chapter Two 8.50
Ex Machina 23 Smoke Smoke, Chapter Three 8.50
Ex Machina 24 Smoke Smoke, Conclusion 8.50
Ex Machina 25 Standalone 8.50
Ex Machina 26 Power Down, Chapter One 8.50
Ex Machina 27 Power Down, Chapter Two 8.50
Ex Machina 28 Power Down, Chapter Three 8.50
Ex Machina 29 Power Down, Conclusion 8.50
Ex Machina 40 Ruthless 8.50
Ex Machina 41 Ring Out the Old, Chapter One 8.50
Ex Machina 42 Ring Out the Old, Chapter Two 8.50
Ex Machina 43 Ring Out the Old, Chapter Three 8.50
Ex Machina 44 Ring Out the Old, Conclusion 8.50
Ex Machina INT 5 Smoke Smoke 8.50
Ex Machina INT 6 Power Down 8.50
Ex Machina (Panini) 5 Le feu aux poudres 8.50
Ex Machina (Panini) 6 Court-circuit 8.50
Saga 2 Chapter Two 8.50
Saga 3 Chapter Three 8.50
Saga 4 Chapter Four 8.50
Saga 5 Chapter Five 8.50
Saga 6 Chapter Six 8.50
Y: The Last Man 55 Whys and Wherefores, Chapter 1 8.50
Y: The Last Man 56 Whys and Wherefores, Chapter 2 8.50
Y: The Last Man 57 Whys and Wherefores, Chapter 3 8.50
Y: The Last Man 58 Whys and Wherefores, Chapter 4 8.50
Y: The Last Man 59 Whys and Wherefores, Conclusion 8.50
Y: The Last Man 1 Unmanned, 1 8.42
Ex Machina 1 The Pilot 8.33
Ex Machina INT 1 The First Hundred Days 8.33
Y: The Last Man 4 Unmanned, 4 8.30
Y: The Last Man 46 Kimono Dragons, Chapter 4 8.25
Y: The Last Man 47 The Tin Man 8.25
Y: The Last Man 48 Gehenna 8.25
Y: The Last Man 49 Motherland, Chapter 1 8.25
Y: The Last Man 50 Motherland, Chapter 2 8.25
Y: The Last Man 51 Motherland, Chapter 3 8.25
Y: The Last Man 52 Motherland, Conclusion 8.25
Y: The Last Man 53 The Obituarist 8.25
Y: The Last Man 54 Tragicomic 8.25
Y: The Last Man 9 Cycles, 4 8.20
Y: The Last Man 27 Ring of Truth, 1 8.20
Y: The Last Man 2 Unmanned, 2 8.18
Y: The Last Man 8 Cycles, 3 8.18
Y: The Last Man 14 One Small Step, 4 8.18
Y: The Last Man 15 One Small Step, Conclusion 8.18
Y: The Last Man 7 Cycles, 2 8.15
Y: The Last Man 12 One Small Step, 2 8.15
Y: The Last Man 13 One Small Step, 3 8.15
Y: The Last Man 6 Cycles, 1 8.13
Y: The Last Man 10 Cycles, Conclusion 8.13
Y: The Last Man 21 Widow's Pass, 1 8.13
Y: The Last Man 23 Widow's Pass, Conclusion 8.13
Y: The Last Man 5 Unmanned, Conclusion 8.10
Y: The Last Man 18 Safe Word, 1 8.08
Y: The Last Man 42 1,000 Typewriters 8.08
Y: The Last Man 25 Tongues of Flame, 2 8.05
Y: The Last Man 26 Hero's Journey 8.05
Saga INT 3 Volume Three 8.04
The Escapists 1 Issue #1 8.00
The Escapists 2 Issue #2 8.00
The Escapists 3 Issue #3 8.00
The Escapists 4 Issue #4 8.00
The Escapists 5 Issue #5 8.00
The Escapists 6 Issue #6 8.00
Ex Machina 35 The Race 8.00
Ex Machina 36 Dirty Tricks, Chapter One 8.00
Ex Machina 37 Dirty Tricks, Chapter Two 8.00
Ex Machina 38 Dirty Tricks, Chapter Three 8.00
Ex Machina 39 Dirty Tricks, Conclusion 8.00
Ex Machina 45 Pro-Life, Part One 8.00
Ex Machina 46 Pro-Life, Part Two 8.00
Ex Machina 47 Pro-Life, Part Three 8.00
Ex Machina 48 Pro-Life, Part Four 8.00
Ex Machina 49 Pro-Life, Conclusion 8.00
Ex Machina 50 Vice 8.00
Ex Machina INT 2 Tag 8.00
Ex Machina INT 4 March to War 8.00
Ex Machina SP1 Life and Death, Part 1 8.00
Ex Machina SP2 Life and Death, Part 2 8.00
Ex Machina SP3 Masquerade Special 8.00
Ex Machina SP4 Grassroots 8.00
Ex Machina (Panini) 2 Tag 8.00
Ex Machina (Panini) 4 La guerre en marche 8.00
Logan 1 Act One 8.00
Logan 2 Act Two 8.00
Logan 3 Act Three 8.00
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 65 Les fugutifs 8.00
Paper Girls INT A1 Paper Girls The Complete Story 8.00
Runaways INT 1 Pride and Joy 8.00
Runaways INT A4 True Believers 8.00
Runaways INT A5 Escape to New York 8.00
Runaways INT A6 Parental Guidance 8.00
Runaways INT A7 Live Fast 8.00
Saga 13 Chapter Thirteen 8.00
Saga 14 Chapter Fourteen 8.00
Saga 15 Chapter Fifteen 8.00
Saga 16 Chapter Sixteen 8.00
Saga 17 Chapter Seventeen 8.00
Saga 18 Chapter Eighteen 8.00
Saga 19 Chapter Nineteen 8.00
Saga 20 Chapter Twenty 8.00
Saga 21 Chapter Twenty One 8.00
Saga 22 Chapter Twenty Two 8.00
Saga 23 Chapter Twenty Three 8.00
Saga 24 Chapter Twenty Four 8.00
Saga 25 Chapter Twenty Five 8.00
Saga 26 Chapter Twenty Six 8.00
Saga 27 Chapter Twenty Seven 8.00
Saga 28 Chapter Twenty Eight 8.00
Saga 29 Chapter Twenty Nine 8.00
Saga 30 Chapter Thirty 8.00
Saga 31 Chapter Thirty One 8.00
Saga 32 Chapter Thirty Two 8.00
Saga 33 Chapter Thirty Three 8.00
Saga 34 Chapter Thirty Four 8.00
Saga 35 Chapter Thirty Five 8.00
Saga 36 Chapter Thirty Six 8.00
Saga 37 Chapter Thirty Seven 8.00
Saga 38 Chapter Thirty Eight 8.00
Saga 39 Chapter Thirty Nine 8.00
Saga 40 Chapter Forty 8.00
Saga 41 Chapter Forty One 8.00
Saga 42 Chapter Forty Two 8.00
Saga INT 9 Volume Nine 8.00
Saga INT 10 Volume Ten 8.00
Saga INT *2 Book 2 8.00
Saga (Lion/Urban Comics) 9 Tome 9 8.00
We Stand on Guard 1 Issue #1 8.00
Y: The Last Man 11 One Small Step, 1 8.00
Y: The Last Man 19 Safe Word, 2 8.00
Y: The Last Man 20 Safe Word, 3 8.00
Y: The Last Man 22 Widow's Pass, 2 8.00
Y: The Last Man 24 Tongues of Flame, 1 8.00
Y: The Last Man 28 Ring of Truth, 2 8.00
Y: The Last Man 32 Girl on Girl, Chapter 1 8.00
Y: The Last Man 33 Girl on Girl, Chapter 2 8.00
Y: The Last Man 34 Girl on Girl, Chapter 3 8.00
Y: The Last Man 35 Girl On Girl, Conclusion 8.00
Y: The Last Man 36 Boy Loses Girl 8.00
Y: The Last Man 37 Paper Dolls, Chapter 1 8.00
Y: The Last Man 38 Paper Dolls, Chapter 2 8.00
Y: The Last Man 39 Paper Dolls, Chapter 3 8.00
Y: The Last Man 40 The Hour of Our Death 8.00
Y: The Last Man 41 Buttons 8.00
Y: The Last Man 43 Kimono Dragons, Chapter 1 8.00
Y: The Last Man 44 Kimono Dragons, Chapter 2 8.00
Y: The Last Man 45 Kimono Dragons, Chapter 3 8.00
Y: The Last Man 16 Comedy & Tragedy, 1 7.98
Y: The Last Man 17 Comedy & Tragedy, 2 7.98
Y: The Last Man 29 Ring of Truth, 3 7.98
Saga INT 5 Volume Five 7.97
Saga INT 6 Volume Six 7.96
Y: The Last Man 30 Ring of Truth, 4 7.95
Y: The Last Man 3 Unmanned, 3 7.90
Y: The Last Man 31 Ring of Truth, 5 7.88
Saga INT 4 Volume Four 7.83
Ex Machina INT 3 Fact v. Fiction 7.75
Ex Machina INT 8 Dirty Tricks 7.75
Ex Machina (Panini) 3 Réalité et fiction 7.75
Green Arrow: Year One INT 1 Green Arrow: Year One 7.67
Saga INT 7 Volume Seven 7.60
Buffy contre les vampires (Saison 8 inédite) 2 Pas d'avenir pour toi 7.50
Ex Machina 30 Ex Cathedra, Chapter One 7.50
Ex Machina 31 Ex Cathedra, Chapter Two 7.50
Ex Machina 32 Ex Cathedra, Chapter Three 7.50
Ex Machina 33 Ex Cathedra, Conclusion 7.50
Ex Machina 34 World's Finest 7.50
Runaways INT 3 The Good Die Young 7.50
Saga 7 Chapter Seven 7.50
Saga 8 Chapter Eight 7.50
Saga 9 Chapter Nine 7.50
Saga 10 Chapter Ten 7.50
Saga 11 Chapter Eleven 7.50
Saga 12 Chapter Twelve 7.50
Ex Machina INT A1 Book One 7.45
We Stand on Guard INT 1 We Stand on Guard 7.43
Paper Girls INT 1 Volume 1 7.40
Ex Machina INT A2 Book Two 7.30
Ex Machina INT 9 Ring Out the Old 7.25
Ex Machina INT 10 Term Limits 7.25
Saga INT 8 Volume Eight 7.25
Ex Machina INT A5 Book Five 7.20
Paper Girls INT 2 Volume 2 7.15
Paper Girls INT 3 Volume 3 7.15
Paper Girls (Urban Comics) 2 Tome 2 7.15
Paper Girls (Urban Comics) 3 Tome 3 7.15
Ex Machina INT A3 Book Three 7.10
Ex Machina INT A4 Book Four 7.10
Ex Machina (Urban Comics) 3 Volume 3 7.10
Ex Machina (Urban Comics) 4 Volume 4 7.10
9-11 Artists respond 2 Volume 2 7.00
Ex Machina INT 7 Ex Cathedra 7.00
Ex Machina: Inside the Machine 1 Ex Machina: Inside the Machine 7.00
The Private Eye 1 The Private Eye 7.00
Runaways 1 Pride and Joy, Chapter 1 7.00
The Walking Dead: The Alien 1 The Alien 7.00
Humo presenteert (Marvel) 4 Wolverine: Logan & andere verhalen 6.85
Paper Girls INT 4 Volume 4 6.80
Paper Girls INT 5 Volume 5 6.80
Paper Girls INT 6 Volume 6 6.80
Paper Girls (Urban Comics) 4 Tome 4 6.80
Paper Girls (Urban Comics) 5 Tome 5 6.80
Paper Girls (Urban Comics) 6 Tome 6 6.80
Barrier 1 Issue #1
Barrier 2 Issue #2
Barrier 3 Issue #3
Barrier 4 Issue #4
Barrier 5 Issue #5
Barrier INT 1 Barrier
Batman 588 Close Before Striking, Act 1
Batman 589 Close Before Striking, Act 2
Batman 590 Close Before Striking, Act 3
Batman by Brian K. Vaughan 1 Batman by Brian K. Vaughan
Batman: False Faces 1 Batman: False Faces
Buffy contre les vampires (Saison 8 inédite) INT 1 Tome 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight INT A1 Library Edition, Vol. 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight INT B1 Omnibus Volume 1
Cable (Junior Press) 16 De terugkeer van Marrow!
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty 7 When free men shall stand!
Chamber 1 The Hollow Man, Chapter 1
Chamber 2 The Hollow Man, Chapter 2
Chamber 3 The Hollow Man, Chapter 3
Chamber 4 The Hollow Man, Conclusion
Doctor Strange: The Oath 1 The Oath, Chapter 1
Doctor Strange: The Oath 2 The Oath, Chapter 2
Doctor Strange: The Oath 3 The Oath, Chapter 3
Doctor Strange: The Oath 4 The Oath, Chapter 4
Doctor Strange: The Oath 5 The Oath, Finale
Doctor Strange: The Oath INT 1 The Oath
The Escapists INT 1 The Escapists
Les fugitifs 1 Tome 1
The Hood INT 1 Blood from Stones
Logan INT 1 Wolverine: Logan
Les maîtres de l'évasion 1 Les maîtres de l'évasion
Marvel Comics - La collection (Hachette) 103 Docteur Strange: Le serment
Marvel comics - Le meilleur des super-héros (Hachette) 85 Cyclope
Mystique 1 Dead Drop Gorgeous, Part 1
Mystique 2 Dead Drop Gorgeous, Part 2
Mystique 3 Dead Drop Gorgeous, Part 3
Mystique 4 Dead Drop Gorgeous, Part 4
Mystique 5 Dead Drop Gorgeous, Part 5
Mystique 6 Dead Drop Gorgeous, Conclusion
Mystique 7 Tinker, Tailor, Mutant, Spy, Part 1
Mystique 8 Tinker, Tailor, Mutant, Spy, Part 2
Mystique 9 Tinker, Tailor, Mutant, Spy, Part 3
Mystique 10 Tinker, Tailor, Mutant, Spy, Part 4
Mystique 11 Maker's Mark, Part 1
Mystique 12 Maker's Mark, Part 2
Mystique 13 Nevermore
Mystique INT 1 Drop Dead Gorgeous
Mystique INT 2 Tinker, Tailor, Mutant, Spy
Mystique INT A1 Ultimate Collection 1
Noble Causes: Archives 2 Volume 2
Noble Causes: Extended Family 1 Issue #1
Paper Girls 1 Issue #1
Paper Girls 2 Issue #2
Paper Girls 3 Issue #3
Paper Girls 4 Issue #4
Paper Girls 5 Issue #5
Paper Girls 6 Issue #6
Paper Girls 7 Issue #7
Paper Girls 8 Issue #8
Paper Girls 9 Issue #9
Paper Girls 10 Issue #10
Paper Girls 11 Issue #11
Paper Girls 12 Issue #12
Paper Girls 13 Issue #13
Paper Girls 14 Issue #14
Paper Girls 15 Issue #15
Paper Girls 16 Issue #16
Paper Girls 17 Issue #17
Paper Girls 18 Issue #18
Paper Girls 19 Issue #19
Paper Girls 20 Issue #20
Paper Girls 21 Issue #21
Paper Girls 22 Issue #22
Paper Girls 23 Issue #23
Paper Girls 24 Issue #24
Paper Girls 25 Issue #25
Paper Girls 26 Issue #26
Paper Girls 27 Issue #27
Paper Girls 28 Issue #28
Paper Girls 29 Issue #29
Paper Girls 30 Issue #30
Paper Girls INT *1 Book 1
Paper Girls INT *2 Book 2
Runaways INT 2 Teenage Wasteland
Runaways INT *1 Volume 1
Runaways A1 True Believers: Chapter 1
Saga 43 Chapter Forty Three
Saga 44 Chapter Fourty Four
Saga 45 Chapter Forty Five
Saga 46 Chapter Fourty Six
Saga 47 Chapter Forty Seven
Saga 48 Chapter Forty Eight
Saga 49 Chapter Forty Nine
Saga 50 Chapter Fifty
Saga 51 Chapter Fifty One
Saga 52 Chapter Fifty Two
Saga 53 Chapter Fifty Three
Saga 54 Chapter Fifty Four
Saga 55 Chapter Fifty Five
Saga 56 Chapter Fifty Six
Saga 57 Chapter Fifty Seven
Saga 58 Chapter Fifty Eight
Saga 59 Chapter Fifty Nine
Saga 60 Chapter Sixty
Saga 61 Chapter Sixty One
Saga 62 Chapter Sixty Two
Saga 63 Chapter Sixty Three
Saga 64 Chapter Sixty Four
Saga 65 Chapter Sixty Five
Saga 66 Chapter Sixty Six
Saga INT 11 Volume Eleven
Saga INT *3 Book 3
Saga Compendium 1 Volume 1
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure 1 Negative Exposure, Part 1
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure 2 Negative Exposure, Part 2
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure 3 Negative Exposure, Part 3
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure 4 Negative Exposure, Part 4
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure 5 Negative Exposure, Part 5
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure INT 1 Negative Exposure
Superman/Batman 26 The Boys Are Back in Town!
Swamp Thing B1 In Lieu of Flowers
Swamp Thing B2 A Tree Falls in the Forest
Swamp Thing B3 Kill Your Darlings
Swamp Thing B4 The Pride
Swamp Thing B5 Bringing Down the House
Swamp Thing B6 Destiny Manifest
Swamp Thing B7 Arcane
Swamp Thing B8 Beneath a Crown of Laurel
Swamp Thing B9 In the Air, on Land and Sea...
Swamp Thing B10 Silk Cut
Swamp Thing B11 Red Harvest, Part One: The Virgin Thorn
Swamp Thing B12 Stockholm Syndrome
Swamp Thing B13 Red Harvest, Part Three: Carrying Capacity
Swamp Thing B14 Fall
Swamp Thing B15 Burning Bushido
Swamp Thing B16 Woman in Green
Swamp Thing B17 Topiary
Swamp Thing B18 Last of the Loose Ends
Swamp Thing B19 Rootless
Swamp Thing B20 Saga
Tales from the Age of Apocalypse 2 Sinister Bloodlines
Tom Strong 28 I, Pneuman
Tom Strong Compendium 1 Tom Strong Compendium
Ultimate X-Men 46 The Tempest, Part 1
Ultimate X-Men 47 The Tempest, Part 2
Ultimate X-Men 48 The Tempest, Part 3
Ultimate X-Men 49 The Tempest, Part 4
Ultimate X-Men 50 Cry Wolf, Part 1
Ultimate X-Men 51 Cry Wolf, Part 2
Ultimate X-Men 52 Cry Wolf, Part 3
Ultimate X-Men 53 Cry Wolf, Conclusion
Ultimate X-Men 54 The Most Dangerous Game, Part 1
Ultimate X-Men 55 The Most Dangerous Game, Part 2
Ultimate X-Men 56 The Most Dangerous Game, Part 3
Ultimate X-Men 57 The Most Dangerous Game, Conclusion
Ultimate X-Men 58 A Hard Lesson
Ultimate X-Men 59 Shock and Awe, Part 1
Ultimate X-Men 60 Shock and Awe, Part 2
Ultimate X-Men 61 Magnetic North, Part 1
Ultimate X-Men 62 Magnetic North, Part 2
Ultimate X-Men 63 Magnetic North, Part 3
Ultimate X-Men 64 Magnetic North, Part 4
Ultimate X-Men 65 Magnetic North, Part 5
Ultimate X-Men INT 9 The Tempest
Ultimate X-Men INT 10 Cry Wolf
Ultimate X-Men INT 11 The Most Dangerous Game
Ultimate X-Men INT 12 Hard Lessons
Ultimate X-Men INT 13 Magnetic North
Usagi Yojimbo (Dark Horse) INT 23 Bridge of Tears
The Usagi Yojimbo Saga 6 Book 6
Vertigo Resurrected: Winter's Edge 1 Issue #1
Vertigo: Winter's Edge 3 Issue #3
We Stand on Guard 2 Issue #2
We Stand on Guard 3 Issue #3
We Stand on Guard 4 Issue #4
We Stand on Guard 5 Issue #5
We Stand on Guard 6 Issue #6
Wolverine A131 It Fell to Earth
Wolverine: Blood Wedding 1 Blood Wedding
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Dawn 1 X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Dawn
X-Men: The Age of Apocalypse Omnibus 2 X-Men: The Age of Apocalypse Companion
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic 1 Book 1
Y: The Last Man INT B1 Volume 1