Ernesto Sierra de Cordobes Y Lopez Colón

Pseudoniemen: Ernie Colon

Reeks (reeks ranking volgorde) Rang / Score   
Het bloedige zwaard van Conan de barbaar 2622 / 6.85
2099 Unlimited
3 in 1 Classics
Arak (Artima)
Archie & Friends
Battlestar Galactica (Ace Books)
Big Book of
Black Widow: The Coldest War
Che, een grafische biografie
The Crossovers
Damage Control
DC Retroactive: Justice League of America - The '70s
Doctor Solar (Classics)
Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom (Gold Key/Whitman)
Dread of Night
The Fury of Firestorm
John Carter (Junior Press)
John Carter Warlord of Mars
Het leven van Anne Frank
Limited serie
Magnus Robot Fighter (Valiant)
Marvel Comics Presents
Marvel Super Special
Mighty Mouse (Marvel)
The New Teen Titans Omnibus
The Outsiders
Power Pack
Rapport sur la torture
The Savage Sword of Conan (Dark Horse)
Spirit Jam
Star Wars Omnibus
Star Wars: Droids (Star Comics)
Star-Lord: Worlds on the Brink
Strip Search
Thrilling Adventure Stories
Underworld (DC Comics)