Ricardo Villamonte

Reeks + Strip (strip ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Het bloedige zwaard van Conan de barbaar 18 De geest van Tosya Zul 11059 / 6.65
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus 1 Volume 1 8.33
Classic X-Men 24 The Submergence of Japan 8.00
The Savage Sword of Conan (Dark Horse) 5 Volume Five 8.00
The Uncanny X-Men 118 The Submergence of Japan 8.00
John Carter (Junior Press) 11 Moord op Mars 7.67
Indiana Jones special (JuniorPress) 3 De vierde spijker + De dodelijke berg 7.20
Het bloedige zwaard van Conan de barbaar 25 Conan van de eilanden 7.02
Essential Ms. Marvel 1 Ms. Marvel vol.1 7.00
Essential X-Men 1 X-Men vol.1 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 22 Climb to Freedom 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 23 The Man Who Makes Murder 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 24 Betrayal! 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 25 Hide-n-Seek 7.00
John Carter Warlord of Mars 28 The Weapon-Makers of Mars 7.00
Ms. Marvel 18 The St. Valentine's Day/Avengers Massacre! 7.00
De Vergelders 5 De dans der doden 7.00
Bizarre Adventures 27 Secret Lives of the X-Men 6.00
House of Mystery (DC) 231 Issue #231 6.00
De Hulk 8 De schoonheid en het beest 6.00
The Human Fly 15 War in the Washington Monument! 6.00
The Human Fly 16 Niagara Nightmare 6.00
The Human Fly 18 A Gathering of Vultures! 6.00
The Human Fly 19 Highwire to Heaven! 6.00
The Rampaging Hulk 10 Thunder of Dawn 6.00
The Chronicles of Conan 19 Deathmark
The Chronicles of Kull 3 Screams in the Dark, and Other Stories
Jonah Hex 47 Doom Rides the Sundown Train
The Uncanny X-Men Omnibus 2 Volume 2
Wolverine: First Cuts 1 First Cuts