Randy Stradley

Pseudoniemen: Mick Harrison, Welles Hartley

Reeks + Strip (jaar volgorde) Jaar   
Spider-Woman 3 The Peril of Brother Grimm 1978
Star Wars (Marvel) 86 The Alderaan Factor 1984
Superman 409 The Sleepwalker from Krypton 1985
Concrete 1 A Stone Among Stones 1987
Concrete 2 The Transatlantic Swim 1987
Concrete 3 Mountain with a Steel Heart 1987
Concrete 4 In the Glare of the Lights 1987
Concrete 5 Body Guard to a Mad Rock Star 1987
Aliens 1 Issue #1 1988
Aliens 2 Issue #2 1988
Concrete 6 No Sweat 1988
Concrete 7 A Remarkable Life 1988
Concrete 8 A Trek through Nepal 1988
Concrete 9 Everest: Solo 1988
Concrete 10 Always Fences 1988
The Abyss 1 Issue #1 1989
The Abyss 2 Issue #2 1989
Aliens A1 Issue #1 1989
Aliens A2 Issue #2 1989
Aliens 3 Issue #3 1989
Aliens 4 Issue #4 1989
Aliens 5 Issue #5 1989
Aliens 6 Issue #6 1989
Aliens INT 1 Book One 1989
Concrete A1 Land & Sea 1989
Concrete A2 A New Life 1989
Concrete: Color Special 1 Concrete Color Special 1989
Aliens A3 Issue #3 1990
Aliens A4 Issue #4 1990
Aliens INT 1 Book One 1990
Aliens INT A2 Book Two 1990
Aliens vs. Predator 0 Issue #0 1990
Aliens vs. Predator 1 Issue #1 1990
Aliens vs. Predator 2 Issue #2 1990
Aliens vs. Predator 3 Issue #3 1990
Aliens vs. Predator 4 Issue# 4 1990
Concrete A3 Odd Jobs 1990
Concrete Celebrates Earth Day 1 Concrete Celebrates Earth Day 1990
Martha Washington 1 Homes & Gardens 1990
Martha Washington 2 Travel & Entertainment 1990
Martha Washington 3 Forêts 1990
Aliens INT 1 Book One 1991
Aliens INT A2 Book Two 1991
Aliens (Abril) INT 1 Aliens 1991
Aliens vs. Predator INT 1 Aliens vs. Predator 1991
Concrete: Fragile Creature 1 Issue #1 1991
Concrete: Fragile Creature 2 Issue #2 1991
Concrete: Fragile Creature 3 Issue #3 1991
Dark Horse Presents 50 Issue #50 1991
Dark Horse Presents 51 Issue #51 1991
Dark Horse Presents 52 Issue #52 1991
Dark Horse Presents 53 Issue #53 1991
Dark Horse Presents Fifth Anniversary Special 1 Dark Horse Presents Fifth Anniversary Special 1991
Ironhand Of Almuric 1 Crownless in Koth 1991
Ironhand Of Almuric 2 Beyond the Girdle 1991
Ironhand Of Almuric 3 To the Lair of the Ancients 1991
Ironhand Of Almuric 4 On to Xathar! 1991
Martha Washington 4 Frontières 1991
Martha Washington INT 1 An American Dream 1991
Aliens INT 1 Book One 1992
Aliens INT A2 Book Two 1992
Aliens vs. Predator INT 1 Aliens vs. Predator 1992
Classic Star Wars 1 Issue #1 1992
Classic Star Wars 2 Issue #2 1992
Classic Star Wars 3 Issue #3 1992
Classic Star Wars 4 Issue #4 1992
Classic Star Wars 5 Issue #5 1992
Concrete: Fragile Creature 4 Issue #4 1992
Dark Horse Presents 59 Issue #59 1992
Dark Horse Presents 66 Issue #66 1992
Dark Horse Presents Aliens 1 Dark Horse Presents Aliens 1992
Marshal Law: Super Babylon 1 Marshal Law: Super Babylon 1992
Robocop Versus the Terminator INT 1 Robocop Versus the Terminator 1992
Classic Star Wars 6 Issue #6 1993
Classic Star Wars 9 Issue #9 1993
Classic Star Wars 10 Issue #10 1993
Compleat Aliens 1 Compleat Aliens 1993
Concrete: Eclectica 1 Issue #1 1993
Concrete: Eclectica 2 Issue #2 1993
Dark Horse Comics 16 Issue #16 1993
Dark Horse Presents INT 3 The Best of Dark Horse Presents, Volume 3 1993
Concrete INT 1 The Complete Concrete 1994
Concrete: Killer Smile 1 Issue #1 1994
Concrete: Killer Smile 2 Issue #2 1994
Concrete: Killer Smile 3 Issue #3 1994
Concrete: Killer Smile 4 Issue #4 1994
Dark Horse Comics 17 Issue #17 1994
Dark Horse Comics 25 Issue #25 1994
Dark Horse Presents 83 Issue #83 1994
Aliens vs. Predator: Duel 1 Issue #1 1995
Aliens vs. Predator: Duel 2 Issue #2 1995
Aliens vs. Predator: War 0 Issue #0 1995
Aliens vs. Predator: War 1 Issue #1 1995
Aliens vs. Predator: War 2 Issue #2 1995
Aliens vs. Predator: War 3 Issue #3 1995
Aliens vs. Predator: War 4 Issue #4 1995
Concrete: Hero Illustrated Special 1 Moving a Big Rock 1995
Concrete: Killer Smile INT 1 Killer Smile 1995
Cross 0 Extraction 1995
Cross 1 Genesis 1995
Cross 2 The Bet 1995
Martha Washington INT 1 An American Dream 1995
The Tale of One Bad Rat INT 1 The Tale of One Bad Rat 1995
Aliens INT 1 Outbreak 1996
Aliens INT A2 Nightmare Asylum 1996
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain 1 Green Fire 1996
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain 2 Hidden Graveyard 1996
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain 3 Arms and Boxes 1996
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain 4 Weight of the World 1996
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain 5 Nightwork 1996
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain 6 Charismatic Megafauna 1996
Cross 3 Circle of Skulls 1996
A Decade of Dark Horse 1 Issue #1 1996
A Decade of Dark Horse 2 Issue #2 1996
A Decade of Dark Horse 3 Issue #3 1996
A Decade of Dark Horse 4 Issue #4 1996
Aliens INT A2 Nightmare Asylum 1997
Aliens: Pig 1 Aliens: Pig 1997
Concrete: Strange Armor 1 Issue #1 1997
Concrete: Think Like a Mountain INT 1 Think Like a Mountain 1997
Star Wars: Crimson Empire 1 Issue 1 1997
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire INT 1 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 1997
Tales to Offend 1 No.1 1997
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures 0 The Constancia Affair 1998
Concrete: Strange Armor 2 Issue #2 1998
Concrete: Strange Armor 3 Issue #3 1998
Concrete: Strange Armor 4 Issue #4 1998
Concrete: Strange Armor 5 Issue #5 1998
Concrete: Strange Armor INT 1 Strange Armor 1998
Ghost (Dark Horse) A2 Issue #2 1998
Ghost (Dark Horse) A3 Issue #3 1998
Ghost (Dark Horse) A4 Stare at the Sun, Part 1 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire 2 Issue 2 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire 3 Issue 3 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire 4 Issue 4 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire 5 Issue 5 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire 6 Issue 6 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire INT 1 Star Wars: Crimson Empire 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood 1 Issue #1 1998
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood 2 Issue #2 1998
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago 6 Issue #6 1999
Dark Horse Presents AN3 DHP Jr. - The Annual 1999 1999
Dark Horse Presents 142 Codex Arcana 1999
Dark Horse Presents 146 Issue #146 1999
Dark Horse Presents 147 Issue #147 1999
Ghost (Dark Horse) A5 Stare at the Sun, Part 2 1999
Ghost (Dark Horse) A6 Stare at the Sun, Part 3 1999
Ghost (Dark Horse) A7 Shifter, Part 1 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 1 Chapter One 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 2 Chapter Two 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 3 Chapter Three 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 4 Chapter Four 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 5 Chapter Five 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 6 Chapter Six 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 7 Chapter Seven 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 8 Chapter Eight 1999
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 9 Chapter Nine 1999
Hieroglyph 1 Issue #1 1999
Hieroglyph 2 Issue #2 1999
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood 3 Issue #3 1999
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood 4 Issue #4 1999
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood 5 Issue #5 1999
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood 6 Issue #6 1999
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood INT 1 Star Wars: Crimson Empire II - Council of Blood 1999
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters (Dark Horse) 3 Kenix Kil 1999
The World Below 1 The Flock 1999
The World Below 2 The Rock Eaters 1999
The World Below 3 The Spire 1999
The World Below 4 The Stove 1999
Hieroglyph 3 Issue #3 2000
Hieroglyph 4 Issue #4 2000
Star Wars: Jedi Council - Acts of War 1 Part One 2000
Star Wars: Jedi Council - Acts of War 2 Part Two 2000
Star Wars: Jedi Council - Acts of War 3 Part Three 2000
Star Wars: Jedi Council - Acts of War 4 Part Four 2000
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters (Dark Horse) INT 1 Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters 2000
Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright INT 1 Heart of Empire: The Legacy of Luther Arkwright 2001
Martha Washington INT 1 An American Dream 2001
Star Wars Tales 7 Issue #7 2001
Star Wars: Jedi Council - Acts of War INT 1 Star Wars: Jedi Council - Acts of War 2001
9-11 Artists respond 1 Volume 1 2002
Star Wars (Dark Horse) 42 Rite of Passage, Part 1 2002
Star Wars (Dark Horse) 43 Rite of Passage, Part 2 2002
Star Wars (Dark Horse) 44 Rite of Passage, Part 4 2002
Star Wars (Dark Horse) 45 Rite of Passage, Part 4 2002
Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back 4 Issue 4 2002
Star Wars Tales INT 2 Volume 2 2002
Star Wars: Empire 1 Betrayal, Part 1 2002
Star Wars: Empire 2 Betrayal, Part 2 2002
Star Wars: Empire 3 Betrayal, Part 3 2002
Star Wars: Empire 4 Betrayal, Part 4 2002
Star Wars: Jango Fett 1 Jango Fett 2002
Star Wars: Jango Fett - Open Seasons 1 Open Seasons, Part One 2002
Star Wars: Jango Fett - Open Seasons 2 Open Seasons, Part Two 2002
Star Wars: Jango Fett - Open Seasons 3 Open Seasons, Part Three 2002
Star Wars: Jango Fett - Open Seasons 4 Open Seasons, Part Four 2002
Star Wars: Republic 46 Honor and Duty, Part 1 2002
Star Wars: Republic 47 Honor and Duty, Part 2 2002
Star Wars: Republic 48 Honor and Duty, Part 3 2002
Star Wars: Zam Wesell 1 Zam Wesell 2002
The Dark Horse Book of Hauntings 1 The Dark Horse Book of Hauntings 2003
Hellboy: Weird Tales 2 Weird Tales, Part 2 2003
Hellboy: Weird Tales INT 1 Volume 1 2003
Star Wars (Dark Horse) INT 8 Rite of Passage 2003
Star Wars Infinities: Return of The Jedi 1 Issue #1 2003
Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back INT 1 Star Wars: Infinities - The Empire Strikes Back 2003
Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... 6 Wookiee World 2003
Star Wars: Clone Wars 1 The Defense of Kamino 2003
Star Wars: Clone Wars 2 Victories and Sacrifices 2003
Star Wars: Empire 5 Princess... Warrior, Part 1 2003
Star Wars: Empire 6 Princess... Warrior, Part 2 2003
Star Wars: Empire 7 Sacrifice 2003
Star Wars: Empire 8 Darklighter, Part 1 2003
Star Wars: Empire 9 Darklighter, Part 2 2003
Star Wars: Empire 10 The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part 1 2003
Star Wars: Empire 11 The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part 2 2003
Star Wars: Empire 12 Darklighter, Part 3 2003
Star Wars: Empire 13 What Sin Loyalty? 2003
Star Wars: Empire 14 The Savage Heart 2003
Star Wars: Empire 15 Darklighter, Part 4 2003
Star Wars: Empire INT 1 Betrayal 2003
Star Wars: Jango Fett - Open Seasons INT 1 Jango Fett: Open Seasons 2003
Star Wars: Jedi 1 Jedi Mace Windu 2003
Star Wars: Jedi 2 Jedi Shaak Ti 2003
Star Wars: Jedi 3 Jedi Aayla Secura 2003
Star Wars: Jedi 4 Jedi Count Dooku 2003
Star Wars: Republic 49 Sacrifice 2003
Star Wars: Republic 50 The Defense of Kamino 2003
Star Wars: Republic 51 The New Face of War, Part 1 2003
Star Wars: Republic 52 The New Face of War, Part 2 2003
Star Wars: Republic 53 Blast Radius 2003
Star Wars: Republic 54 Double Blind 2003
Star Wars: Republic 55 The Rainmakers 2003
Star Wars: Republic 56 Stormchasers 2003
Star Wars: Republic 57 Lightning Rods 2003
Star Wars: Republic 58 Floodgates 2003
Star Wars: Republic 59 Enemy Lines 2003
Star Wars: Republic 60 Hate and Fear 2003
Star Wars Infinities: Return of The Jedi 2 Issue #2 2004
Star Wars Infinities: Return of The Jedi 3 Issue #3 2004
Star Wars Infinities: Return of The Jedi 4 Issue #4 2004
Star Wars Infinities: Return of The Jedi INT 1 Star Wars: Infinities - Return of the Jedi 2004
Star Wars: Clone Wars 3 Last Stand on Jabiim 2004
Star Wars: Clone Wars 4 Light and Dark 2004
Star Wars: Clone Wars 5 The Best Blades 2004
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures FCBD1 Clone Wars Adventures 2004
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures 1 Vol. 1 2004
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures 2 Vol. 2 2004
Star Wars: Empire 16 To the Last Man, Part 1 2004
Star Wars: Empire 17 To the Last Man, Part 2 2004
Star Wars: Empire 18 To the Last Man, Part 3 2004
Star Wars: Empire 19 Target: Vader 2004
Star Wars: Empire 20 A Little Piece of Home, Part 1 2004
Star Wars: Empire 21 A Little Piece of Home, Part 2 2004
Star Wars: Empire 22 Alone Together 2004
Star Wars: Empire 23 The Bravery of Being Out of Range 2004
Star Wars: Empire 24 Idiot's Array, Part 1 2004
Star Wars: Empire 25 Idiot's Array, Part 2 2004
Star Wars: Empire 26 'General' Skywalker, Part 1 2004
Star Wars: Empire 27 'General' Skywalker, Part 2 2004
Star Wars: Empire 28 Wreckage 2004
Star Wars: Empire INT 2 Darklighter 2004
Star Wars: Empire INT 3 The Imperial Perspective 2004
Star Wars: Jedi 5 Jedi Yoda 2004
Star Wars: Obsession 1 Obsession, Part 1 2004
Star Wars: Obsession 2 Obsession, Part 2 2004
Star Wars: Republic 61 Dead Ends 2004
Star Wars: Republic 62 No Man's Land 2004
Star Wars: Republic 63 Striking from the Shadows 2004
Star Wars: Republic 64 Bloodlines 2004
Star Wars: Republic 65 Show of Force, Part 1 2004
Star Wars: Republic 66 Show of Force, Part 2 2004
Star Wars: Republic 67 Forever Young 2004
Star Wars: Republic 68 Armor 2004
Star Wars: Republic 69 Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 1 2004
Star Wars: Republic 70 Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 2 2004
Star Wars: Republic 71 Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 3 2004
Star Wars: Republic 72 Trackdown, Part 1 2004
Frank Miller's Sin City 1 The Hard Goodbye 2005
Star Wars - Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special 1 Star Wars - Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special 2005
Star Wars: Clone Wars 6 On the Fields of Battle 2005
Star Wars: Clone Wars 7 When They Were Brothers 2005
Star Wars: Empire 29 In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 1 2005
Star Wars: Empire 30 In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 2 2005
Star Wars: Empire 31 The Price of Power 2005
Star Wars: Empire 32 In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 3 2005
Star Wars: Empire 33 In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 4 2005
Star Wars: Empire 34 In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 5 2005
Star Wars: Empire 35 Model Officer 2005
Star Wars: Empire 36 The Wrong Side of the War, Part 1 2005
Star Wars: Empire 37 The Wrong Side of the War, Part 2 2005
Star Wars: Empire 38 The Wrong Side of the War, Part 3 2005
Star Wars: Empire INT 4 The Heart of the Rebellion 2005
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 1 Revenge of the Sith, Part 1 2005
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2 Revenge of the Sith, Part 2 2005
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 3 Revenge of the Sith, Part 3 2005
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 4 Revenge of the Sith, Part 4 2005
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith INT 1 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005
Star Wars: Obsession 3 Obsession, Part 3 2005
Star Wars: Obsession 4 Obsession, Part 4 2005
Star Wars: Obsession 5 Obsession, Part 5 2005
Star Wars: Purge - Last Stand of the Jedi 1 Star Wars: Purge - Last Stand of the Jedi 2005
Star Wars: Republic 73 Trackdown, Part 2 2005
Star Wars: Republic 74 Siege of Saleucami, Part 1 2005
Star Wars: Republic 75 Siege of Saleucami, Part 2 2005
Star Wars: Republic 76 Siege of Saleucami, Part 3 2005
Star Wars: Republic 77 Siege of Saleucami, Part 4 2005
Star Wars: Republic 78 Loyalties 2005
Star Wars: Republic 79 Into the Unknown, Part 1 2005
Star Wars: Republic 80 Into the Unknown, Part 2 2005
Star Wars: Republic 81 Hidden Enemy, Part 1 2005
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Leader 1 Issue #1 2005
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Leader 2 Issue #2 2005
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Leader 3 Issue #3 2005
Conan / Star Wars-- Free Comic Book Day 2006 Special 1 Free Comic Book Day: Routine Valor / Conan: The Spear 2006
Concrete: Collected Volumes 5 Think Like a Mountain 2006
Frank Miller's Sin City INT 1 Volume 1 2006
Star Wars Omnibus 1 X-Wing Rogue Squadron, Volume 1 2006
Star Wars Omnibus 2 X-Wing Rogue Squadron, Volume 2 2006
Star Wars: Boba Fett - Overkill 1 Star Wars: Boba Fett - Overkill 2006
Star Wars: Clone Wars 8 The Last Siege, The Final Truth 2006
Star Wars: Clone Wars 9 Endgame 2006
Star Wars: Dark Empire II INT A1 Star Wars: Dark Empire II 2006
Star Wars: Dark Times 1 The Path to Nowhere, Part 1 2006
Star Wars: Dark Times 2 The Path to Nowhere, Part 2 2006
Star Wars: Empire 39 The Wrong Side of the War, Part 4 2006
Star Wars: Empire 40 The Wrong Side of the War, Part 5 2006
Star Wars: Empire INT 5 Allies and Adversaries 2006
Star Wars: Empire INT 6 In the Shadows of Their Fathers 2006
Star Wars: Legacy 0 Welcome to the Future.. 2006
Star Wars: Legacy 1 Broken, Part 1 2006
Star Wars: Legacy 2 Broken, Part 2 2006
Star Wars: Legacy 3 Broken, Part 3 2006
Star Wars: Legacy 4 Noob 2006
Star Wars: Legacy 5 Broken, Part 4 2006
Star Wars: Legacy 6 Broken, Part 5 2006
Star Wars: Republic 82 Hidden Enemy, Part 2 2006
Star Wars: Republic 83 Hidden Enemy, Part 3 2006
Star Wars: Republic INT 9 Honor and Duty 2006
Aliens Omnibus 1 Volume 1 2007
Aliens vs. Predator Omnibus 1 Volume 1 2007
Essential Spider-Woman 2 Spider-Woman vol.2 2007
Star Wars - Rebellion (Delcourt) 1 Jusqu'au dernier 2007
Star Wars Omnibus 3 X-Wing Rogue Squadron, Volume 3 2007
Star Wars Omnibus 4 Tales of the Jedi, Volume 1 2007
Star Wars: Boba Fett - Man With a Mission 1 Star Wars: Boba Fett - Man With a Mission 2007
Star Wars: Dark Times 3 The Path to Nowhere, Part 3 2007
Star Wars: Dark Times 4 The Path to Nowhere, Part 4 2007
Star Wars: Dark Times 5 The Path to Nowhere, Part 5 2007
Star Wars: Dark Times 6 Parallels, Part 1 2007
Star Wars: Dark Times 7 Parallels, Part 2 2007
Star Wars: Dark Times (Delcourt) 1 L'âge sombre 2007
Star Wars: Empire INT 7 The Wrong Side of the War 2007
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 3 Revenge of the Sith, Part 3 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 2 Broken, Part 2 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 7 Broken, Part 6 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 8 Allies 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 9 Trust Issues, Part 1 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 10 Trust Issues, Part 2 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 11 Ghosts, Part 1 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 12 Ghosts, Part 2 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 13 Ready to Die 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 14 Claws of the Dragon, Part 1 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 15 Claws of the Dragon, Part 2 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 16 Claws of the Dragon, Part 3 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 17 Claws of the Dragon, Part 4 2007
Star Wars: Legacy 18 Claws of the Dragon, Part 5 2007
Star Wars: Legacy INT 1 Broken 2007
Star Wars: Legacy INT 2 Shards 2007
Dark Horse Presents INT 2 The Best of Dark Horse Presents, Volume 2 2008
Solomon Kane: The Castle of the Devil 1 Issue #1 2008
Solomon Kane: The Castle of the Devil 2 Issue #2 2008
Solomon Kane: The Castle of the Devil 3 Issue #3 2008
Star Wars (Photo Comic) 5 The Empire Strikes Back 2008
Star Wars (Photo Comic) 6 Return of the Jedi 2008
Star Wars - Rebellion (Delcourt) 3 Du mauvais côté 2008
Star Wars Omnibus 5 Tales of the Jedi, Volume 2 2008
Star Wars Omnibus 6 Droids 2008
Star Wars Omnibus 7 Early Victories 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times 8 Parallels, Part 3 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times 9 Parallels, Part 4 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times 10 Parallels, Part 5 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times 11 Vector, Part 5 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times 12 Vector, Part 6 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times INT 1 The Path To Nowhere 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times INT 2 Parallels 2008
Star Wars: Dark Times (Delcourt) 2 Parallèles 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 25 Vector, Part 1 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 26 Vector, Part 2 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 27 Vector, Part 3 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 28 Vector, Part 4 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 29 Exalted, Part 1 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 30 Exalted, Part 2 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic INT 4 Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 0.5 Issue #½ 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 19 Claws of the Dragon, Part 6 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 20 Indomitable, Part 1 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 21 Indomitable, Part 2 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 22 The Wrath of the Dragon 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 23 Loyalties, Part 1 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 24 Loyalties, Part 2 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 25 The Hidden Temple, Part 1 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 26 The Hidden Temple, Part 2 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 27 Into the Core 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 28 Vector, Part 9 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 29 Vector, Part 10 2008
Star Wars: Legacy 31 Vector, Part 12 2008
Star Wars: Legacy INT 3 Claws of the Dragon 2008
Star Wars: Legacy INT 4 Alliance 2008
Star Wars: Rebellion 11 Small Victories, Part 1 2008
Star Wars: Rebellion 12 Small Victories, Part 2 2008
Star Wars: Rebellion 13 Small Victories, Part 3 2008
Star Wars: Rebellion 14 Small Victories, Part 4 2008
Star Wars: Rebellion 15 Vector, Part 7 2008
Star Wars: Rebellion 16 Vector, Part 8 2008
Star Wars: Rebellion INT 3 Small Victories 2008
Star Wars: Special 2008 1 Star Wars: Special 2008 2008
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 1 Slaves of the Republic, Part 1: The Mystery of Kiros 2008
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2 Slaves of the Republic, Part 2: Slave Traders of Zygerria 2008
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 3 Slaves of the Republic, Part 3: The Depths of Zygerria 2008
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Shipyards of Doom 1 Shipyards of Doom 2008
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2008
Solomon Kane: The Castle of the Devil 4 Issue #4 2009
Solomon Kane: The Castle of the Devil 5 Issue #5 2009
Star Wars Adventures (Dark Horse) 1 Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorva 2009
Star Wars Adventures (Dark Horse) 2 Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom 2009
Star Wars Omnibus 8 Rise of the Sith 2009
Star Wars Omnibus 9 Emissaries & Assassins 2009
Star Wars Omnibus 10 Menace Revealed 2009
Star Wars: Dark Times 0 Blue Harvest, Prologue 2009
Star Wars: Dark Times 13 Blue Harvest, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: Dark Times 14 Blue Harvest, Part 2 2009
Star Wars: Invasion 0 Refugees, Prologue 2009
Star Wars: Invasion 1 Refugees, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: Invasion 2 Refugees, Part 2 2009
Star Wars: Invasion 3 Refugees, Part 3 2009
Star Wars: Invasion 4 Refugees, Part 4 2009
Star Wars: Invasion 5 Refugees, Part 5 2009
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic INT 6 Vindication 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 32 Fight Another Day, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 33 Fight Another Day, Part 2 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 34 Storms, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 35 Storms, Part 2 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 36 Renegade 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 37 Tatooine, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 38 Tatooine, Part 2 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 39 Tatooine, Part 3 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 40 Tatooine, Part 4 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 41 Rogue's End 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 42 Divided Loyalties 2009
Star Wars: Legacy 43 Monster, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: Legacy INT 7 Storms 2009
Star Wars: Purge - Seconds to Die 1 Seconds To Die 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars FCBD1 Free Comic Book Day: The Gauntlet of Death 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 4 Slaves of the Republic, Part 4: Auction of a Million Souls 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 5 Slaves of the Republic, Part 5: A Slave Now, a Slave Forever 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 6 Slaves of the Republic, Part 6: Escape from Kadavo 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7 In Service of the Republic, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 8 In Service of the Republic, Part 2 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 9 In Service of the Republic, Part 3 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 10 Hero of the Confederacy, Part 1 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 11 Hero of the Confederacy, Part 2 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars INT 1 Slaves of the Republic 2009
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Wind Raiders of Taloraan 1 The Wind Raiders of Taloraan 2009
Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy 1 Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy 2009
Star Wars: Vector (Dark Horse) 1 Volume 1 2009
Star Wars: Vector (Dark Horse) 2 Volume 2 2009
Star Wars: Vector (Delcourt) 2 Volume 2 2009
Aliens vs. Predator 1 Issue #1 2010
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War 1 Issue #1 2010
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War 2 Issue #2 2010
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War 3 Issue #3 2010
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War 4 Issue #4 2010
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War 5 Issue #5 2010
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War 6 Issue #6 2010
Frank Miller's Sin City 1 The Hard Goodbye 2010
Frank Miller's Sin City: One for One 1 Frank Miller's Sin City 2010
Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders 1 Issue #1 2010
Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders 2 Issue #2 2010
Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders 3 Issue #3 2010
Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders 4 Issue #4 2010
Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders INT 2 Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders 2010
Star Wars Adventures (Dark Horse) 3 Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes 2010
Star Wars Adventures (Dark Horse) 4 The Will of Darth Vader 2010
Star Wars Omnibus 11 Shadows of the Empire 2010
Star Wars Omnibus 12 Boba Fett 2010
Star Wars Omnibus 13 A Long Time Ago..., Volume 1 2010
Star Wars Omnibus 14 A Long Time Ago..., Volume 2 2010
Star Wars Omnibus 15 Quinlan Vos: Jedi in Darkness 2010
Star Wars: Blood Ties 1 Jango and Boba Fett, Part 1 2010
Star Wars: Blood Ties 2 Jango and Boba Fett, Part 2 2010
Star Wars: Blood Ties 3 Jango and Boba Fett, Part 3 2010
Star Wars: Blood Ties 4 Jango and Boba Fett, Part 4 2010
Star Wars: Dark Empire Trilogy 1 Star Wars: Dark Empire Trilogy 2010
Star Wars: Dark Times 15 Blue Harvest, Part 3 2010
Star Wars: Dark Times 16 Blue Harvest, Part 4 2010
Star Wars: Dark Times 17 Blue Harvest, Part 5 2010
Star Wars: Dark Times INT 4 Blue Harvest 2010
Star Wars: Dark Times (Delcourt) 3 Blue Harvest 2010
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues 1 Part 1 2010
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues 2 Part 2 2010
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues 3 Part 3 2010
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues 4 Part 4 2010
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues 5 Part 5 2010
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues 6 Part 6 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 1 Broken, Part 1 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 44 Monster, Part 2 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 45 Monster, Part 3 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 46 Monster, Part 4 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 47 The Fate of Dac 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 48 Extremes, Part 1 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 49 Extremes, Part 2 2010
Star Wars: Legacy 50 Extremes, Part 3 2010
Star Wars: Legacy INT 8 Tatooine 2010
Star Wars: Legacy INT 9 Monster 2010
Star Wars: Legacy: War 1 War, Part 1 2010
Star Wars: Purge - The Hidden Blade 1 The Hidden Blade 2010
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 12 Hero of the Confederacy, Part 3 2010
Star Wars: The Clone Wars INT 2 In Service of the Republic 2010
Star Wars: The Clone Wars INT 3 Hero of the Confederacy 2010
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju 1 Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju 2010
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Colossus of Destiny 1 The Colossus of Destiny 2010
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II 2010
Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War INT 1 Aliens vs. Predator: Three World War 2011
The Immortal: Demon in the Blood 1 The Eternal Beast 2011
Star Wars Adventures (Dark Horse) 5 Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear 2011
Star Wars Adventures (Dark Horse) 6 Chewbacca and the Slavers of the Shadowlands 2011
Star Wars Omnibus 16 A Long Time Ago..., Volume 3 2011
Star Wars Omnibus 17 At War With the Empire, Volume 1 2011
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Iron Eclipse 1 Iron Eclipse, Part 1 2011
Star Wars: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost 1 Part 1 2011
Star Wars: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost 2 Part 2 2011
Star Wars: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost 3 Part 3 2011
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness 1 Out of the Wilderness, Part 1 2011
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness 2 Out of the Wilderness, Part 2 2011
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness 3 Out of the Wilderness, Part 3 2011
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command 1 Issue #1 2011
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command 2 Issue #2 2011
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command 3 Issue #3 2011
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command 4 Issue #4 2011
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command 5 Issue #5 2011
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command INT 1 Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command 2011
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues INT 2 Star War: Invasion: Rescues 2011
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations 1 Revelations, Part 1 2011
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations 2 Revelations, Part 2 2011
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations 3 Revelations, Part 3 2011
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations 4 Revelations, Part 4 2011
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations 5 Revelations, Part 5 2011
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side 1 Part 1 2011
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side 2 Part 2 2011
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side 3 Part 3 2011
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side 4 Part 4 2011
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side 5 Part 5 2011
Star Wars: Legacy INT 10 Extremes 2011
Star Wars: Legacy: War 2 War, Part 2 2011
Star Wars: Legacy: War 3 War, Part 3 2011
Star Wars: Legacy: War 4 War, Part 4 2011
Star Wars: Legacy: War 5 War, Part 5 2011
Star Wars: Legacy: War 6 War, Part 6 2011
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Strange Allies 1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Strange Allies 2011
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Starcrusher Trap 1 The Starcrusher Trap 2011
Free Comic Book Day 2012 Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64/Star Wars 1 Free Comic Book Day: Firefly Class 03-K64 2012
The Immortal: Demon in the Blood 2 The Promise 2012
The Immortal: Demon in the Blood 3 The Yokohama Ripper 2012
The Immortal: Demon in the Blood 4 The Yokohama Ripper 2012
Star Wars Omnibus 21 A Long Time Ago...., Volume 5 2012
Star Wars Omnibus 23 Droids and Ewoks 2012
Star Wars Omnibus 25 Clone Wars, Volume 2: The Enemy On All Sides 2012
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets 1 Hard Targets, Part 1 2012
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets 2 Hard Targets, Part 2 2012
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets 3 Hard Targets, Part 3 2012
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Iron Eclipse 2 Iron Eclipse, Part 2 2012
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Iron Eclipse 3 Iron Eclipse, Part 3 2012
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Iron Eclipse 4 Iron Eclipse, Part 4 2012
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Iron Eclipse 5 Iron Eclipse, Part 5 2012
Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is Dead 1 Boba Fett is Dead, Part 1 2012
Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is Dead 2 Boba Fett is Dead, Part 2 2012
Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is Dead 3 Boba Fett is Dead, Part 3 2012
Star Wars: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost 4 Part 4 2012
Star Wars: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost 5 Part 5 2012
Star Wars: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost 6 Part 6 2012
Star Wars: Dark Times (Delcourt) 4 Traversée du désert 2012
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness 4 Out of the Wilderness, Part 4 2012
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness 5 Out of the Wilderness, Part 5 2012
Star Wars: Dark Times - Out of the Wilderness INT 5 Out of the Wilderness 2012
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence 1 Death Sentence, Part 1 2012
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence 2 Death Sentence, Part 2 2012
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence 3 Death Sentence, Part 3 2012
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence 4 Death Sentence, Part 4 2012
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 1 Part 1 2012
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 2 Part 2 2012
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 3 Part 3 2012
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 4 Part 4 2012
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison 5 Part 5 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm 1 Force Storm, Part 1 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm 2 Force Storm, Part 2 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm 3 Force Storm, Part 3 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm 4 Force Storm, Part 4 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm 5 Force Storm, Part 5 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force Storm INT 1 Force Storm 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan 1 Prisoner of Bogan, Part 1 2012
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan 2 Prisoner of Bogan, Part 2 2012
Star Wars: Episode I INT 1 Star Wars: Episode I Adventures 2012
Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations INT 3 Star Wars: Invasion - Revelations 2012
Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side INT 1 The Dark Side 2012
Star Wars: Legacy: War INT 11 War 2012
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Enemy Within 1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Enemy Within 2012
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Sith Hunters 1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Sith Hunters 2012
Star Wars: The Crimson Empire Saga 1 Star Wars: Crimson Empire Saga 2012
Marshal Law: The Deluxe Edition 1 Marshal Law: The Deluxe Edition 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A1 In the Shadow of Yavin, Part 1 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A2 In the Shadow of Yavin, Part 2 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A3 In the Shadow of Yavin, Part 3 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A4 In the Shadow of Yavin, Part 4 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A5 Issue #5 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A6 Issue #6 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A7 Issue #7 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A8 Issue #8 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A9 Issue #9 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A10 Issue #10 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A11 Issue #11 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A12 Issue #12 2013
Star Wars (Dark Horse) INT A1 In the Shadow of Yavin 2013
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 1 Issue #1 2013
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 2 Issue #2 2013
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 3 Issue #3 2013
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 4 Issue #4 2013
Star Wars Omnibus 30 Wild Space, Volume 2 2013
Star Wars Omnibus 31 Dark Times, Volume 1 2013
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets 4 Hard Targets, Part 4 2013
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets 5 Hard Targets, Part 5 2013
Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett is Dead INT 1 Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times (Delcourt) 5 Feu sacré 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains 1 A Spark Remains, Part 1 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains 2 A Spark Remains, Part 2 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains 3 A Spark Remains, Part 3 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains 4 A Spark Remains, Part 4 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains 5 A Spark Remains, Part 5 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier 1 Fire Carrier, Part 1 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier 2 Fire Carrier, Part 2 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier 3 Fire Carrier, Part 3 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier 4 Fire Carrier, Part 4 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier 5 Fire Carrier, Part 5 2013
Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier INT 6 Star Wars: Dark Times - Fire Carrier 2013
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War 1 Force War, Part 1 2013
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War 2 Force War, Part 2 2013
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan 3 Prisoner of Bogan, Part 3 2013
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan 4 Prisoner of Bogan, Part 4 2013
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan 5 Prisoner of Bogan, Part 5 2013
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan INT 2 Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Prisoner of Bogan 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A1 Prisoner of the Floating World, Part 1 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A2 Prisoner of the Floating World, Part 2 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A3 Issue #3 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A4 Issue #4 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A5 Issue #5 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A6 Issue #6 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A7 Issue #7 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A8 Issue #8 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A9 Issue #9 2013
Star Wars: Legacy A10 Issue #10 2013
Star Wars: Legacy INT A1 Prisoner of the Floating World 2013
Star Wars: Legacy INT *2 Book 2 2013
Star Wars: Legacy INT *3 Book 3 2013
Atomic Legion 1 Atomic Legion 2014
Blackout 1 Into the Dark, Part 1 2014
Blackout 2 Into the Dark, Part 2 2014
Blackout 3 Into the Dark, Part 3 2014
Blackout 4 Into the Dark, Part 4 2014
Ghost (Dark Horse) C5 Issue #5 2014
Ghost (Dark Horse) C6 Issue #6 2014
Ghost (Dark Horse) C7 Issue #7 2014
Ghost (Dark Horse) C8 Issue #8 2014
Ghost (Dark Horse) C9 Issue #9 2014
Ghost (Dark Horse) C10 Issue #10 2014
Robocop Versus the Terminator INT 1 Robocop Versus the Terminator 2014
The Sakai Project 1 Artists Celebrate Thirty Years of Usagi Yojimbo 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A13 Five Days of Sith, Part 1 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A14 Five Days of Sith, Part 2 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A15 Issue #15 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A16 Issue #16 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A17 Issue #17 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A18 Issue #18 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A19 Issue #19 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) A20 Issue #20 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) INT A2 From the Ruins of Alderaan 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) INT A3 Rebel Girl 2014
Star Wars (Dark Horse) INT A4 A Shattered Hope 2014
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 0 Issue #0 2014
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 5 Issue #5 2014
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 6 Issue #6 2014
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 7 Issue #7 2014
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) 8 Issue #8 2014
The Star Wars (The George Lucas Draft) INT 1 The Star Wars 2014
Star Wars - L'empire écarlate (Delcourt) INT 1 Intégrale 2014
Star Wars Omnibus 32 Knights of the Old Republic, Volume 2 2014
Star Wars Omnibus 35 Dark Times, Volume 2 2014
Star Wars: Dark Times (Delcourt) 6 Une lueur d'espoir 2014
Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains INT 7 Star Wars: Dark Times - A Spark Remains 2014
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir (Dark Horse) 1 Issue #1 2014
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir (Dark Horse) 2 Issue #2 2014
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir (Dark Horse) 3 Issue #3 2014
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir (Dark Horse) 4 Issue #4 2014
Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir (Dark Horse) INT 1 Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir 2014
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War 3 Force War, Part 3 2014
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War 4 Force War, Part 4 2014
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi - Force War 5 Force War, Part 5 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A1 Prisoner of the Floating World, Part 1 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A11 Issue #11 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A12 Issue #12 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A13 Issue #13 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A14 Issue #14 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A15 Issue #15 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A16 Issue #16 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A17 Issue #17 2014
Star Wars: Legacy A18 Issue #18 2014
Star Wars: Legacy INT A2 Outcasts of the Broken Ring 2014
Star Wars: Legacy INT A3 Wanted: Ania Solo 2014
Star Wars: Legacy INT A4 Empire of One 2014
Star Wars: Rebel Heist 1 Rebel Heist, Part 1 2014
Star Wars: Rebel Heist 2 Rebel Heist, Part 2 2014
Star Wars: Rebel Heist 3 Rebel Heist, Part 3 2014
Star Wars: Rebel Heist 4 Rebel Heist, Part 4 2014
Barb Wire A1 Steel Harbor Blues, Part 1 2015
Barb Wire A2 Issue #2 2015
Barb Wire A3 Issue #3 2015
Barb Wire A4 Issue #4 2015
Barb Wire A5 Issue #5 2015
Barb Wire A6 Issue #6 2015
El corazon del imperio 1 El corazon del imperio 2015
Ghost (Dark Horse) C11 Issue #11 2015
Ghost (Dark Horse) C12 Issue #12 2015
Ghost (Dark Horse) INT C3 Against the Wilderness 2015
Ghost (Dark Horse) INT C4 A Death in the Family 2015
King Tiger 1 Issue #1 2015
King Tiger 2 Issue #2 2015
King Tiger 3 Issue #3 2015
King Tiger 4 Issue #4 2015
Shaper 1 Issue #1 2015
Shaper 2 Issue #2 2015
Shaper 3 Issue #3 2015
Shaper 4 Issue #4 2015
Shaper 5 Issue #5 2015
Shaper INT 1 Shaper 2015
Star Wars Legends: The Empire - Epic Collection 1 Volume 1 2015
Star Wars Legends: The Empire - Epic Collection 2 Volume 2 2015
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire - Hard Targets INT 2 Hard Targets 2015
Alien Vs. Predator: Life and Death 1 Issue #1 2016
Aliens: Life and Death 1 Issue #1 2016
Aliens: Life and Death 2 Issue #2 2016
Aliens: Life and Death 3 Issue #3 2016
Aliens: Life and Death 4 Issue #4 2016
Barb Wire A7 Issue #7 2016
Barb Wire A8 Issue #8 2016
Barb Wire INT A1 Steel Harbor Blues 2016
Barb Wire INT A2 Hotwired 2016
King Tiger INT 1 Son of the Dragon 2016
Lone Wolf 2100: Chase the Setting Sun 1 Chase the Setting Sun, Part 1 2016
Lone Wolf 2100: Chase the Setting Sun 2 Chase the Setting Sun, Part 2 2016
Lone Wolf 2100: Chase the Setting Sun 3 Chase the Setting Sun, Part 3 2016
Lone Wolf 2100: Chase the Setting Sun 4 Chase the Setting Sun, Part 4 2016
Predator: Life and Death 1 Issue #1 2016
Predator: Life and Death 2 Issue #2 2016
Predator: Life and Death 3 Issue #3 2016
Predator: Life and Death 4 Issue #4 2016
Predator: Life and Death INT 1 Predator: Life and Death 2016
Prometheus: Life and Death 1 Issue #1 2016
Prometheus: Life and Death 3 Issue #3 2016
Prometheus: Life and Death 4 Issue #4 2016
Star Wars - Icones 1 Han Solo 2016
Star Wars - Icones 2 Leia Organa 2016
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 24 Clone Wars - VI. Démonstration de force 2016
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 25 Episode III - La Revanche des Sith 2016
Star Wars Legends: Clone Wars - Epic Collection 1 Volume 1 2016
Star Wars Legends: Legacy - Epic Collection 1 Volume 1 2016
Star Wars Legends: The Rebellion - Epic Collection 1 Volume 1 2016
Alien Vs. Predator: Life and Death 2 Issue #2 2017
Alien Vs. Predator: Life and Death 3 Issue #3 2017
Alien Vs. Predator: Life and Death 4 Issue #4 2017
Alien Vs. Predator: Life and Death INT 1 Alien Vs. Predator: Life and Death 2017
Aliens: Life and Death INT 1 Aliens: Life and Death 2017
Giants 1 Issue #1 2017
Predator: Hunters 1 Issue #1 2017
Predator: Hunters 2 Issue #2 2017
Predator: Hunters 3 Issue #3 2017
Predator: Hunters 4 Issue #4 2017
Predator: Hunters 5 Issue #5 2017
Prometheus: Life and Death – Final Conflict 1 Prometheus: Life and Death – Final Conflict 2017
Star Wars - Icones 4 L'arnaque rebelle 2017
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 37 Clone Wars - IX. Le siège de Saleucami 2017
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 41 Clone Wars - X. Epilogue 2017
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 42 Dark Times - I. L'âge sombre 2017
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 50 Dark Times - II. Parallèles 2017
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 57 Dark Times - III. Blue Harvest 2017
Star Wars Legends: The Empire - Epic Collection 3 Volume 3 2017
Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic - Epic Collection 2 Volume 2 2017
Star Wars Legends: The Rebellion - Epic Collection 2 Volume 2 2017
Giants 2 Issue #2 2018
Giants 3 Issue #3 2018
Giants 4 Issue #4 2018
Giants 5 Issue #5 2018
Giants INT 1 Giants 2018
Predator: Hunters INT 1 Predator: Hunters 2018
Star Wars Classic (Delcourt) 8 Tome 8 2018
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 61 Dark times - IV. Traversée du désert 2018
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 65 Dark Times - V. Feu sacré 2018
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 69 Rébellion - I. Jusqu'au dernier 2018
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 70 Dark Times - VI. Une lueur d'espoir 2018
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 80 Rébellion - III. Du mauvais côté 2018
Star Wars Legends: Clone Wars - Epic Collection 2 Volume 2 2018
Star Wars Legends: Legacy - Epic Collection 2 Volume 2 2018
Aliens vs. Predator: The Essential Comics 1 Volume 1 2019
Star Wars légendes - La collection (Hachette) 91 L'empire Ecarlate - I. Trahison 2019
Star Wars Legends: Clone Wars - Epic Collection 3 Volume 3 2020
Star Wars Legends: Legacy - Epic Collection 3 Volume 3 2020
Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi - Epic Collection 1 Volume 1 2020
Star Wars Legends: The Empire - Epic Collection 6 Volume 6 2020
Star Wars Legends: The Rebellion - Epic Collection 4 Volume 4 2020
Hellboy: Weird Tales INT *1 Hellboy: Weird Tales 2022
Star Wars Legends: Legacy - Epic Collection 4 Volume 4 2022